Godless Americans

As many atheists say: Read the bible ... please ... cover to cover, they could always use more atheists.
I saw that and found it very sad. When we need to turn to God the most it seems our country is turning away. I'm curious as to what you atheists believe in. You believe we are born and die and that is it? Or do some of you feel there is something else and you just don't prescribe to any organized religion?

Not an athiest, I am an agnostic. I do not know if there is a Diety or not. And if there is a Diety, I cannot believe that any human has the intellectual capacity to understand that Dieties mind.

While religion can be a comfort, the criminal acts committed in the name of Religion are a sad chapter in the history of mankind.

I would technically be an agnostic in the sense that I don't claim to know with certainty whether there is a deity or not. I respect the agnostic position and deist position. I just find myself leaning toward atheism simply because I need evidence of mind-brain duality. The idea of an eternal existence of "self" like a soul, and the idea of conscious being outside of nature both, imo, require mind-brain duality to be a condition of our reality of things, but all the evidence I have ever seen points to the fact that the mind or self is always contained within a physical brain. Just my thoughts.

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