Gillum annihilated DeSantis in Florida's governor's debate.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.
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The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.

I heard otherwise, and here's a link to match yours.
The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.
Gillum got whooped...and I don't blame desantis for not answering the question about trump, how many parents want their kids to grow up to be successful businessmen or TVpersonality or president of the USA? never mind all three of those accomplishments! you have any idea how badly liberals despise that and attack it publicly on a daily basis? No one would want that for their kids.
The thread is based on my own opinion. I don't think you have to look too hard to find others of like mind.
The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.

I watched the whole thing. Both performed ok. I doubt either performance will change anyone’s minds.

Doesn’t seem like you watched it or you would actually have more specific insights.

From the other thread:

As a Floridian by birth and a current resident, this race will have an affect on my day to day life. I watched the entire debate.

CNN framed every question to put DeSantis on the defensive. I thought he did ok.

Gillum played the race card, of course.

Desantis seemed effective with his blasting of Gillum on the current crime rate in Tally, but it’s a shame that candidates can’t just plainly lay out their platforms and inform voters as to why they SHOULD vote for them...rather than why they shouldn’t vote for the other guy.

There is way too much of that going on in the country today and CNN helped stoke those fires tonight, as did both candidates.

Desantis’ rebuttle on the racist thing was weak, I thought. He should have blasted the shit out of Gillum for calling him a racist...Desantis was too kind.

Gillum did not do well with talking about the FBI investigation of his campaign treasurer and going to Hamilton and Costa Rica with an FBI CI.


Also, Gillum said Trump should be impeached and admitted to obstructing Justice was pretty weak.

We know you hate Trump, but to say he should be impeached before the investigation is even over shows how he would govern. (Not sure what that has to do with the Florida Governorship, but CNN brought up Trump)

Funny, Trump has a pretty nice home in Florida as I recall.
Gilum refuses to answer DeSantis on whether he will cooperate with law on immigration in CNN debate

Why don’t you break down the debate question by question analyze the specific answers? It’s because you didn’t watch it.
The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.
Yeah, and Hillary is assured to win the Presidency......
Gillum...…"I'm black. I was born black. I am black. I'll die black. I'm black. Um, did I mention that I'm black"?
The thread is based on my own opinion. I don't think you have to look too hard to find others of like mind.

What specific questions by Jake Tapper were you most impressed by Gillium’s answers?

Going to Costa Rica and to the play Hamilton with an undercover FBI agent wasn’t a good look for Gillum, was it?
I don't see any links.
That was the joke. The OP didn't post any links.


Gillum...…"I'm black. I was born black. I am black. I'll die black. I'm black. Um, did I mention that I'm black"?

He did this big time.

When Dimms don’t have accomplishments, they use the race card.

Funny that black REPUBLICANS don’t use against Dimms.
The debate was a sad spectacle for Ron Desantis. Andrew Gillum took Desantis apart. Desantis had to run from his positions, was destroyed on the red tide issue, and would not say whether Trump was a good role model for children.

I was actually surprised just how poorly Desantis performed.

It may be too early to say, but it looks increasingly like Gov. Gillum.

I watched the whole thing. Both performed ok. I doubt either performance will change anyone’s minds.

Doesn’t seem like you watched it or you would actually have more specific insights.

From the other thread:

As a Floridian by birth and a current resident, this race will have an affect on my day to day life. I watched the entire debate.

CNN framed every question to put DeSantis on the defensive. I thought he did ok.

Gillum played the race card, of course.

Desantis seemed effective with his blasting of Gillum on the current crime rate in Tally, but it’s a shame that candidates can’t just plainly lay out their platforms and inform voters as to why they SHOULD vote for them...rather than why they shouldn’t vote for the other guy.

There is way too much of that going on in the country today and CNN helped stoke those fires tonight, as did both candidates.

Desantis’ rebuttle on the racist thing was weak, I thought. He should have blasted the shit out of Gillum for calling him a racist...Desantis was too kind.

Gillum did not do well with talking about the FBI investigation of his campaign treasurer and going to Hamilton and Costa Rica with an FBI CI.


Also, Gillum said Trump should be impeached and admitted to obstructing Justice was pretty weak.

We know you hate Trump, but to say he should be impeached before the investigation is even over shows how he would govern. (Not sure what that has to do with the Florida Governorship, but CNN brought up Trump)

Funny, Trump has a pretty nice home in Florida as I recall.
Gilum refuses to answer DeSantis on whether he will cooperate with law on immigration in CNN debate

Why don’t you break down the debate question by question analyze the specific answers? It’s because you didn’t watch it.

Wrong. Gillum embarrassed Desantis when it came to the red tide issue, environmental issues, preexisting conditions and Trump. But beyond that was the optics. Desantis did not come across well at all. Gillum was relaxed and Desantis was nervous and appeared at times unsteady.

Gillum did a decent job of neutralizing the allegations against him. Given the level of corruption in Washington and the Trump administration a couple of Hamilton tickets does not seem a big deal. However, Desantis should have been more persistent.

Given that Desantis was a Harvard educated lawyer I would have expected his debating skills to have been better honed.

Optics matter.
For anyone who wants to deal in facts, here is the entire debate.

Oh! That damn Gillium is pushing the green energy BS. No go for him!

People haven't forgotten all the wasted crops from Obama doing it.

He is going to raise taxes and somehow force “green energy” on the state.

It’s pretty amazing to see what he plans on forcing on the state rather than letting the market move to renewalable energy.

He will not give criminal illegal aliens over to ICE. He supports abolishing ICE. He admitted these things.

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