Generation Z is 30% LGBTQ


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
America is doomed. This is one of many reasons why.


January 28, 2024

Gen Z is the LGBTQ+ generation, and itā€™s a very broken generation, too
By Andrea Widburg

According to a recent survey, almost 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+. This is what happens when the cultureā€”education, the media, and the entertainment worldā€”relentlessly promotes a belief system, even one that is antithetical to reality. Itā€™s probably not a coincidence that Zoomers also have a 20% absentee rate because of mental health needs.

The human mind needs to have belief systems. Without these systems, the chaos of the world around us is untenable and unnavigable. For two thousand years, the belief system in the West came from the Judeo-Christian Bible. Its values slowly but steadily led to the most productive and humane cultures in the history of the world.

The Bibleā€™s core belief, the one that underpins Western culture, is that there are two sexes and that they are complementary but different. This core belief, arrived at long before modern science, got it right. In human biology, there are also only two subsets of the human species: male and female.
America is doomed. This is one of many reasons why.


January 28, 2024

Gen Z is the LGBTQ+ generation, and itā€™s a very broken generation, too
By Andrea Widburg

According to a recent survey, almost 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+. This is what happens when the cultureā€”education, the media, and the entertainment worldā€”relentlessly promotes a belief system, even one that is antithetical to reality. Itā€™s probably not a coincidence that Zoomers also have a 20% absentee rate because of mental health needs.

The human mind needs to have belief systems. Without these systems, the chaos of the world around us is untenable and unnavigable. For two thousand years, the belief system in the West came from the Judeo-Christian Bible. Its values slowly but steadily led to the most productive and humane cultures in the history of the world.

The Bibleā€™s core belief, the one that underpins Western culture, is that there are two sexes and that they are complementary but different. This core belief, arrived at long before modern science, got it right. In human biology, there are also only two subsets of the human species: male and female.
China took the opposite approach and they have prevented the promoting of feminine men in their country.

Interesting dichotomy. Appears China is prepared for war down the line. Will we be?
Step 1: identify and remove the sick forkers from FED GOVT. Eliminate any and all special provisions carved out for them. Let them die off. Keep them (the cult) away from anyone under age 25. No more fudgepacking in Congress as a taunt to Taxpayers, its a start//
Step 1: identify and remove the sick forkers from FED GOVT. Eliminate any and all special provisions carved out for them. Let them die off. Keep them (the cult) away from anyone under age 25. No more fudgepacking in Congress as a taunt to Taxpayers, its a start//
Such reason and common sense as yours have no quarter in the Democrat Party. You're talking "homophobe" and "intolerant bigot" in their NewSpeak.
I read Orwell's book, 1984, in 1963 and it seemed bizarre to me then, as a naive high school student. Not so much any more.
Here is what we do. Require every kid to undergo a medical exam (for school or whatever). At some point for the males, a nude dude walks into the exam room with a shanker. The doctor commands ā€œsuck that dick!ā€ If the kid does anything other than wince and cringe at the command, he is out. Put his ass in conversion therapy.
A day in the life of a Liberal brainwashing in public school.

A."Listen kid, you are queer"
B. "I'm not queer."
A. "Sure you are and here are some pamplets so you can find out more about the surgery to make you the sex you want to be.
B. "I am only 12"
A. "That's fine we have cut them up early than that."

A. "Confess you are queer and we can get you the surgery for free!"
B. "But I am not queer."
A. "Just admit you are and we can label you LGBTQ
Wonder what the % would be if social had never been invented.

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