Fox news poll

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
I just got this from a friend and no, I'm not going to look for the actual poll because I really don't care. If anyone cares, they can do that .

Check out the NEW Fox News poll numbers:

Democrat 45% Republicans 44%

This is HUGE: Democratic enthusiasm has surged by 11 points in 2 weeks!

Dems, talk to your friends. Tell them to get off their butts. Get to the polls because if you don't vote, you will get exactly what you deserve.

Yep. Republicans are listening to the calm assurances of Carl Rove again. And they are going to pay...again..

While Rachael Maddow cuts up every weak scale they have. They sit mute on their hands hoping the numbers will magical stop backsliding by Tuesday. Maybe the most aggresive campaign should win? Conservativism is dying. And it's being killed by itself.
Yep. Republicans are listening to the calm assurances of Carl Rove again. And they are going to pay...again..

While Rachael Maddow cuts up every weak scale they have. They sit mute on their hands hoping the numbers will magical stop backsliding by Tuesday. Maybe the most aggresive campaign should win? Conservativism is dying. And it's being killed by itself.

I think you're right but as we've seen here ^^^, there is no end to the Party of Stupid.
Yep. Republicans are listening to the calm assurances of Carl Rove again. And they are going to pay...again..

While Rachael Maddow cuts up every weak scale they have. They sit mute on their hands hoping the numbers will magical stop backsliding by Tuesday. Maybe the most aggresive campaign should win? Conservativism is dying. And it's being killed by itself.
Didn't Karl Rove predict Romney by a landslide? Then run around the Fox News set on election night in denial? I loved that night seeing Megan Kelly have to choke out the words "President Obam has been re-elected"

Anyway...this won't be like that next Tuesday. Democrats are lazy slackers for mid terms.

The Republicans will take back the senate, and send Obama all kinds of foolishness to veto, and we'll see what happens November 2016

If they're as retarded as I think they are, they'll try all that over-reach wher they declare liberalism dead. Then lose the presidential election because of it
God help us all if republicans take the senate.
YOU don't need "God"... YOU'VE a Messiah as president and he even has said ........
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

My goodness ye of little faith in your MESSIAH!!!
Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 5.06.32 PM.png

And remember including YOU there are all these FAMOUS people that also believe in his Messiahship!

Is Barack Obama the Messiah

I would be so ashamed to be tied to this charlatan and more importantly to be so totally brainwashed as you people are.
God help us all if republicans take the senate.
YOU don't need "God"... YOU'VE a Messiah as president and he even has said ........
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

My goodness ye of little faith in your MESSIAH!!!
View attachment 33634

And remember including YOU there are all these FAMOUS people that also believe in his Messiahship!

Is Barack Obama the Messiah

I would be so ashamed to be tied to this charlatan and more importantly to be so totally brainwashed as you people are.
It's really only crazy RWs like you that make any connection between Obama and a messiah. You know that right?
God help us all if republicans take the senate.
YOU don't need "God"... YOU'VE a Messiah as president and he even has said ........
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

My goodness ye of little faith in your MESSIAH!!!
View attachment 33634

And remember including YOU there are all these FAMOUS people that also believe in his Messiahship!

Is Barack Obama the Messiah

I would be so ashamed to be tied to this charlatan and more importantly to be so totally brainwashed as you people are.
the only people that ever call obama "messiah" are right wing partisans that let talk radio do their thinking. i'll take association with obama over association with those sheeple any day.
if the Republicans play like history proves they have played, they're screwed. Snatching victory from the hands of defeat is their forte'.

Nothing they don't deserve either. The sweating RW's on this board should "possibly" develop a taste for crow. Most of them are half full of Old Crow anyway ... easy transition.
You mean snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but that's okay, I understand what you meant, though you are incapable of getting even such a simple concept across.
You mean snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but that's okay, I understand what you meant, though you are incapable of getting even such a simple concept across.

I got it across to you didn't I ?


good catch btw ... meantime, sweat baby sweat !
My comprehension abilities are superior to most, and I'm good at deciphering nonsense that is blabbed by people with organic brain disorders.

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