Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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What does this say about people who have sexual relations with people of the same gender?

Mortal sin
And what is a reprobate in the bible? A reject from God. If God rejects them, does He love them or hate them?

Good question, God loves all but in the Bible He hated the reprobate Easu[/QUOTE]

Bode and Ilk are going to Hell, The Bible is clear no carpet munching, no butt fucking.[/QUOTE]
There is no Hell....except for those who believe in it...then in your last moments on earth, your dying brain gets trapped in a hell loop of your choosing. Enjoy.
Actually a lie can be a mortal or venial sin, it depends on what the lie is.
Bearing false witness is pretty clear. We can discuss the difference Christ made with the OT, but haters like OffensivelyOpenMinded cherry-pick what they want to justify their hatred. You and I both know Christ's words trump all in the Bible, but OOM clearly disregards Christ's words in favor of Leviticus and his interpretation of Romans.

Leviticus is for the most part Old Covenant and Mosaic law, but there are different degrees of lying, some are mortal and some are venial.
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:
And...apparently he was privy to all that as a 5 year.
Actually a lie can be a mortal or venial sin, it depends on what the lie is.
Bearing false witness is pretty clear. We can discuss the difference Christ made with the OT, but haters like OffensivelyOpenMinded cherry-pick what they want to justify their hatred. You and I both know Christ's words trump all in the Bible, but OOM clearly disregards Christ's words in favor of Leviticus and his interpretation of Romans.

Leviticus is for the most part Old Covenant and Mosaic law, but there are different degrees of lying, some are mortal and some are venial.
Where does "whopper" fit in? Because offensivelyopenminded just got caught telling one.
"My parents were good parents to me"...that's why you couldn't tell them that your "lesbian" kindergarten teacher molested you and took your lunch! Awesome upbringing...and it shows.
I was embarrassed about it. Ashamed, like a lot of kids who have been molested. Sue me.
Sure...you knew enough at 5 years old that your teacher was a "lesbian". You knew enough to be ashamed....you were ashamed of having your lunch taken too?

Keep digging...this is a good tall tale.

You degenerates think that a 5 year-old can announce that it wants to Transgender.
Nope...try again....lololol

But you do, we've had this in threads about Transgenders, where young children want to Transgender and people have said how can they know this and the LGBT Crowd have said that even children as young as two are aware that they want to be male if female or female if male.
Oh...you have examples of my posts agreeing with that? Pull them up for us.
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:

Many male paedophiles have sexual situations also with adults.

Also many men who have been abused as children are as children made to feel it's their fault they were abused, also many are threatened by the abuser if they tell anyone.
I was embarrassed about it. Ashamed, like a lot of kids who have been molested. Sue me.
Sure...you knew enough at 5 years old that your teacher was a "lesbian". You knew enough to be ashamed....you were ashamed of having your lunch taken too?

Keep digging...this is a good tall tale.

You degenerates think that a 5 year-old can announce that it wants to Transgender.
Nope...try again....lololol

But you do, we've had this in threads about Transgenders, where young children want to Transgender and people have said how can they know this and the LGBT Crowd have said that even children as young as two are aware that they want to be male if female or female if male.
Oh...you have examples of my posts agreeing with that? Pull them up for us.

Do you have children?
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
You had a kindergarten teacher announce to you...perhaps as she was "molessting" you that she was a lesbian...that she had a wife? I call shenanigans.
I said nothing about a wife, I said girlfriend. She was a self proclaimed out in the open lesbian. Her girlfriend worked as a TA in the same school and they weren't quiet about their lesbian relationship. This wasn't in the bible belt, it was in the Seattle area, it has always been a gay-friendly area....so it wasn't a big deal to people in that area in the 1980's.
What does this say about people who have sexual relations with people of the same gender?

Mortal sin
And what is a reprobate in the bible? A reject from God. If God rejects them, does He love them or hate them?

Good question, God loves all but in the Bible He hated the reprobate Easu

Bode and Ilk are going to Hell, The Bible is clear no carpet munching, no butt fucking.[/QUOTE]
There is no Hell....except for those who believe in it...then in your last moments on earth, your dying brain gets trapped in a hell loop of your choosing. Enjoy.[/QUOTE]

You can't believe in the Bible and not believe in Hell. It's not possible. Luke 16: 19-31
What does this say about people who have sexual relations with people of the same gender?

Mortal sin
And what is a reprobate in the bible? A reject from God. If God rejects them, does He love them or hate them?

Good question, God loves all but in the Bible He hated the reprobate Easu

Bode and Ilk are going to Hell, The Bible is clear no carpet munching, no butt fucking.[/QUOTE]
God DID love them, but they rejected God and in turn, God rejected them....he does not love them anymore. He hates them.[/QUOTE]

They can save themselves if they repent of their Mortal Sin.
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:

Many male paedophiles have sexual situations also with adults.

Also many men who have been abused as children are as children made to feel it's their fault they were abused, also many are threatened by the abuser if they tell anyone.
You haven't been following this, so I'll give you a mulligan. Offensivelyopenminded made the whole thing up as part of his pathological rage against gay people.
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:

Many male paedophiles have sexual situations also with adults.

Also many men who have been abused as children are as children made to feel it's their fault they were abused, also many are threatened by the abuser if they tell anyone.
Did you just call OffensivelyOpenMinded what I think you did? :ack-1:
Sure...you knew enough at 5 years old that your teacher was a "lesbian". You knew enough to be ashamed....you were ashamed of having your lunch taken too?

Keep digging...this is a good tall tale.

You degenerates think that a 5 year-old can announce that it wants to Transgender.
Nope...try again....lololol

But you do, we've had this in threads about Transgenders, where young children want to Transgender and people have said how can they know this and the LGBT Crowd have said that even children as young as two are aware that they want to be male if female or female if male.
Oh...you have examples of my posts agreeing with that? Pull them up for us.

Do you have children?
Yes I do...do you have children?
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:

Many male paedophiles have sexual situations also with adults.

Also many men who have been abused as children are as children made to feel it's their fault they were abused, also many are threatened by the abuser if they tell anyone.
You haven't been following this, so I'll give you a mulligan. Offensivelyopenminded made the whole thing up as part of his pathological rage against gay people.
Lucy knows I'm right about God hating fags, don't you Lucy?
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
You had a kindergarten teacher announce to you...perhaps as she was "molessting" you that she was a lesbian...that she had a wife? I call shenanigans.
I said nothing about a wife, I said girlfriend. She was a self proclaimed out in the open lesbian. Her girlfriend worked as a TA in the same school and they weren't quiet about their lesbian relationship. This wasn't in the bible belt, it was in the Seattle area, it has always been a gay-friendly area....so it wasn't a big deal to people in that area in the 1980's.
My my...so observant for a 5 year old...yet not enough to tell any adult about all that was allegedly happening to you and others. Just think if we had a name to research......
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
So her sexuality ranges from adult women to 5 year old boys?

This just keeps getting better! :dig:

Many male paedophiles have sexual situations also with adults.

Also many men who have been abused as children are as children made to feel it's their fault they were abused, also many are threatened by the abuser if they tell anyone.
You haven't been following this, so I'll give you a mulligan. Offensivelyopenminded made the whole thing up as part of his pathological rage against gay people.

I came in here at page 20, yes I haven't read all the other posts, what I came in at was the serious issue of child molestation and that why didn't OOM tell his parents, so I said that many children are threatened if they tell anyone, also they're made to feel that in some way they've caused the abuse.

So many teenagers and adults each year commit suicide as a result of sexual abuse in childhood, also many more struggle with substance abuse problems, it's a disturbing and serious issue.
What does this say about people who have sexual relations with people of the same gender?

Mortal sin
And what is a reprobate in the bible? A reject from God. If God rejects them, does He love them or hate them?

Good question, God loves all but in the Bible He hated the reprobate Easu

Bode and Ilk are going to Hell, The Bible is clear no carpet munching, no butt fucking.
God DID love them, but they rejected God and in turn, God rejected them....he does not love them anymore. He hates them.[/QUOTE]

They can save themselves if they repent of their Mortal Sin.[/QUOTE]
How is that the case when they had to reject God first before becoming a homo?
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
You had a kindergarten teacher announce to you...perhaps as she was "molessting" you that she was a lesbian...that she had a wife? I call shenanigans.
I said nothing about a wife, I said girlfriend. She was a self proclaimed out in the open lesbian. Her girlfriend worked as a TA in the same school and they weren't quiet about their lesbian relationship. This wasn't in the bible belt, it was in the Seattle area, it has always been a gay-friendly area....so it wasn't a big deal to people in that area in the 1980's.
My my...so observant for a 5 year old...yet not enough to tell any adult about all that was allegedly happening to you and others. Just think if we had a name to research......
You are getting some kind of sick pleasure out of me telling this story, aren't you? Why do you care? Oh yeah, because it involves one of your filthbag lesbo sisters.
What does this say about people who have sexual relations with people of the same gender?

Mortal sin
And what is a reprobate in the bible? A reject from God. If God rejects them, does He love them or hate them?

Good question, God loves all but in the Bible He hated the reprobate Easu

Bode and Ilk are going to Hell, The Bible is clear no carpet munching, no butt fucking.
God DID love them, but they rejected God and in turn, God rejected them....he does not love them anymore. He hates them.

They can save themselves if they repent of their Mortal Sin.[/QUOTE]
How is that the case when they had to reject God first before becoming a homo?[/QUOTE]
Which god again?
Let's review the whelp's lie:

She was a self-proclaimed lesbian, had a girlfriend and everything. Obviously you'd classify her as bisexual knowing what she did....she also molested several other boys. And not only did she molest me, she locked me in closets during recess periods, stole my lunch and threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. I never did tell my parents until I was 14 years old.

So this was a lesbian with a girlfriend who molested boys, (!) many of them, and locked him in closets, stole his lunch, threatened him. And she was finally caught, which put her in the news for us to find, but whelp-boy doesn't want to tell us who she is.

Because she doesn't exist.

And none of that actually happened. It's a bunch of bullshit whelp-boy made up to justify his irrational hatred of gay people.

How pathetic!
I cannot help but wonder how a "lesbian" molest boys...by making them fingerpaint?
Well you see, Snail-Trail....as I stated, she was a self-professed lesbian with a girlfriend, obviously she was bisexual, which is why I said self-professed. Are you retarded? Yes, yes...you are.
You had a kindergarten teacher announce to you...perhaps as she was "molessting" you that she was a lesbian...that she had a wife? I call shenanigans.
I said nothing about a wife, I said girlfriend. She was a self proclaimed out in the open lesbian. Her girlfriend worked as a TA in the same school and they weren't quiet about their lesbian relationship. This wasn't in the bible belt, it was in the Seattle area, it has always been a gay-friendly area....so it wasn't a big deal to people in that area in the 1980's.
My my...so observant for a 5 year old...yet not enough to tell any adult about all that was allegedly happening to you and others. Just think if we had a name to research......
And that was the trap I set for him.
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