Florida Church in Standoff Over Koran Burning

I wonder what these people would say if a mosque was burning Bibles.

If they were to say, "Go ahead. We have no problem with it," then I would say the same thing to them.

It would probably be less of an issue due to the fact that most of Christianity does not hold the physical form of the bible to be sacred, it is the content that is.

Islam and Judaism on the other hand, hold the physical text of their scripture to be sacred. This is why you see the torah stored in a specific way in synogogues, as well as a much more limited circulation of Koran's as opposed to bibles.

This is why you also have much more issues when a random string of symobols on say a sneaker, or some clothing match the saying of koranic scripture. Again it is not only the content but the text itself that his holy.

In short people burning a Koran is much much much worse from a perception point of view than a person burning a bible.

riiiiiight... remind me what happened to the artwork called Pissed Christ, again?

I am glad no one holds a grudge. that was what 25-30 years ago?

Remember the Maine!
Harry Reid must also be a Fascist:

“As such, I am opposed to the construction of the Cordoba Centre at the currently-proposed location and urge all parties to work with local community leaders to find a more appropriate site."
It would probably be less of an issue due to the fact that most of Christianity does not hold the physical form of the bible to be sacred, it is the content that is.

Islam and Judaism on the other hand, hold the physical text of their scripture to be sacred. This is why you see the torah stored in a specific way in synogogues, as well as a much more limited circulation of Koran's as opposed to bibles.

This is why you also have much more issues when a random string of symobols on say a sneaker, or some clothing match the saying of koranic scripture. Again it is not only the content but the text itself that his holy.

In short people burning a Koran is much much much worse from a perception point of view than a person burning a bible.

riiiiiight... remind me what happened to the artwork called Pissed Christ, again?

I am glad no one holds a grudge. that was what 25-30 years ago?

Remember the Maine!

LOL...I wonder how many folks will get that.

U.S. History rep on the way.
They're free to do what they want, but I disapprove of burning books in general. I wouldn't even burn a copy of Twilight unless it was necessary for survival.
What horseshit. Burn a few bibles and see how folks react.

I applaud the Gainesville City Council's sentiment, but they are wrong. I'm sure there's a safe way to burn books on the church property and this vile, hateful protest should be allowed to go forward.

The Dovey-Loveys should call the ACLU.

I agree....but I bet the Gainesvill City Council is not too fond of their town being in the news about this....not exactly good for your town when they are known for their hateful wack jobs.

The town might at least be able to get a defamation lawsuit out of this huh! :lol::lol:
i am glad no one holds a grudge. That was what 25-30 years ago?

Remember the maine!

lol...i wonder how many folks will get that.

U.s. History rep on the way.

interestingly enough based on recent evidence it appears that perhaps the maine blew up on it's own?

psssshhhht!!!! And nazi's weren't being abused in czecho-slovakia! Give me a break!!!!!!! Fuck the spanish and their flamenco dancing!!!!
I wonder what these people would say if a mosque was burning Bibles.

If they were to say, "Go ahead. We have no problem with it," then I would say the same thing to them.

If they're their Bibles, they can do anything they want with them, including burning them, though I would advise them NOT to do it on 9/11.
Damn, another Fascist...these sombitches are coming out of the woodwork:

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that some members of his party are "demonizing" opponents of the Lower Manhattan mosque.

Dean — who surprised many political observers this week by saying that the planners should move the location of the planned Islamic center — targeted Democrats and Republicans in an interview with MSNBC.​

I just heard this nutjob, Terry Jones, interviewed.

FOXNews.com - Fla. City, Church in Standoff Over 9/11 Koran Burning

GAINESVILLE, FLA – A Florida church that was denied a permit for its controversial plan to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11 says the book burning will continue anyway.

The Dove World Outreach Center drew international attention after announcing its plan to burn copies of the Islamic holy text on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. <more>

What happened to that whole private property argument for the Ground Zero Mosque...right out the window when it's Christians.


Even private property is subject to zoning and local ordinances.

Deputy Chief Tim Hayes, who serves as the department's fire marshal, said he and an investigator went to the church's 20-acre property on Northwest 37th Street earlier this month to determine what the burn would entail.

Under the fire ordinances the City Commission adopted last year, bonfires aren't allowed without a permit, Hayes said.

Under Section 10-63, "Open burning and outdoor burning are prohibited in the City of Gainesville unless otherwise specifically permitted as provided by this article."

Gene Prince, interim chief of Gainesville Fire Rescue, said Wednesday that under the city's fire prevention ordinance, an open burning of books is not allowed.
The section goes on to prohibit burning newspaper, corrugated cardboard, container board or office paper, which are akin to books, Prince said.

Hayes said the denial had nothing to do with the church's intent.

Fox News left this out it's article :eusa_eh:

What city ordinances is the Cordoba House violating?
What city ordinances is the Cordoba House violating?

As far as I know, none.

But just because something is LEGAL, doesn't make it right.

Just as a recent example in the news, it is now legal to lie about receiving a Medal of Honor, as the "Stolen Valor Act" was deemed an unconstitutional restriction of the first amendment right to free speech.

Appeals court: Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional - Yahoo! News

So it's legal...and Constitutionally protected...does that make it right?

If you didn't get to it...here is my explanation of my position.

I wonder what these people would say if a mosque was burning Bibles.

If they were to say, "Go ahead. We have no problem with it," then I would say the same thing to them.

It would probably be less of an issue due to the fact that most of Christianity does not hold the physical form of the bible to be sacred, it is the content that is.

Islam and Judaism on the other hand, hold the physical text of their scripture to be sacred. This is why you see the torah stored in a specific way in synogogues, as well as a much more limited circulation of Koran's as opposed to bibles.

This is why you also have much more issues when a random string of symobols on say a sneaker, or some clothing match the saying of koranic scripture. Again it is not only the content but the text itself that his holy.

In short people burning a Koran is much much much worse from a perception point of view than a person burning a bible.

riiiiiight... remind me what happened to the artwork called Pissed Christ, again?

That would be more comparable to the Mohammed cartoons debacle. Graven images of Christ are much more blasphemous than doing bad things to a bible. And while Mr Serrano recieved death threats, and the artwork was attacked by some nutballs, the reaction pales in comparison to that of the Mohammed artwork.
What a bunch of constitutional law scholars on this thread. Jesus H. Christ, Missourian, you think you'll leave us any rights at all when you get done trimming away those that belong to groups who offend you?

"Just because it is legal doesn't make it right."


It makes it LEGAL. Meaning, you cannot prevent it. Bitch about it, yes. Prevent it, no. In a free society, we all get hit with a hot stick in the eye occassionally.

Grow the fuck up.
LOL...I wonder how many folks will get that.

U.S. History rep on the way.

Interestingly enough based on recent evidence it appears that perhaps the Maine blew up on it's own?

I remember reading in H.S. that there was speculation as to that being the case.

They have figured out a plausible scenario on how it COULD have blown up on its own due to a smouldering coal fire in its bunkers, but they havent been able to rule out someong placing a mine real close to it and making it go boom as a viable alternative.
What a bunch of constitutional law scholars on this thread. Jesus H. Christ, Missourian, you think you'll leave us any rights at all when you get done trimming away those that belong to groups who offend you?

"Just because it is legal doesn't make it right."


It makes it LEGAL. Meaning, you cannot prevent it. Bitch about it, yes. Prevent it, no. In a free society, we all get hit with a hot stick in the eye occassionally.

Grow the fuck up.

Isn't bitching about it what he is doing in this thread? Maybe I missed it but I do not see him saying the law should step in.

And remember the constitution only really bans the GOVERNMENT from doing things. The only two things it bans PEOPLE from doing is owning slaves, and trying to bring booze into a dry state/county.

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