

Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
The only tv series that ever made me give a shit about a tv series...
I like the series. I only discovered it after it was gone though.

Sadly, I was there in the beginning. Discovered it accidentally on the night of its premiere. I'd given up on TV at that point, and Firefly made me reconsider the possibilities of the medium. But they turned out to be impossibilities after all. It was too good to survive.
Firefly / Serenity were good but they suffered from plausibility problems e.g. a single solar system with a whole bunch of habitable Earth-like planets in a concentric orbital arrangement; the term galaxy being used to describe a solar system etc.
Firefly / Serenity were good but they suffered from plausibility problems e.g. a single solar system with a whole bunch of habitable Earth-like planets in a concentric orbital arrangement; the term galaxy being used to describe a solar system etc.

Yeah. He was trying to avoid the whole FTL schtick. Didn't make a lot sense from an astrophysics standpoint.

But that never bothered me much because it was so much more plausible than other Sci-Fi (especially TV sci-fi) regarding the characters and stories. That's what appealed to me anyway. It was a bout real people facing 'real' (if not entirely scientifically accurate) challenges. One of the things I get tired of with most sci-fi is that the characters are almost always the center of some epic quest to save the universe from ultimate evil or somesuch. Firefly was about relatively ordinary people struggling to get by.

I do have to give technical nods for little bits of realism that did add to the feel of the stories (no sound in space, no FTL, the way fire on board the ship was dealt with). Not sure those bits were entirely scientifically correct either, but they gave the eps a more personal, you-are-there feel.
Firefly / Serenity were good but they suffered from plausibility problems e.g. a single solar system with a whole bunch of habitable Earth-like planets in a concentric orbital arrangement; the term galaxy being used to describe a solar system etc.

Strangely enough, most of the planets were actually moons of a single planet in the habitable zone, nothing that is impossible under the understanding of solar systems at the time. It is even less likely to be a problem now that we have discovered that gas giants and giant rocky planets can actually exist in the habitable zone of their planets.
Firefly / Serenity were good but they suffered from plausibility problems e.g. a single solar system with a whole bunch of habitable Earth-like planets in a concentric orbital arrangement; the term galaxy being used to describe a solar system etc.

Strangely enough, most of the planets were actually moons of a single planet in the habitable zone, nothing that is impossible under the understanding of solar systems at the time. It is even less likely to be a problem now that we have discovered that gas giants and giant rocky planets can actually exist in the habitable zone of their planets.

I’m sure there was a diagram shown early in Serenity which shows them as planets in a solar system with orbits as concentric circles around the sun. Am I mistaken?
Firefly / Serenity were good but they suffered from plausibility problems e.g. a single solar system with a whole bunch of habitable Earth-like planets in a concentric orbital arrangement; the term galaxy being used to describe a solar system etc.

Strangely enough, most of the planets were actually moons of a single planet in the habitable zone, nothing that is impossible under the understanding of solar systems at the time. It is even less likely to be a problem now that we have discovered that gas giants and giant rocky planets can actually exist in the habitable zone of their planets.

I’m sure there was a diagram shown early in Serenity which shows them as planets in a solar system with orbits as concentric circles around the sun. Am I mistaken?

This diagram?


You tell me.
Fireflies have been observed glowing in the night belong to the order Coleoptera. Lampyridae is the family of insects particularly beetles commonly known as fireflies or light bugs because their bioluminescent property to attract mates as well as prey. Fireflies are known to produce cold light as it lacks any infrared or ultraviolet frequency. The light produced by them may be pale yellow, green or red and is produced from the lower abdominal region with the wavelength range of 510-670 nanometers. They are known to colonize temperate and tropical region and around 2,000 species are known at present. They are known to live in marshes or wet areas as the larvae get plenty of food in these environments. Larvae are also known to emit light and are known as glow worms particularly in Eurasia.

did you just copy paste that from Wikipedia? did you happen to notice the topic being discussed by the other posters in the thread op especially? are you aware of the television series titled Firefly? or similarly the movie that was titled Serenity?

my favorite movie of all time, watched it more times then i could count,

unfortunately i have not seen any of the tv series yet, is it very similar? what are some of the biggest differences?
unfortunately i have not seen any of the tv series yet, is it very similar? what are some of the biggest differences?


Some of us like the series even better. It's more focused on the character development, and less 'action-adventure' - though there's still plenty of that. The stories are more mundane, focusing on the day-to-day challenges of a tramp freighter crew. More 'struggling to get by' and somewhat less 'saving the galaxy from epic evil'.

It's great stuff. I highly recommend you watch. :)
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Fireflies have been observed glowing in the night belong to the order Coleoptera. Lampyridae is the family of insects particularly beetles commonly known as fireflies or light bugs because their bioluminescent property to attract mates as well as prey. Fireflies are known to produce cold light as it lacks any infrared or ultraviolet frequency. The light produced by them may be pale yellow, green or red and is produced from the lower abdominal region with the wavelength range of 510-670 nanometers. They are known to colonize temperate and tropical region and around 2,000 species are known at present. They are known to live in marshes or wet areas as the larvae get plenty of food in these environments. Larvae are also known to emit light and are known as glow worms particularly in Eurasia.

did you just copy paste that from Wikipedia? did you happen to notice the topic being discussed by the other posters in the thread op especially? are you aware of the television series titled Firefly? or similarly the movie that was titled Serenity?

my favorite movie of all time, watched it more times then i could count,

unfortunately i have not seen any of the tv series yet, is it very similar? what are some of the biggest differences?

None of the main characters die.

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