Figuring out who's responsible for these missing Children found in Ohio through human trafficking


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This last week they found 45 more missing children in Ohio, and over 100 other human trafficking survivors.
The operation called “Autumn Hope” was in addition to Last month, “Operation Safety Net” which resulted in authorities locating 35 missing children in Ohio, some who were tied to human trafficking.
So the first thing I could think to ask was, who's in Ohio operating this central station of human trafficking operation, was it the mob?
Nah not their style.
So then I researched the more likely suspects:
Mexican drug cartels who have been turning the state into a hub for marijuana growth and pot, heroin, cocaine and meth distribution.

The cartels are all over Ohio:

There is only 1 candidate with the brass round thingies, going after & fighting the cartels and drug and human trafficking through our borders, while the other confused candidate and his party seek to support the cartels and gangs to bring these things in full force like never before.
In fact, it makes you wonder who John Kasich is compromised by for allowing this problem in his state (during his Governorship), while fighting against his own party's commitment to stopping these activities, including his opposition to the President who is cleaning up his State's illegal activities from outside influences.
Now Biden isn't interested in our Human trafficking, he's outsourced that to China by bringing his son to China (on our tax payers dime) to get him some there. So when you kiss your child goodbye to go to the polls, remember that you are voting either for or against the rights and protections of someone's precious bundle of joy.
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I was mildly surprised that only 30% of the children being ferried to El Norte were a genetic match to their "parents" I thought the number would be closer to 50%. Nevertheless, there are people in Mexico and the USA using these children as currency to pay their way into the USA and that needs to end with 18th Century US style justice.
I am curious how they get these children in are they coming through the Mexican border which is a very long route overland by car, bus or truck Or even airplane or are they coming in via container traffic from the Great Lakes which is a shorter route Leaving less chance of catching them in the act.... One thing for sure it is a very heinous Crime but most of these families are probably in dire straits and unfortunately have no choice in their minds on how to get out of their dilemna...Itis really disturbing non the less...
I was mildly surprised that only 30% of the children being ferried to El Norte were not a genetic match to their "parents" I thought the number would be closer to 50%. Nevertheless, there are people in Mexico and the USA using these children as currency to pay their way into the USA and that needs to end with 18th Century US style justice.
I was mildly surprised that only 30% of the children being ferried to El Norte were a genetic match to their "parents" I thought the number would be closer to 50%. Nevertheless, there are people in Mexico and the USA using these children as currency to pay their way into the USA and that needs to end with 18th Century US style justice.

I mean that 30% are NOT a match to the "parents"
I am curious how they get these children in are they coming through the Mexican border which is a very long route overland by car, bus or truck Or even airplane or are they coming in via container traffic from the Great Lakes which is a shorter route Leaving less chance of catching them in the act.... One thing for sure it is a very heinous Crime but most of these families are probably in dire straits and unfortunately have no choice in their minds on how to get out of their dilemna...Itis really disturbing non the less...
I'm guessing most of these are from our country.
The gangs are involved in trafficking in their country, then involved across borders to help get in. While in this country, they stick to what they know, drugs and sex trafficking, which often go hand in hand, because the hooked on drugs finance their drugs through selling themselves (often run aways, some kicked out of their houses), the gangs thus exploit that.
This last week they found 45 more missing children in Ohio, and over 100 other human trafficking survivors.
The operation called “Autumn Hope” was in addition to Last month, “Operation Safety Net” which resulted in authorities locating 35 missing children in Ohio, some who were tied to human trafficking.
So the first thing I could think to ask was, who's in Ohio operating this central station of human trafficking operation, was it the mob?
Nah not their style.
So then I researched the more likely suspects:
Mexican drug cartels who have been turning the state into a hub for marijuana growth and pot, heroin, cocaine and meth distribution.

The cartels are all over Ohio:

There is only 1 candidate with the brass round thingies, going after & fighting the cartels and drug and human trafficking through our borders, while the other confused candidate and his party seek to support the cartels and gangs to bring these things in full force like never before.
In fact, it makes you wonder who John Kasich is compromised by for allowing this problem in his state (during his Governorship), while fighting against his own party's commitment to stopping these activities, including his opposition to the President who is cleaning up his State's illegal activities from outside influences.
Now Biden isn't interested in our Human trafficking, he's outsourced that to China by bringing his son to China (on our tax payers dime) to get him some there. So when you kiss your child goodbye to go to the polls, remember that you are voting either for or against the rights and protections of someone's precious bundle of joy.
Liberals through joe biden and his open door policy are to blame
This last week they found 45 more missing children in Ohio, and over 100 other human trafficking survivors.
The operation called “Autumn Hope” was in addition to Last month, “Operation Safety Net” which resulted in authorities locating 35 missing children in Ohio, some who were tied to human trafficking.
So the first thing I could think to ask was, who's in Ohio operating this central station of human trafficking operation, was it the mob?
Nah not their style.
So then I researched the more likely suspects:
Mexican drug cartels who have been turning the state into a hub for marijuana growth and pot, heroin, cocaine and meth distribution.

The cartels are all over Ohio:

There is only 1 candidate with the brass round thingies, going after & fighting the cartels and drug and human trafficking through our borders, while the other confused candidate and his party seek to support the cartels and gangs to bring these things in full force like never before.
In fact, it makes you wonder who John Kasich is compromised by for allowing this problem in his state (during his Governorship), while fighting against his own party's commitment to stopping these activities, including his opposition to the President who is cleaning up his State's illegal activities from outside influences.
Now Biden isn't interested in our Human trafficking, he's outsourced that to China by bringing his son to China (on our tax payers dime) to get him some there. So when you kiss your child goodbye to go to the polls, remember that you are voting either for or against the rights and protections of someone's precious bundle of joy.
F. J. B. And you election stealing democrats have been complicit in keeping your party leaders well stocked with underage victims . Bunch of sickos...

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