Emperor Google has No Clothes


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The memorandum quoted in the linked article contains nothing but truth and eminently supportable opinion, but alas, the writer has been sacked (as we all know).

This is one of the latest and most obvious examples of the folly of "Political Correctness." "We" are unable, as a society, to accept the reality of the differences between the sexes when it comes to mathematical and quantitative ability. Indeed, even the sages at ETS have taken to making the Math SAT more verbal in nature, in order to soften the blow of males outperforming females by a statistically dominant margin for as long as the data have existed. Of course, it hasn't worked. Males still kick ass on the Math SAT.

The Bell Curve don't lie. Males average higher scores in Math and science on virtually any and every test where broad-based testing is administered. This fact persists even though females take more science and math courses in high schools, are over-represented in AP math and science courses in high schools. But like the white high school all-star basketball player who rides the bench in college, the more intense the competition becomes, the fewer females make the grade, and the more male-dominated the strata become.

Another less well known phenomenon of the Bell Curve with respect to IQ's is that the male bell curve is WIDER than the female bell curve, which manifests itself in two poignant facts: there are more male idiots than female, and there are more male geniuses than female. Indeed, the population of people with IQ's over 145 is 95% male. Hence, in areas where superior intelligence is mandatory and selections are made quantitatively, males absolutely dominate. Consider Chess Grand Masters, Actuaries, theoretical physicists, architects...the list goes on and on. When only the brightest at math and science rise to the top, that stratum is inevitably a "Men's Club."

Google is one of the most desirable employers in THE WORLD. They pay well, provide princely benefits, and have a work environment that is "to die for." Accordingly, they get MILLIONS of applications for employment. Further, much of the work that they do is extremely technical and intellectually demanding, and they are thus fully justified in seeking out the "best and the brightest" from among those millions. It is no wonder that their technical workforce is dominated by males. It would be stunning if this were not the case.

Perversely, this organization with clear Leftist leanings, places great emphasis on "Diversity," which is the ENEMY OF THE QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE!. Either you seek out the BEST, or you seek a "diverse" workforce; you cannot have both. When the demands of the jobs are quantitative and technical, the quest for Diversity is a figurative cancer.

A good employee is fired for speaking the truth to his co-workers. It is truly a shame. Surely he will be picked up someplace else, but still, Google is managed by gutless pussies.

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