Election day will show once and for all, white people rule or we all rule

The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?
I dont think whites will vote for progress to be honest. There is a reason they were the only racial demographic that did not ever get over 39% in support of Obama.
Sadly Ace, I feel those exact sentiments. This white rule wave Trump has given to his peeps, I don't see any of them wanting to give that shit up, even the liberal ones. The brown wave of majority is coming to this country sooner than most realize and what better way to capture yesterday and hang on to the privilege card, than vote red once again. I'm not hating on white people, but I honestly don't trust a nar one of em and that's my truth.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

It's called Valium and your doctor can prescribe it.
Taz, after 2mar, I suggest you visit your doctor also.
No, it's not convenient, nor is it really relevant.

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.

That's my point and how your violence and racism came up in conversation is not important to that fact.

Is that why you think people should be armed 24-7? Did that big bad black man on the internet scare you?

I do worry about him being a threat to smaller or older white people around him.

And yes, threats of violence are one of the primary reasons for my support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? It was a form of ridicule as though being afraid of a self admitted violent thug is something to be ashamed of.

Well, it's not. He's admitted to being willing to commit violence basically at random times for no real reason.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

Only a dishonest asshole would claim otherwise.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, you vile piece of shit.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
Is that why you think people should be armed 24-7? Did that big bad black man on the internet scare you?

I do worry about him being a threat to smaller or older white people around him.

And yes, threats of violence are one of the primary reasons for my support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? It was a form of ridicule as though being afraid of a self admitted violent thug is something to be ashamed of.

Well, it's not. He's admitted to being willing to commit violence basically at random times for no real reason.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

Only a dishonest asshole would claim otherwise.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, you vile piece of shit.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

KKK revival is a media invention. Couple rallies doesnt mean a thing, they are less than a percentage of the population unless you just want to call everyone you don't agree with KKK.
Infrastructure? you mean like a Democrat Governor and legislature in Jerry Brown who made sure California has dams falling apart and refused to build new ones? And an Obama President who gave us here in California a very, very very expensive High speed rail system... that wont actually be a high speed rail system and take decades to build? because its too late to turn back now even though its a failure?

Granted, the Republicans are not really that much better when it comes to getting things done because of the way Bills in Congress work out..... but please, dont pretend Democrats got the magic elixir to anything. Obama had a huge stimulus package of fresh printed money and very little of that went to build anything. It mostly just created a lot of government jobs.

And, I'd rather get oil here in the US in any way possible if it means we can buy less Saudi Oil. If it makes the US an oil exporter instead, that is a good thing. That would have been an impossibility with a Clinton in office.
KKK is not a figment of our imagination nor its it some marginalized Black Panther myth, its real and with or without the cross burnings and white hoods, every single person that shows up at a Trump rally is a KKK reminder. Fact, that stimulus package was a GW Bush jr. deal, Obama just signed the legislation into law after the dems tweeked it with more funds...keep in mind the country was on the edge of collaps thanks to greedy whites and jews. Obama did in fact have the magis elixir to fix this country's ills. TPP would have been a great start, retraining coal miners and people displaced after NAFTA's impact, something Van Johnson was to spear head, until you white fucks had a meltdown over it. Obama wanted us off of sand nigga oil period, once again rednecks opted in for it. This list is endless and you sir are too ignorant to appreciate facts.
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The day I gun down Jews, the day I run down an innocent protester, the day I send bombs to liberals, gun down blacks at a super market, shoot blacks in a church and on and on and on, I'll own that racist title, until then, I'm just someone reporting the news, that you white mf's make
I do worry about him being a threat to smaller or older white people around him.

And yes, threats of violence are one of the primary reasons for my support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? It was a form of ridicule as though being afraid of a self admitted violent thug is something to be ashamed of.

Well, it's not. He's admitted to being willing to commit violence basically at random times for no real reason.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

Only a dishonest asshole would claim otherwise.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, you vile piece of shit.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)

I fear you because you have admitted that you are a violent racist thug that will attack white people at random times for no reason.

You are unlikely to be near me, but you are likely to be near other whites, who you might violently attack for no reason.

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.

Your attempt to make me feel defensive about this, has failed. You're the bad guy here, and anyone that defends you is vile.
I do worry about him being a threat to smaller or older white people around him.

And yes, threats of violence are one of the primary reasons for my support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? It was a form of ridicule as though being afraid of a self admitted violent thug is something to be ashamed of.

Well, it's not. He's admitted to being willing to commit violence basically at random times for no real reason.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

Only a dishonest asshole would claim otherwise.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, you vile piece of shit.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
I'm shocked the wussy hasn't reported you, they show send for me every time I get with their dumb ass.
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The day I gun down Jews, the day I run down an innocent protester, the day I send bombs to liberals, gun down blacks at a super market, shoot blacks in a church and on and on and on, I'll own that racist title, until then, I'm just someone reporting the news, that you white mf's make
Coral is one of the biggest wussies the white race has ever produced. He lives his entire life in fear because I said some mean words to him once upon a time. You can write him off as a serious contributor to any conversation.
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The day I gun down Jews, the day I run down an innocent protester, the day I send bombs to liberals, gun down blacks at a super market, shoot blacks in a church and on and on and on, I'll own that racist title, until then, I'm just someone reporting the news, that you white mf's make
It's a white man's world. Now you can relax.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
I'm shocked the wussy hasn't reported you, they show send for me every time I get with their dumb ass.
He has so I have been told but there was never anything to his claims.
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The day I gun down Jews, the day I run down an innocent protester, the day I send bombs to liberals, gun down blacks at a super market, shoot blacks in a church and on and on and on, I'll own that racist title, until then, I'm just someone reporting the news, that you white mf's make

Nope. Those of you who might not do such crimes, but still have hearts full of hate, based on race,

are still racists, just less motivated or insane.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
I'm shocked the wussy hasn't reported you, they show send for me every time I get with their dumb ass.

You think he's got me? LOL!!!!!!
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

It's called Valium and your doctor can prescribe it.
Taz, after 2mar, I suggest you visit your doctor also.

Why? I won't be hurt regardless of which way this election goes.
Half black.

That was enough to throw right winger's brains into meltdown mode.

Sure. Cause we loved Bill Clinton. And John Kerry. And Hillary Clinton. It was only the "half black" guy we opposed.

Your false accusations of racism, are tearing this country apart and you are a vile race baiting piece of shit.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?

I know quite a number of white dems/liberals. It is interesting the way you dismiss them.

Does it bother you that you need them? Do you look forward to when you can tell them to "piss off, whitey"?
Listen, my anguish is always always aimed at the right, always. I do not dismiss whites who are conscious of my plight in this country and will vote accordingly. Do not confuse my intent with your attempts to paint my comments as racist, yall all know who I hate and why.

You smear and attack a race of people. It is your comments that paint your comments as racist, not me.

I guess I am glad you consider those whites that agree with you politically to be acceptable.

There are some limits to your racism and hate.
The day I gun down Jews, the day I run down an innocent protester, the day I send bombs to liberals, gun down blacks at a super market, shoot blacks in a church and on and on and on, I'll own that racist title, until then, I'm just someone reporting the news, that you white mf's make

Hey well, I can say the same thing. Until I gun down Jews, run down an innocent protestor, send bombs to Liberals, gun down blacks at a supermarket, I'm just a citizen reporting the news... but once I do all that stuff, then I'll own the racist title. Thanks for helping make all that clear.
The excitement is intense, the polls are overwhelming and the people are charged....the entire world is watching a country who 8 years ago elected its first black president, a country who 8 years ago valued its allies, a country 8 years ago where it not for white politicians, could be on the right side of history with TPP, infrastructural work and global consciousness......instead of reviving coal mines and the KKK.

2mar we'll either regress backwards or thrive to move ahead....vote vote vote america and show white racist and Trump, we've come to far to go back now.

The only people I feel sorry for at this point, is the MSM, what the hell will they do now that the fuckin election is over?
Coal mines and the KKK.
And dirty air and dirty water. They are much less expensive.
The only tax cuts for the rich under Obama was when Republicans blackmailed him.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Even under Obama, Republicans connived to get freebies for billionaires.
Totally anti Christian.
I do worry about him being a threat to smaller or older white people around him.

And yes, threats of violence are one of the primary reasons for my support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? It was a form of ridicule as though being afraid of a self admitted violent thug is something to be ashamed of.

Well, it's not. He's admitted to being willing to commit violence basically at random times for no real reason.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

Only a dishonest asshole would claim otherwise.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, you vile piece of shit.
Stop whining and deflecting. Dont try and pretend you are worried about smaller or older white people. Youre afraid for yourself even though I am no where near you. :rolleyes:

You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
Oooh...nothing like cyber tough boy I always say.
You are unlikely to be near me. But it is likely that there are older and smaller white people near you.

Thus, my concern is for those in the vicinity of a self admitted violent racist thug.

What part of that doesn't make sense to your tiny mind?
The part where you are claiming I threatened old small white people when everyone knows you are afraid for your own life you wussy. :laugh:

I did not say that you threatened old small white people.

We have agreed that you are unlikely to be physically near me. So why would I personally fear you?

You are a dangerous racist thug, and for you to ridicule people for supposedly feeling insecure when you are a real threat to them,

is you exhibiting stupidity and lack of self awareness.
You fear me because youre a white sissy boy. You know it. I know it. Ultimately, you know I know it which frightens you even more. :)
I'm shocked the wussy hasn't reported you, they show send for me every time I get with their dumb ass.

You think he's got me? LOL!!!!!!
Everyone knows I got you. :)

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