Dubbyuh and Gawwud

no1tovote4 said:
So now you are Mechanic?

How would we know if you weren't an ASCE Certified Mechanic?

Use better analogies. Dismissed.

Entirely appropriate analogies. Going to church once a week makes one no more a Christian than visiting a garage once a week makes one a mechanic.
Bullypulpit said:
I see that I've, yet again, taxed your intellectual resources to their breaking point. And it's obvious that you can't see through anyone's BS, let alone your own. So why doncha just lay your head back and think happy thoughts and take your meds? You'll be much better off that way. Thinking is such a strain for you. :)

Do I HAVE Ta? Well Dadgum! Country-Republican hick that I am, well misster, you've just thrown me one wild pitch! LORDIE! Guess I have to pray for a brain!
Bullypulpit said:
Entirely appropriate analogies. Going to church once a week makes one no more a Christian than visiting a garage once a week makes one a mechanic.

Except we don't know you well enough to know whether or not you are a mechanic. Thus inappropriate analogy. Do you really think we know that you aren't a mechanic any more than you know if they act like Christians?

Or let me explain it even better. You have to write to your audience. Your friends and loved ones that know you and what you do for a living and exactly how inept you may be around a vehicle might get a kick out of your analogy of "any more than it makes me an ASCE Certified Mechanic". However we as people who don't know you, don't know what you do for a living, don't know how inept you might be around a vehicle simply cannot know whether or not you really ARE an ASCE Certified Mechanic.

Just like you who don't know your audience at all, haven't met them, don't know how they act cannot even in the remotest possibility even slightly know whether they act like Christians in reality. Therefore saying they are not Christians and then attempting to Preach to them as to how they should act in their lives is simply judging at a level that you as a Buddhist shouldn't.

At least practice what you say you do while on this site and respect another's path to enlightenment especially since you clearly know little about Christianity give no examples and just judge poorly because they are not Democrats. Your judgements say volumes about you. Please look at this site and check into the Twelve Principles of Buddhism, pay particular attention to number 11 and especially the last sentence.


The Buddha said: ‘Work out your own salvation with diligence’. Buddhism knows no authority for truth save the intuition of the individual, and that is authority for himself alone. Each man suffers the consequences of his own acts, and learns thereby, while helping his fellow men to the same deliverance; nor will prayer to the Buddha or to any God prevent an effect from following its cause. Buddhist monks are teachers and exemplars, and in no sense intermediates between Reality and the individual. The utmost tolerance is practised towards all other religions and philosophies, for no man has the right to interfere in his neighbour’s journey to the Goal.

...the bold and italics are mine...

Walk the path you say you do and stop interfering in these people's path.
Bullypulpit said:
Sorry dearie...Dubbyuh isn't spreading anything but bullshit. His religious conversion was nothing more than political expediency. He's no more a Christian than I am a ASCE certified mechanic.

An just how is it dearie,that you know what is inside G.W. and how he feels toward God? How is it that you know that Castro lovin Jimmy Carter feels about Jesus? :scratch:
GWBfan said:
Do I HAVE Ta? Well Dadgum! Country-Republican hick that I am, well misster, you've just thrown me one wild pitch! LORDIE! Guess I have to pray for a brain!

Foller the Yella Brick Rud!
no1tovote4 said:
Except we don't know you well enough to know whether or not you are a mechanic. Thus inappropriate analogy. Do you really think we know that you aren't a mechanic any more than you know if they act like Christians?

Or let me explain it even better. You have to write to your audience. Your friends and loved ones that know you and what you do for a living and exactly how inept you may be around a vehicle might get a kick out of your analogy of "any more than it makes me an ASCE Certified Mechanic". However we as people who don't know you, don't know what you do for a living, don't know how inept you might be around a vehicle simply cannot know whether or not you really ARE an ASCE Certified Mechanic.

Just like you who don't know your audience at all, haven't met them, don't know how they act cannot even in the remotest possibility even slightly know whether they act like Christians in reality. Therefore saying they are not Christians and then attempting to Preach to them as to how they should act in their lives is simply judging at a level that you as a Buddhist shouldn't.

At least practice what you say you do while on this site and respect another's path to enlightenment especially since you clearly know little about Christianity give no examples and just judge poorly because they are not Democrats. Your judgements say volumes about you. Please look at this site and check into the Twelve Principles of Buddhism, pay particular attention to number 11 and especially the last sentence.


...the bold and italics are mine...

Walk the path you say you do and stop interfering in these people's path.

Is it interference to remove an obstacle from the path of a blind person?
Bullypulpit said:
Sorry dearie...Dubbyuh isn't spreading anything but bullshit. His religious conversion was nothing more than political expediency. He's no more a Christian than I am a ASCE certified mechanic.

And you have personal knowledge of this? I mean being that you are such a Christian yourself, you can see where 1 should be skeptical of your opinions, right?
Bullypulpit said:
I see that I've, yet again, taxed your intellectual resources to their breaking point. And it's obvious that you can't see through anyone's BS, let alone your own. So why doncha just lay your head back and think happy thoughts and take your meds? You'll be much better off that way. Thinking is such a strain for you. :)

Bully a logical question: where do you get the idea that you have ever presented a logical argument here on USMB?

You post nothing but extremist left opinion pieces, the leftist equal rants of say an Ann Coulter then you call them fact, most of us call it lunacy.
Bullypulpit said:
I'm sorry. But your going to have to do better than childish insults. Come back when you've graduated from kindergarten. Dismissed.

I mean really this is incredible that you think others arguments are childish but you're opinion pieces are totally fact based, its absolutely beyond pale.
Bullypulpit said:
Is it interference to remove an obstacle from the path of a blind person?

Bully you couldnt see an obstacle in anyones path if it was the size of the freakin sears tower. you are so blinded by rage and irrational hatred for the President you are in no position to tell anyone else what their problems are.
Bullypulpit said:
<center><h1><a href=http://www.prospect.org/web/printfriendly-view.ww?id=8790>Irony and Hypocrisy: Dubbyuh's Close, Personal Relationship with God</a></h1></center>

An interview with a woman just leaving Dubbyuh's coronation...er...inauguration left me choking on my coffee. She stated that she was "glad to see a good Christian man like George W. Bush as president...". Now, I don't know about anyone else, but "good" and "Christian" are not two words I would use to describe Dubbyuh.

For a man so passionately devoted to Christ, his actions are singularly devoid of anything which reflects that devotion. He carefully avoids any mention of being born again or being an evangelical, and there is little evidence that he attempts to spread the gospel, beyond what makes a good sound-bite in his speechifying. This in contrast to Jimmy Carter whose telling every foreign dignitary he met about the good news of Jesus Christ is legendary. But then, Carter walks it like he talks it.

Dubbyuh is, at best, a salad bar Christian. "Hmmm...I'll take a bit of this...A little bit of that...Oooh, and that looks yummy...", but that describes some who call themselves Christian these days. Dubbyuh's distinction lies in that he picks and chooses those parts of biblical scripture which work to his political advantage.

For example, there are around fourteen (give or take a couple) verses in the Bible which make reference, direct or indirect, to homosexuality. Yet there are over three thousand which deal with providing aid and comfort to those less fortunate than ourselves. But which one was a theme of Dubbyuh's campaign and a plank in the Reichpublican platform? Yep, homosexyality, and not a word about helping those in need. If anything, Dubbyuh's plans for the next four years will only serve to throw more people into poverty that he already has.

Yet many born-again evangelicals accept Dubbyuh as one of their own. For one to be born-again, one must acknowledge their innate sinfullness and then they must turn away from it completely. But Dubbyuh, twice within the last year was, apparently, stymied when asked to name mistakes he had made during his first term. An appalling lack of humility in one so devoted to his religion.

Over the years, Dubbyuh's policies, both as Governor of Texas and POTUS, have failed to show any triumph of religious values over partisan politics, at any point. Nor has he shown that he pays more than lip service to his religious values. The true irony, though, is that so many who call themselves Christian, regard him as a fellow traveler, this despite his apparent hypocrisy.

HappyBunny says: You smell like butt.
You see though the funny thing is i'm not convinced Bully is an actual liberal, I think he may lean more towards radical activist or anarchist. But like Psycho he'll never answer, he's yellowbellied.
freeandfun1 said:
I am convinced that Savage is correct and liberalism IS a mental disorder.

so true. however, I see it as more of a state of not being able to decide, cut-and-dry what they want, and even if they DO know, they DON'T know how to go about getting it or doing it.

Like helping the poor. We all don't want to see people suffer or live in squalor. But there is only so much that you (or the government) can do, because, ultimately, the poor have to learn to help themselves (NOT to government handouts) out of the situation they are in. There is always a way out. It may not be easy, but life isn't.

The problem is, most liberals have had their parents pay their way through life, then when they get out into the real (sometimes cruel) world on their own, they can't handle it, because they think everyone who HAS money, is out to keep them down (BULLSHIT! Most of those people have worked for their $$-why should they just up and give it to YOU?).

They find that living without stuff just handed to you, is HARD...and that's what most liberal pussies are afraid of---hard work, and a long haul.

They feel that just because someone has a lot of money, they should be FORCED to give half (or more) to the government to help the less fortunate. They are basically saying that the less fortunate are NOT able to help themselves, essentially saying they are too stupid or what-have-you.
fuzzykitten99 said:
so true. however, I see it as more of a state of not being able to decide, cut-and-dry what they want, and even if they DO know, they DON'T know how to go about getting it or doing it.

Like helping the poor. We all don't want to see people suffer or live in squalor. But there is only so much that you (or the government) can do, because, ultimately, the poor have to learn to help themselves (NOT to government handouts) out of the situation they are in. There is always a way out. It may not be easy, but life isn't.

The problem is, most liberals have had their parents pay their way through life, then when they get out into the real (sometimes cruel) world on their own, they can't handle it, because they think everyone who HAS money, is out to keep them down (BULLSHIT! Most of those people have worked for their $$-why should they just up and give it to YOU?).

They find that living without stuff just handed to you, is HARD...and that's what most liberal pussies are afraid of---hard work, and a long haul.

They feel that just because someone has a lot of money, they should be FORCED to give half (or more) to the government to help the less fortunate. They are basically saying that the less fortunate are NOT able to help themselves, essentially saying they are too stupid or what-have-you.

No, liberals know exactly what they want only they are not able to fess up and say it. They want an America dependent totally on government, they want an America unable and unwilling to defend itself. They want no seperation between classes because rich people are evil and poor are exploited. They want our money because we are too stupid to spend it wisely ourselves. They want an America modeled on Scandinavian style socialism, individualism squelched.
OCA said:
No, liberals know exactly what they want only they are not able to fess up and say it. They want an America dependent totally on government, they want an America unable and unwilling to defend itself. They want no seperation between classes because rich people are evil and poor are exploited. They want our money because we are too stupid to spend it wisely ourselves. They want an America modeled on Scandinavian style socialism, individualism squelched.

You're right but, they ain't gettin it here! Come on down.:D
I have often said that I believe liberals are pessimists while conservatives are optimists. I honestly believe it is as simple as that.
freeandfun1 said:
I have often said that I believe liberals are pessimists while conservatives are optimists. I honestly believe it is as simple as that.

Pessimist is a word invented by optimists to describe realists.
Y'all are really pretty sad. Unable to provide a rational and reasoned response to the issues presented, you resort to childish insults.

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