Does the middle class have a future?

Got it, you can't be honest or use critical thinking

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US???? Just one?

Uh, dumbass ... Speaking of honesty and critical thinking ... Do you have even the slightest clue what business the Kennedys were in that provided them with their money and political opportunities?

No class has a future. No class actually exists. They are artificial constructs done to try to divide politically.

I'm not better than my neighbor because I earn more. I'm not worse than my neigh or for earning less.

Nor is my neighbor better or worse than me for earning more or less.

Every one should strive to be the best they can be. Earning more or less shouldn't cause us to treat them as I'd they are different people

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation



That's ridiculous. Earning money doesn't meant you take it from anyone. Value is traded by exchanging money for goods and services. In order to make a million dollars you need to be providing enough people with goods and services for them to give you that money voluntarily. No one will give their money to you unless you are giving them something of value to them.

You haven't stolen anyone's money. You've solved a need or problem in their life.
In extreme Socialist and Communist economies, there is no Middle Class. Thought leaders for both Communism and Socialism had disdain for the Middle Class. Their vision involves a true 1 percent and the masses content that everything is "fair". A healthy middle class provides opportunity for upward mobility which is the reason US as always been the top destination among immigrants seeking a better life.

Oh conflating an economic policy with political. Shocking

AGAIN, THE MIDDLE CLASS ISN'T NORMAL, IT'S CREATED THROUGH MOSTLY GOV'T POLICY. Ever look to the capitalists societies in most of Asia or Latin America???

You keep assailing Capitalism and praising government, what is your vision of how things should be in the US? You keep saying THE MIDDLE CLASS IS NOT's called an exception. Why be like the rest of the World? Do you want to be like China? Latin America? If so, why?

Who is assailing capitalism Bubs? Me I'm pointing out the crony capitalism the US has been captured by, again, is destroying the middle class created THROUGH progressive policies (Gov't mostly) is bad? Grow up and grow a brain.
Whether one is considered middle class is a state of mind.

As the bottom 90% of US wages has stagnated and the top 1/10th of 1% % of US has skyrocketed as their tax burden has plummeted
To label someone or something in a "class" is to create a pigeon hole and make it a target group. I am rich when I have some dough at the end of the week after paying bills, I am poor when I cannot pay my CC bill off in full. Like I said a state of mind.

Amazing how ANYONE on the bottom 90% of the income scale in the US Could hold a conservative view on economics, as if making sure the "job creators" continue to to do extraordinarily well as the rest of US languish. Simply amazing

State of mind? lol
Got it, you can't be honest or use critical thinking

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US???? Just one?

Uh, dumbass ... Speaking of honesty and critical thinking ... Do you have even the slightest clue what business the Kennedys were in that provided them with their money and political opportunities?


So NO Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives have been on the correct side of history either! Thanks
No class has a future. No class actually exists. They are artificial constructs done to try to divide politically.

I'm not better than my neighbor because I earn more. I'm not worse than my neigh or for earning less.

Nor is my neighbor better or worse than me for earning more or less.

Every one should strive to be the best they can be. Earning more or less shouldn't cause us to treat them as I'd they are different people

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation



That's ridiculous. Earning money doesn't meant you take it from anyone. Value is traded by exchanging money for goods and services. In order to make a million dollars you need to be providing enough people with goods and services for them to give you that money voluntarily. No one will give their money to you unless you are giving them something of value to them.

You haven't stolen anyone's money. You've solved a need or problem in their life.

Theoretically right? Weird how the financial sector has went from 6% of the US economy in 1960 to about 20% today right? How did the Banksters ponzi scheme that Dubya cheered on turn out for most of US who "voluntarism" engaged in again?

Conservative damagogues like Limbaugh have been able to convince the public that the huge incomes of the wealthiest Americans are irrelevant to those who make moderate-to-low incomes. They even suggest that the more money the wealthiest Americans make, the more wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

If you've swallowed this line of conservative garbage, get ready to vomit.
As all conservative economists know, and deny to the public that they know, wealth is a zero-sum game. That is true at both the front end—when income is divided up, and the back end—when it is spent.

The Front End of Zero-Sum: Dividing the Loot

There is only so much corporate income in a given year. The more of that income that is used to pay workers, the less profit the corporation makes. The less profit, the less the stock goes up. The less the stock goes up, the less the CEO and the investors make. It’s as simple as that. Profit equals income minus expenses. No more, no less. Subtract the right side of the equation from the left side and the answer is always zero. Hence the term, “zero-sum.”

So, to the extent a corporation can keep from sharing the wealth with workers—the ones who created the wealth to begin with—investors and executives get a bigger slice of the income pie and become richer.

To understand this aspect of the zero-sum nature of wealth, and the way many people get rich—that is, besides selling-out our workers to Third World countries—consider how Gates, Eisner, and Welch Jr. did it. It’s no mystery, and it isn’t all that hard to do...

The Zero-sum Nature of economics
Got it, you can't be honest or use critical thinking

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US???? Just one?

Uh, dumbass ... Speaking of honesty and critical thinking ... Do you have even the slightest clue what business the Kennedys were in that provided them with their money and political opportunities?


So NO Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives have been on the correct side of history either! Thanks

I guess you don't have clue what business the Kennedys were in and where they got their money from.
That really isn't surprising considering how stupid just about everything else you have posted is.

Perhaps you should revert back to my first post you commented towards ... And leave the discussion up to people who know what the fuck they are talking about.

Got it, you can't be honest or use critical thinking

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE give me ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US???? Just one?

Uh, dumbass ... Speaking of honesty and critical thinking ... Do you have even the slightest clue what business the Kennedys were in that provided them with their money and political opportunities?


So NO Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives have been on the correct side of history either! Thanks

I guess you don't have clue what business the Kennedys were in and where they got their money from.
That really isn't surprising considering how stupid just about everything else you have posted is.

Perhaps you should revert back to my first post you commented towards ... And leave the discussion up to people who know what the fuck they are talking about.


Your dodge noted again Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives were on the correct side of history either, and you want to hold onto what Teddy said about the extremists of the GOP!

You show how ignorant and compliant the right is to sucking off the Kochs at least

To label someone or something in a "class" is to create a pigeon hole and make it a target group. I am rich when I have some dough at the end of the week after paying bills, I am poor when I cannot pay my CC bill off in full. Like I said a state of mind.

I like that ... To me, a person is rich if their liquid assets are equal to or greater than their tangible assets and debt combined.

Your dodge noted again Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives were on the correct side of history either, and you want to hold onto what Teddy said about the extremists of the GOP!

You show how ignorant and compliant the right is to sucking off the Kochs at least


I am not dodging anything ... You have not engaged in conversation with me nor answered any of the questions I have asked.
For me to demonstrate your insane desire to chase your tail in circles by responding to your nonsense with anything other than contempt ... Is simply not within the realm of productive activity.

I would prefer to watch you ramble on aimlessly and continue to prove you are blithering idiot that doesn't even have a complete understanding of the concepts you are posting about.

Your dodge noted again Bubba, you can't think of even one policy conservatives were on the correct side of history either, and you want to hold onto what Teddy said about the extremists of the GOP!

You show how ignorant and compliant the right is to sucking off the Kochs at least


I am not dodging anything ... You have not engaged in conversation with me nor answered any of the questions I have asked.
For me to demonstrate your insane desire to chase your tail in circles by responding to your nonsense with anything other than contempt ... Is simply not within the realm of productive activity.

I would prefer to watch you ramble on aimlessly and continue to prove you are blithering idiot that doesn't even have a complete understanding of the concepts you are posting about.


Says the moron who can't understand (or more likely willfully ignorant of) the Kennedy cartoon. To funny Bubba

What your graphic needs is to show how much of the 1% portion is actually owned by the .01% crowd. That's where the real problem lies, and that is where the real ballooning has been taking place.

I agree.

Forget the top 1% — Look at the top 0.1%

To see where the big bucks are, you need to look into the top 0.5%, 0.1%, 0.01% and lastly, and lastly, the top 0.001%.

The details of this were delightfully illustrated by Catherine Mulbrandon at TBP conference – PDF presentation here, video here.

Top 1% = $368,238 (20.9% of income)
Top 0.5% = $558,726 (16.8% of income)
Top 0.1% = $1,695,136 (10.3% of income)
Top 0.01% = $9,141,190 (5% of income)

Says the moron who can't understand (or more likely willfully ignorant of) the Kennedy cartoon. To funny Bubba

I understood it completely ... Should have thanked you for it since it made me laugh.

Which goes back to my base point ... You actually cannot understand the ludicrous implications expressed in the graphic ... Because you don't have a clue how the hell the person in the graphic got their money.

Then on top of that ... You are stupid enough to express that is my misunderstanding.
You are just full of shit ... And lack the simple common knowledge of the principles you express.

Says the moron who can't understand (or more likely willfully ignorant of) the Kennedy cartoon. To funny Bubba

I understood it completely ... Should have thanked you for it since it made me laugh.

Which goes back to my base point ... You actually cannot understand the ludicrous implications expressed in the graphic ... Because you don't have a clue how the hell the person in the graphic got their money.

Then on top of that ... You are stupid enough to express that is my misunderstanding.
You are just full of shit ... And lack the simple common knowledge of the principles you express.


Got it. Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers EVER have?

Trickle down economics and lower taxes on the wealthy are synonymous with 'Banana Republic' which is exactly where we're headed with right wing republican policies. Banana Republics are also run by the 1% elite, not democracies. Given the opportunity that's exactly how the right wing would like it here in the USA and they'll do anything to get to that point - lie, cheat and steal. What baffles me is just how many of the American working class believe the republican rhetoric that they represent them when it couldn't be further from the truth. What a travesty!

The rich were given large tax cuts on the promise that they would increase hiring.

They didn’t. They have found that they no longer need us to make money.

Time to take the tax cuts back and then some.

Got it. Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers EVER have?

Trickle down economics and lower taxes on the wealthy are synonymous with 'Banana Republic' which is exactly where we're headed with right wing republican policies. Banana Republics are also run by the 1% elite, not democracies. Given the opportunity that's exactly how the right wing would like it here in the USA and they'll do anything to get to that point - lie, cheat and steal. What baffles me is just how many of the American working class believe the republican rhetoric that they represent them when it couldn't be further from the truth. What a travesty!

The rich were given large tax cuts on the promise that they would increase hiring.

They didn’t. They have found that they no longer need us to make money.

Time to take the tax cuts back and then some.

You don't even understand the premise enough to legitimately call it false ... Ramble on and keep chasing your tail fool.


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