What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans​

11 Mar 2024 ~~ By Derek Hunter

The progressive left will never, ever understand what real Americans want from their government, because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government. They think we can be bought, they think we can be manipulated into jealousy which will override our natural instincts. They are wrong. The games that work on their weak-minded coastal voters doesn’t work in “flyover” country, and it never will.
You hear it all the time: Why are these people “voting against their interests?” The vapid husks of humans on MSNBC ask that regularly. They think they can buy votes of Midwesterners and others in the middle of the country. They can’t.
Most middle class Americans simply want to make enough to cover their bills and have some left over to have fun with family and friends on the weekends. We don’t need mansions or Ferraris, we're pretty content. We’d take them, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to rip up a winning lottery ticket, but that’s not a goal that missing is going to ruin my life.

"because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government."
I agree, but I suspect the number of people who fit this definition of “real Americans” is actually very small — perhaps 15% of the population at most.
I would say the share of the population that homeschools their kids is a good indicator of just how many “real Americans” there are out there.
Our government is telling us that terror threats across every demographic are higher than it's ever been before. The top cause of death for 18-45 year olds is Fentanyl smuggled in from Mexico by the Narco Cartels.
One can question if there is a Middle Class left? What is the annual income to be “middle class” with the inflation rate?
There is no coexistence with Neo-Marxist Commie/Nazi psychopaths, Folks on our side should stop, pretending that there is.
The left pretends to care about the middle class. They repeat the line about increasing the minimum wage repeatedly. Apparently they don't realize that increasing the minimum wage will ruin our economy.

What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans​

11 Mar 2024 ~~ By Derek Hunter

The progressive left will never, ever understand what real Americans want from their government, because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government. They think we can be bought, they think we can be manipulated into jealousy which will override our natural instincts. They are wrong. The games that work on their weak-minded coastal voters doesn’t work in “flyover” country, and it never will.
You hear it all the time: Why are these people “voting against their interests?” The vapid husks of humans on MSNBC ask that regularly. They think they can buy votes of Midwesterners and others in the middle of the country. They can’t.
Most middle class Americans simply want to make enough to cover their bills and have some left over to have fun with family and friends on the weekends. We don’t need mansions or Ferraris, we're pretty content. We’d take them, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to rip up a winning lottery ticket, but that’s not a goal that missing is going to ruin my life.

"because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government."
I agree, but I suspect the number of people who fit this definition of “real Americans” is actually very small — perhaps 15% of the population at most.
I would say the share of the population that homeschools their kids is a good indicator of just how many “real Americans” there are out there.
Our government is telling us that terror threats across every demographic are higher than it's ever been before. The top cause of death for 18-45 year olds is Fentanyl smuggled in from Mexico by the Narco Cartels.
One can question if there is a Middle Class left? What is the annual income to be “middle class” with the inflation rate?
There is no coexistence with Neo-Marxist Commie/Nazi psychopaths, Folks on our side should stop, pretending that there is.
They don't care what you want, they only want to control the middle class.
I just want the cute ones to suck my cock.
He'll be waiting for you.


What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans​

11 Mar 2024 ~~ By Derek Hunter

The progressive left will never, ever understand what real Americans want from their government, because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government. They think we can be bought, they think we can be manipulated into jealousy which will override our natural instincts. They are wrong. The games that work on their weak-minded coastal voters doesn’t work in “flyover” country, and it never will.
You hear it all the time: Why are these people “voting against their interests?” The vapid husks of humans on MSNBC ask that regularly. They think they can buy votes of Midwesterners and others in the middle of the country. They can’t.
Most middle class Americans simply want to make enough to cover their bills and have some left over to have fun with family and friends on the weekends. We don’t need mansions or Ferraris, we're pretty content. We’d take them, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to rip up a winning lottery ticket, but that’s not a goal that missing is going to ruin my life.

"because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government."
I agree, but I suspect the number of people who fit this definition of “real Americans” is actually very small — perhaps 15% of the population at most.
I would say the share of the population that homeschools their kids is a good indicator of just how many “real Americans” there are out there.
Our government is telling us that terror threats across every demographic are higher than it's ever been before. The top cause of death for 18-45 year olds is Fentanyl smuggled in from Mexico by the Narco Cartels.
One can question if there is a Middle Class left? What is the annual income to be “middle class” with the inflation rate?
There is no coexistence with Neo-Marxist Commie/Nazi psychopaths, Folks on our side should stop, pretending that there is.
The Democrats abandoned the working class/middle class in the 60s. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They care about NOTHING except grabbing more power and holding onto it in perpetuity. Trump is the only thing standing in their way.
I think the Left's most significant shortcoming is their belief that two wrongs can make a right. It is the foundation for taxpayer-funded "social justice" which in turn is used to eliminate fundamental requirements of adulthood competency because the concept is inherently corrupted or oppressive. It has replaced an essential "right vs. wrong" with divisive or even apocalyptic schools of thought -- proclaiming them to have an altruistic goal of equality but using methods that promote only divisiveness and politically correct intolerance.

What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans​

11 Mar 2024 ~~ By Derek Hunter

The progressive left will never, ever understand what real Americans want from their government, because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government. They think we can be bought, they think we can be manipulated into jealousy which will override our natural instincts. They are wrong. The games that work on their weak-minded coastal voters doesn’t work in “flyover” country, and it never will.
You hear it all the time: Why are these people “voting against their interests?” The vapid husks of humans on MSNBC ask that regularly. They think they can buy votes of Midwesterners and others in the middle of the country. They can’t.
Most middle class Americans simply want to make enough to cover their bills and have some left over to have fun with family and friends on the weekends. We don’t need mansions or Ferraris, we're pretty content. We’d take them, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to rip up a winning lottery ticket, but that’s not a goal that missing is going to ruin my life.

"because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government."
I agree, but I suspect the number of people who fit this definition of “real Americans” is actually very small — perhaps 15% of the population at most.
I would say the share of the population that homeschools their kids is a good indicator of just how many “real Americans” there are out there.
Our government is telling us that terror threats across every demographic are higher than it's ever been before. The top cause of death for 18-45 year olds is Fentanyl smuggled in from Mexico by the Narco Cartels.
One can question if there is a Middle Class left? What is the annual income to be “middle class” with the inflation rate?
There is no coexistence with Neo-Marxist Commie/Nazi psychopaths, Folks on our side should stop, pretending that there is.
Your side, there side. I can find a dozen red hats or self proclaimed 'progressives' that are useless fucks living on government dole. This is 100% propaganda.

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