Does anyone trust the CIA...seriously


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Jan 6, 2007
Timeline of CIA Atrocities
By Steve Kangas

The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA since 1943.1

CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment.

So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: "We'll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us." The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination.

Timeline of CIA Activities
if they do,they are idiots since many former CIA people themselves left the agency when they found out their involvement in things like smuggling drugs into the US.
I trust them as long as they don't waterboard me
"atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA since 1943" when the CIA wasn't created until 1947??? :cuckoo:

Uh, ok.

Just for the record, much has been said about OPERATION PHOENIX with little regard for things such as facts. FACT: The Viet Cong was eliminated as a battlefield consideration thanks, in most part, to OPERATION PHOENIX. It did what it was supposed to do: neutralize the Viet Cong infrastructure.

All that being said, however, I never have trusted anyone from the Agency. They're all good folks, but their masters are political appointees, which means that the decisions they make will be based on political expedience. This translates down to the field level. Black ops is necessary work. It is dirty work, but necessary just the same. The difference between a military operation and non-military one is that there's a unity of effort and focus in the military that doesn't exist in any of the civilian alphabet agencies.

Still, have to work with the Agency under certain conditions. I always found it easier to have a back-up plan even when the Comedians "guaranteed" they'd hold up their end.
Timeline of CIA Atrocities
By Steve Kangas

The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA since 1943.1

The CIA is a favorite target for stories and accusations like this -because they are not allowed to tell their side of the story or correct any misinformation. BY LAW. No one who actually knows the full details of covert operations is ever going to step forward and announce this guy is exaggerating or even making up stuff.

Which means it is really easy for this author to decide to accuse the CIA of "atrocities" since 1943 -because most people don't even realize it wasn't created until late 1947. So the author felt quite free to accuse the CIA of "heinous" activities for 4 years before it even existed.

And that means for anyone with even a normal level of intelligence -it is this author who clearly has an AGENDA for which truth plays a highly questionable role who cannot be trusted. And his agenda is the usual one -the US and the agencies charged with protecting the nation's interests are the world's favorite bogey man. History has proven that the freer a nation and more transparent it is -the more likely it is to be accused by others of THE worst deeds. Not those with closed systems intent on hiding as much from the world as possible -and are therefore MUCH less trustworthy and actually far more likely to have done far worse than anything the free nation, where hiding all details are much more difficult -has been accused. We live in a country where leaking classified intelligence not only happens all too often -but usually results in no punishment because our laws require that it be done for the specific purpose of harming the nation and it usually is not done for that purpose. In most other countries in the world, leaking classifed intelligence will result in prison and often an execution that the rest of the world will never hear about because it happens behind closed doors.

Seriously, since all nations have covert agencies charged with protecting their country from those seeking to undermine and harm it, what nation do you think has a "kinder, gentler" covert agency charged with protecting that nation's best interests? And HOW WOULD YOU KNOW when that isn't public knowledge with FAR less information even available about what they are up to than what the CIA is doing? If the covert agencies of some other nation are not being accused of wrongdoing because it isn't even leaked a teeny bit and those who try end up being executed -, that equals "preferable" in your mind? The CIA is just a cheap and easy target and most people realize that.

The CIA is charged with protecting this nation's best interests against those intent on undermining and harming it. Who the hell am I going to trust to do that job better when it is lousy politicians who cannot be trusted in the dark and constantly play politics with our national security in the hopes it will further their career and will do so at the expense of our national security even -who are the same people trying to make it as difficult as possible for the CIA to do that job?

If a terrorist is believed to know the location and time a nuke was set to go off in some city -I guarantee you there isn't a country in the WORLD that would not resort to the use of ANY means to extract that information in order to save the lives of those innocent millions. Not one. The claim by some that the COMFORT of a terrorist is far more important than the lives of tens of thousands which waterboarding saved -is moral bankruptcy. THREE terrorists were waterboarded, only those known to have critically important information and none of them held out any longer than 10 minutes before agreeing to talk about what they knew about ongoing plots. It was NOT done for kicks or as a matter of routine treatment for captured terrorists by any means. And that information was proven to be TRUE -giving lie to the phony claim that "torture" doesn't result in reliable information. Torture can result in phony confessions but aside from the fact that inflicting intense discomfort is NOT torture as defined by the Geneva Conventions (torture is defined under the Conventions as doing something that puts the person at real risk of dying or being permanently maimed -not the infliction of pain and discomfort that carries no such risk) -a confession is NOT what was being asked of these three men. They were waterboarded to tell what they knew and that information panned out and it saved REAL LIVES -lots of them. TENS OF THOUSANDS of lives were saved because it is a fact that at least six (publicly acknowledged) attacks planned to follow 9/11 that were well underway and previously unknown were thwarted as the direct result of waterboarding THREE terrorists for a few minutes.

And interestingly, those trained in carrying out waterboarding all had to endure it themselves first -and more than once. Why is it considered torture when done to a knowledge-withholding murdering terrorist intent on slaughtering innocents - but is NOT considered to also be torture when done to an American and is REQUIRED to be done to that American as part of his training? Even a reporter decided to be waterboarded on TV to show the audience what was involved. While he said it was definitely unpleasant and overwhelmed the senses, at no time was his life in any danger.

I'm sure if the victims of any of those six attacks had been YOUR family and loved ones, you would be outraged that ANYONE or ANY nation -ever put a few minutes of temporary DISCOMFORT of a murdering terrorist with detailed knowledge of that attack - before the very lives of your family. Those who would do just that -are totally morally bankrupt even while they parade themselves around in a phony cloak of moral superiority. They are anything but.
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I would put them closer to terrorists than my family. a good bit of the stuff they do/did is terrorism but people are scared to speak out against them and the rest they cover up
I would put them closer to terrorists than my family. a good bit of the stuff they do/did is terrorism but people are scared to speak out against them and the rest they cover up

You only say that because they happen to BE out to get you!

out to get me ? as if..they have far bigger fish to fry ..hell they wont even send forum letter responses to my e-mails anymore...but they are however funding covert operations through narcotic sales

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