Do kids really have mental/emotional problems?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Or are they just mentally and emotionally exhausted? Recall the old adage, "Things will look better in the morning". Maybe rest, away from the pressure of school, peers, and social media will 'cure' these kids. Of course, those adults who are in charge of our kids are equally burned out, mentally exhausted, and confused.
Or are they just mentally and emotionally exhausted? Recall the old adage, "Things will look better in the morning". Maybe rest, away from the pressure of school, peers, and social media will 'cure' these kids. Of course, those adults who are in charge of our kids are equally burned out, mentally exhausted, and confused.
Hear! Hear! Just please don't put those kids on Ritalin. As a former volunteer in an elementary school nurses' room, I have seen too many kids on Ritalin look and act like little zombies. Rail thin, clothes hanging off bony skeletons and no sign of life in their eyes. All very pitiful as a solution to help settle down over-active kids in the classroom.
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Bombarded with too much information they can't intellectually process put out by lunatic gimps, pedoes, deviants, and sicko commies. especially on social media. They need to spend a lot more time playing outside and with other kids instead of playing games and screwing around on social media sites.
Mental exhaustion could be the reason why kids are becoming mass shooters in America as we've witnessed in the last few days.

And once again, racism and it's effects on America's children is the most important question that must be addressed.
Perceived racism (although to many, perception is reality).
Hear! Hear! Just please don't put those kids on Ritalin. As a former volunteer in an elementary school nursing room, I have seen too many kids on Ritalin look and act like little zombies. No sign of life in their eyes. All very pitiful as a solution to help settle down over-active kids in the classroom.
Is it fair to say that it could be a choice between Ritalin and guns being chosen due to racism issues?
Perceived racism (although to many, perception is reality).
I'm not suggesting racism on the part of black children, I'm suggesting that racism is at the root of the problem for white children too.

It has produced a remedy of the gun in America's childrens' minds.

That's the latest popular opinion of the experts!
It may be more acceptable to you if we refer to it as a 'race' problem.

Some people need to place blame according to a person's skin.

I blame blacks for black crime, whites for white crime, etc.
Criminality by anyone is a moral problem, not a race problem, excuses notwithstanding.
Or are they just mentally and emotionally exhausted? Recall the old adage, "Things will look better in the morning". Maybe rest, away from the pressure of school, peers, and social media will 'cure' these kids. Of course, those adults who are in charge of our kids are equally burned out, mentally exhausted, and confused.
Social media is a huge contagion that today's youth are addicted to .. and it fuels acceptance and behavior of things that common sense demonstrates are not good (i.e. gender identity)
And what is your evidence of that? BTW I'm still waiting for you to re-post any of my 40,000+ messages that "proves" I'm a racist as you accused me of. being.
The evidence of racism in America is made plain by the majority of people posting on this board, and you are one of them
Or are they just mentally and emotionally exhausted? Recall the old adage, "Things will look better in the morning". Maybe rest, away from the pressure of school, peers, and social media will 'cure' these kids. Of course, those adults who are in charge of our kids are equally burned out, mentally exhausted, and confused.
mental exhaustion comes from trying to either lie to people to believe what you want them to or from being lied to by people that want you to believe what they want you to believe all while knowing its complete bullshit,,,

the best example is men becoming women and vice versa,,

being a child that looks to adults for guidance and getting this crap can be exhausting,,
mental exhaustion comes from trying to either lie to people to believe what you want them to or from being lied to by people that want you to believe what they want you to believe all while knowing its complete bullshit,,,

the best example is men becoming women and vice versa,,

being a child that looks to adults for guidance and getting this crap can be exhausting,,
When small children begin to lose control, most parents know it's naptime for them. Sadly, this recognition seems to have been lost.
When small children begin to lose control, most parents know it's naptime for them. Sadly, this recognition seems to have been lost.
that wasnt what I was talking about ,, but sure kids get tired and need naps,,

I am talking about mental exhaustion where they have figures of authority trying to teach them things that they can see with their own eyes arent true and struggle with being loyal to that person,,

its a mental struggle not a physical one,,

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