Democrats Need To Get Their Riot Talking Points Straight


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Need To Get Their Riot Talking Points Straight
Dems can’t decide whether Trump is to blame for all the rioting and violence, or whether he’s just stoking unjustified fears for political gain.

3 Sep 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davison

Democrats have come up with a totally incoherent set of talking points to address the ongoing riots and violence in American cities.
On the one hand, they say there is no crisis. In an interview Tuesday, Joe Biden said Democrats don’t need to be more outspoken about left-wing violence, and that Trump is just using the protests as “an opportunity to focus on quote ‘law and order’” (Biden used air quotes) while “throwing gasoline on the fire” and ignoring the real crisis, which Biden says is the pandemic: “People are worried about dying from COVID.” Didn’t you know?
On the other hand, if there is a law and order crisis, it’s all Trump’s fault. On Sunday, Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told a befuddled Chris Wallace of Fox News that Trump is “inciting violence,” and that “we living in Donald Trump’s America.”
That phrase is obviously part of the Biden campaign’s official talking points about the riots because Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris repeated it verbatim during a virtual fundraiser earlier this week when she was asked a simple question: How would she “respond to the continuing violence in major cities?”
Harris did not answer the question. Instead, she replied with a word-salad about how Trump is “trying to sow hate and division among us,” and creating a “climate of fear,” and how she thinks “it’s really important to talk about the fact that this moment is Donald Trump’s America.” She went on to say that “the violence that we’re seeing, the pain that we’re seeing” has increased during Trump’s term, in part because Trump himself has encouraged it.
Democrats can’t seem to decide, and neither can their courtesans in the mainstream media. Earlier this week, a CNN correspondent in Portland beclowned himself when he tweeted out a picture of a quiet downtown park and reported that “the city is not under siege and buildings are not burning to the ground,” and that he was able to eat his breakfast burrito in peace without being “attacked by shadowy gangs of Antifa commandos.”
The Biden campaign had better sort out its talking points fast. As polls tighten, Democrats can’t keep saying that the riots and looting and mob violence aren’t that bad, and suggesting that in fact they’re kind of justified, but also that if they are as bad as all that, well then it’s all Trump’s fault.

Since the onset of the Antifa/BLM terrorist attacks began in Minneapolis in May, Progressive Marxist Socialist /DSA Democrat Leftist Commies continued to claim the violence was a myth or it was peaceful.... Now suddenly at the end of August they claim this is all Trump's fault, all while President Trump has continued to offer assistance to quell the violence, arson, looting and murder within each of the states affected....
Shouldn't the PMS/DSA Commie Left be very cautious about using the phrase 'stoking fears for political reasons' when they've been doing just that with COVID-19 which COINCIDENTALLY started just as their impeachment failed.
The blatant lies coming from the Fifth Column media is quite apparent when they air the violence, arson and murders coming from their Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities are being burnt to the ground and innocent people assassinated by the Antifa followers and not being arrested...
Obviously Antifa/BLM rioters and terrorists have been throwing Molotov Cocktail firebombs at Police Stations, Federal buildings, businesses, beating and murdering citizens unable to protect themselves while their elected mayors refuse to do a thing.

There are good people on both sides.

Tell that to Aaron Danielson....

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There are good people on both sides.

Tell that to Aaron Danielson....

He was not shot by Police in the back.
There are good people on both sides.

Tell that to Aaron Danielson....

He was not shot by Police in the back.

You're correct, he was assassinated in the street by Michael Reineohl

Now that it has been established that Michael Reinoehl was the shooter and he had accomplices. Now the federal gov't should track down his accomplices arrest and prosecute them.

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