Democrats, Kavanaugh, ...and Something You Didn't Know


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I'll include a fact 99% of the public didn't know....but first....

2.The New York Sun editorial today chastises.....correctly...the slime in the leadership of the Democrat Party. They blame Feinstein and Schumer for using gutter tactics against Kavanaugh, and compare same to something Senator Joe McCarthy did. (He didn't....but wait.)

3. “Have you no sense of decency?” That question was put to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the Army hearings of 1954. It deserves to be put today to the Democratic Party warhorses seeking to derail President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court by using a secret letter from an unnamed accuser alleging the nominee committed some kind of sexual offense when he was a minor.

4. No doubt they both detest McCarthyism and think of themselves above it. Yet they will be remembered for this.
An argument could be made that they are behaving worse than Joe McCarthy. His cause, after all, was, in anti-communism, a noble one.

5. The hearings at which the “sense of decency” question was put involved the Army. McCarthy had been needling its lawyer, Joseph Welch, and went after a young associate, Fred Fisher, in Welch’s law firm in Boston....Fisher ....once belonged to the the National Lawyers Guild, widely viewed at the time as a communist front."
Decency and the Democrats

6. The “Have you no decency, sir? " bon mot means that McCarthy was about to end the young lawyer, Fisher's, career by exposing him as a know, before FDR made it good to be a communist.

7. So, The Sun compares the Democrats to McCarthy (a bad analogy, as McCarthy was a hero.)
"The demagoguery, though, the sly character assassination, the waving of anonymous accusations, they are pure McCarthyism. It’s past time for the Senate to call the question of the Democrats’ decency."

8. Now....get this, the thing almost no one knows:
"On June 9, 1954 "Have you left no sense of decency?" This is the bumper-sticker assault on McCarthy by Army counsel Joseph Welch. , Welch challenged Cohn to give McCarthy's list of 130 subversives in defense plants to the office of the FBI and the Department of Defense "before the sun goes down".

9. In response to Welch's challenge, McCarthy suggested that Welch should check on Fred Fisher, a young lawyer in Welch's own Boston law firm whom Welch planned to have on his staff for the hearings. McCarthy then mentioned that Fisher had once belonged to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a group which Attorney General Brownell had called "the legal bulwark of the Communist Party." Army–McCarthy hearings - Wikipedia

10. That exchange took place on June 9, 1954....
Welch himself had publically confirmed Fisher's former Guild membership, in a NYTimes story, April 16, 1954.....

....months before McCarthy did!!!!!!
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"...the person who had already exposed Fisher as a former member of a Communist front organization was Welch himself.

On April 15, 1954, nearly two months before the “no decency” exchange, Welch himself told the New York Times that Fisher had been a member of the National Lawyers Guild, and for that reason Welch (the US Army counsel, after all) had relieved Fisher of his job as his Washington assistant and replaced him with another.

The New York Times story, which ran on April 16, 1954, even featured Fisher’s picture.


This Day in History: Revising McCarthy--'Court History' Has 'No Decency' | Breitbart
They did the exact same thing to Justice Clarence Thomas! They even woke Ruth Bader Ginsburg up! She mad!
"I knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school. We graduated same year. I never heard anything untoward about him." - host of the Mostly Right podcast Virginia Hume

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