Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.
Well Doc 7505 you nailed that one to the wall. Very good summary of the Progressives.
They've been saying this forever... Trump can declassify something with just one word. If they had evidence that would clear him of the Russia investigation, you better believe he would have it declassified and made public like yesterday.

He asked Comey to go public and say he wasn't being investigated...
They've been saying this forever... Trump can declassify something with just one word. If they had evidence that would clear him of the Russia investigation, you better believe he would have it declassified and made public like yesterday.

He asked Comey to go public and say he wasn't being investigated...

Remember when he said that Comey had better hope that there were no recordings in the Oval office? Yeah…. wonder what happened to them? Must be in the same place the Hawaiian investigators are, the same place the letter from the NFL is, the same place the dancing Arabs are, etc…

Can you imagine the eye rolls he gets when he is on the phone with other world leaders?
They've been saying this forever... Trump can declassify something with just one word. If they had evidence that would clear him of the Russia investigation, you better believe he would have it declassified and made public like yesterday.

He asked Comey to go public and say he wasn't being investigated...

Remember when he said that Comey had better hope that there were no recordings in the Oval office? Yeah…. wonder what happened to them? Must be in the same place the Hawaiian investigators are, the same place the letter from the NFL is, the same place the dancing Arabs are, etc…

Can you imagine the eye rolls he gets when he is on the phone with other world leaders?

The same place as the recordings of phone calls with Tom Brady...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.

Why warn them?

I have long suspected that the October surprise Trump intends is to declassify all of the shit the Obama department of "fuck justice" and FSB engaged in to rig the 2016 election.

I suspect this will crush the traitors.
Traitor Nunes is a pussy. He’ll release scraps for the echo chamber. That’s all.

How is Nunes a "traitor," Comrade?

Now YOU, you're a traitor, you seek to end the United States Constitution - Nunes, not so much..

Nunes’ job is White House oversight, not “White House coverup”. In regards to the Russia Investigation, Nunes recused himself from the Investigation because he was part of the campaign, and because he was caught running to the White House with top secret information he received in committee.

Despite his recusal, Nunes inserted himself into the investigation at numerous junctures to the benefit of the White House. He refused to sign subpoenas for key witnesses like Papadopolous, and other witnesses known to have testified before the grand jury, and/or to have been questioned by Mueller.

Nunes also refused to censure witnesses who lied to Congress, like Junior. Even though his testimony was basically recanted by his father, Nunes refused either to charge him with contempt or to recall him to amend his testimony.

Then there was his highly selective parsing of the FISA Application. Republicans are really good about taking small nuggets out of context and making something out of nothing. Nunes excels at it. The Democrat memo pretty much destroyed every one of Nunes’s lies.
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.
That's what he said the last time.

And remember how embarrassed he was?

Traitor Nunes is a pussy. He’ll release scraps for the echo chamber. That’s all.

How is Nunes a "traitor," Comrade?

Now YOU, you're a traitor, you seek to end the United States Constitution - Nunes, not so much..
Oh please. Sneaking around behind our intelligence community? Making secret trips overseas?

Makes you wonder who is paying him?

Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.
That's what he said the last time.

And remember how embarrassed he was?


President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than ...
The fact is, President Trump has been quite tough on Russia. So much so, the sanctions resemble a Russian nesting doll: one sanction of top of another, on top of another.
Trey Gowdy: Trump Has Done More to Combat Russia Than Obama

Trey Gowdy SOUNDS OFF on Corrupt Democrats Using Trump-Russia Probe to Further Political Careers (Video)trump-russia
Trey Gowdy: Trump Has Done More to Combat Russia Than Obama. News Commentary . By Jim E | March 19, 2018 12:39PM. ... Trump has been far tougher on Russia than Obama ever was. ... For 8 years we had to listen to he’s lie’s,and still does? Why is he hangen around in WDC? he’s home is either in Kenya or Chicago?
Trump’s Stance on Russia Sanctions Angers Both Moscow and ...
Jan 30, 2018 · Trump’s Stance on Russia Sanctions Angers Both Moscow and Washington ... President Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Hamburg, Germany, last year. Many of Mr. Putin’s closest ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won't Like ...
Devin Nunes Warns Democrats And Media They Won’t Like Declassified Info On Russia And Spy Warrants...."NUNES: DEMOCRATS, JOURNALISTS WILL BE ‘FRIGHTENED’ BY DECLASSIFIED TRUMP-RUSSIA DOCUMENTS --- House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media are likely to be “frightened” by the information contained in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to declassify...… Speaking at an event hosted by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said that Trump is close to declassifying portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The biased media is desperate. They don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do.
People have begun to see the media for what they are, and this will only get worse for them over the next few months. That whole industry will be transformed, because no one wants to listen to a bunch of liars.
Progressive Democrats and their biased complicit media don’t have much of a secondary plan at this point and they don’t know what else to do. They've been running the secondary plan since the night PDJT was elected.
I think most of those on the Hill are afraid of what will be revealed. This goes a lot deeper and a lot darker than FISA warrant malfeasance. These folks have been plotting since the November 8th, 2016 election how they would spin the release of this information. Another 'got-cha' moment that will be buried in obfuscation from the MSM within a day.
The Fifth Columnist Media will attempt to refuse to report any of it anyway. If they do it will be a "conspiracy theory" or they will say its lies etc. Remember everything a republican says is a lie everything a Dem says is automatically true, lack of evidence be damned. Normally that would be sarcasm but with the leftist media its rule number one in their 'Lil Red Book.
That's what he said the last time.

And remember how embarrassed he was?


President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than ...
The fact is, President Trump has been quite tough on Russia. So much so, the sanctions resemble a Russian nesting doll: one sanction of top of another, on top of another.
Trey Gowdy: Trump Has Done More to Combat Russia Than Obama

Trey Gowdy SOUNDS OFF on Corrupt Democrats Using Trump-Russia Probe to Further Political Careers (Video)trump-russia
Trey Gowdy: Trump Has Done More to Combat Russia Than Obama. News Commentary . By Jim E | March 19, 2018 12:39PM. ... Trump has been far tougher on Russia than Obama ever was. ... For 8 years we had to listen to he’s lie’s,and still does? Why is he hangen around in WDC? he’s home is either in Kenya or Chicago?
Trump’s Stance on Russia Sanctions Angers Both Moscow and ...
Jan 30, 2018 · Trump’s Stance on Russia Sanctions Angers Both Moscow and Washington ... President Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Hamburg, Germany, last year. Many of Mr. Putin’s closest ...

Trump waited MONTHS after Congress passed veto proof sanctions on Russia to implement them. Plenty long enough to allow rich Russians to move their money to safe banks.

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law | Reuters
Numbnuts Nunes should just STFU and release the documents.
Been there, done that with Nunes before

He will selectively release information that helps his party

I will wait to hear what Mueller has to say

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