Democrats have expanded Orwell's "Two Minutes Hate" to 24/7 Hate.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Anyone who read Orwell's prophetic novel "1984" is familiar with Two Minutes Hate. It is a program designed for the citizens to direct anger and hatred toward the number one enemy of the State Emmanuel Goldstein. This is exactly what the Democrats do with all the media forms and tools available today to focus hate on Donald Trump. The difference is Two Minutes Hate has been transformed by the Democrats into a 24/7 non-stop barrage. Orwell would be horrified to see how Two Minutes Hate has been expanded to enrage and control thought.
Anyone who read Orwell's prophetic novel "1984" is familiar with Two Minutes Hate. It is a program designed for the citizens to direct anger and hatred toward the number one enemy of the State Emmanuel Goldstein. This is exactly what the Democrats do with all the media forms and tools available today to focus hate on Donald Trump. The difference is Two Minutes Hate has been transformed by the Democrats into a 24/7 non-stop barrage. Orwell would be horrified to see how Two Minutes Hate has been expanded to enrage and control thought.
I was saying that in 2017. As soon as it was clear hitlary lost and mattresses across the country were being destroyed with nocturnal pissings, the "media" as it is called, became nothing more than an agitprop office for the shadow government party. Even Fox snooze was protecting leftist sociopaths from scrutiny and parroting inane leftist talking points. Not sure about the TV shows, but Fox snooze on the radio was indistinguishable from any other bed wetter station as it manipulated stories and events to suit bed wetters and marginalize opponents of collectivist tyranny.

You tell me, you’re doing it right now
Nice response, PeeWee.

Everyone here knows you’re a loser who has nothing on Trump. Keep projecting that “garbage” nonsense.
Get back to me when you can keep your butthurt from making you post like a child.

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