I am sick of Chris Christie

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I am tired of hearing (and seeing) fat-fuck, bloviating Chris Christie talking about Trump and throwing about meaningless platitudes related to his fake presidential campaign. This stupid, jiggling barrel of lard has humiliated himself so many times over the years it is not even funny any more. He is a joke and an embarrassment to himself and our nation. He tried to run for president in 2016 and failed. He had almost zero support, just like today. Before that he was the corrupt governor of the smelly shit-hole state known as New Jersey (“Joisey”…as in, “Itza Joisey thing”). He did shit like close the beaches, ostensibly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that he could park his fat ass there, along with his poor family, and enjoy the sand and sun far away from the stinky peasants. He also shut down a bridge to inconvenience an entire town because he did not like the Mayor (a clear abuse of power by Christie, clearly trying to look like a cool mob moss style leader rather than the petty schmuck he is).

Fat boy has undertaken his present campaign under the guise that he is the only person who can go toe-to-toe with Trump and talk shit to his face. You know, like he is some sort of tough guy. But there’s some problems with this. First, he has no support and no funding. He will not make it to the debate stage. His campaign is, therefore, a joke. Second, he is all talk. He is one of those empty people who feel the need to brag in a loud voice, repeating himself often, so as to make it clear that he is a winner. More importantly is that YOU KNOW that you are not in the same league as him. It is what allows him to sleep at night – believing that everyone envies and desires to be him. It is his heroin. Therein lies the pathology of Christie’s personality: Nobody wants to be a fat diabetic with heart disease, 5 chins, and the reputation of being a low-rent asshole.

In my opinion, Christie is engaging in this campaign for 2 reasons. First, there will be a lot of free food on the campaign trail. Second, he is angling for an on-air job on MSNBC or CNN, along with other slimy political hacks like John Kasich, Jen Psaki, John Dean, Andrew McCabe, etc… He endears himself to these leftist MSM fiends by talking shit about Trump. They eat that shit up with a spoon (and needle). He probably wants to get his own show and call it something obnoxious like “The Battering Ram” or “Get in the Ring”, then use the entire show to bullshit about Trump. There he will be, yelling and screaming about how Trump should be in prison for some fictious crime, during which pieces of the hot dog he is eating during the rant will be flying out of his mouth at warp speed and hitting the camera lens, smearing it with a greasy film. The camera guys will be told to keep a smear rag and a bottle of Windex on hand for each of his shows (along with bottle of Febreze).

He will ride his show as long as he can. There is big money in this. Chrissy knows it, and he is going for it. He is an opportunist. He is parasitically taking advantage of the situation (a toxic political stew) in an attempt to score a network gig. He ultimately wants to go to MSNBC, where they can offer him an entire show, probably and hour long. Alternatively, CNN will only offer him pundit segments. He is not good enough for his own show at CNN. Clowny acts need only apply for work at the circus.

We do not need any more parasitic trough feeders in politics. Chris Christie is one of many of the sort. But he is probably the biggest one, in more than one way. Also, he is doing nothing that is not calculated to advance his own brand. He is not running for president because he has support. He is not running because he cares about America…and “DuhmoCkrissy”. He is running in an attempt to monetize his stupid “Hey, itza Joisey thing” schtick by bending over to the leftist media kings. Essentially, it is like the rape scene in Deliverance where Ned Beatty is raped by the inbred hick, except unlike Beatty’s character Chris Christie feels no shame. He invites the rape so that he can get in good with the creepy inbred people. Why? Because there is money to be made there. Think about it. What else is this blow-hard tub of shit going to do to earn money without having to mingle with the peasants or do actual work? He wants to sit on his fat ass and rant about shit, just like any other loud mouth asshole Jersey scumbag.
I am tired of hearing (and seeing) fat-fuck, bloviating Chris Christie talking about Trump and throwing about meaningless platitudes related to his fake presidential campaign. This stupid, jiggling barrel of lard has humiliated himself so many times over the years it is not even funny any more. He is a joke and an embarrassment to himself and our nation. He tried to run for president in 2016 and failed. He had almost zero support, just like today. Before that he was the corrupt governor of the smelly shit-hole state known as New Jersey (“Joisey”…as in, “Itza Joisey thing”). He did shit like close the beaches, ostensibly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that he could park his fat ass there, along with his poor family, and enjoy the sand and sun far away from the stinky peasants. He also shut down a bridge to inconvenience an entire town because he did not like the Mayor (a clear abuse of power by Christie, clearly trying to look like a cool mob moss style leader rather than the petty schmuck he is).

Fat boy has undertaken his present campaign under the guise that he is the only person who can go toe-to-toe with Trump and talk shit to his face. You know, like he is some sort of tough guy. But there’s some problems with this. First, he has no support and no funding. He will not make it to the debate stage. His campaign is, therefore, a joke. Second, he is all talk. He is one of those empty people who feel the need to brag in a loud voice, repeating himself often, so as to make it clear that he is a winner. More importantly is that YOU KNOW that you are not in the same league as him. It is what allows him to sleep at night – believing that everyone envies and desires to be him. It is his heroin. Therein lies the pathology of Christie’s personality: Nobody wants to be a fat diabetic with heart disease, 5 chins, and the reputation of being a low-rent asshole.

In my opinion, Christie is engaging in this campaign for 2 reasons. First, there will be a lot of free food on the campaign trail. Second, he is angling for an on-air job on MSNBC or CNN, along with other slimy political hacks like John Kasich, Jen Psaki, John Dean, Andrew McCabe, etc… He endears himself to these leftist MSM fiends by talking shit about Trump. They eat that shit up with a spoon (and needle). He probably wants to get his own show and call it something obnoxious like “The Battering Ram” or “Get in the Ring”, then use the entire show to bullshit about Trump. There he will be, yelling and screaming about how Trump should be in prison for some fictious crime, during which pieces of the hot dog he is eating during the rant will be flying out of his mouth at warp speed and hitting the camera lens, smearing it with a greasy film. The camera guys will be told to keep a smear rag and a bottle of Windex on hand for each of his shows (along with bottle of Febreze).

He will ride his show as long as he can. There is big money in this. Chrissy knows it, and he is going for it. He is an opportunist. He is parasitically taking advantage of the situation (a toxic political stew) in an attempt to score a network gig. He ultimately wants to go to MSNBC, where they can offer him an entire show, probably and hour long. Alternatively, CNN will only offer him pundit segments. He is not good enough for his own show at CNN. Clowny acts need only apply for work at the circus.

We do not need any more parasitic trough feeders in politics. Chris Christie is one of many of the sort. But he is probably the biggest one, in more than one way. Also, he is doing nothing that is not calculated to advance his own brand. He is not running for president because he has support. He is not running because he cares about America…and “DuhmoCkrissy”. He is running in an attempt to monetize his stupid “Hey, itza Joisey thing” schtick by bending over to the leftist media kings. Essentially, it is like the rape scene in Deliverance where Ned Beatty is raped by the inbred hick, except unlike Beatty’s character Chris Christie feels no shame. He invites the rape so that he can get in good with the creepy inbred people. Why? Because there is money to be made there. Think about it. What else is this blow-hard tub of shit going to do to earn money without having to mingle with the peasants or do actual work? He wants to sit on his fat ass and rant about shit, just like any other loud mouth asshole Jersey scumbag.
He revealed himself for the opportunistic slug that he is, when he did his butt buddy walk on the beach with Barry the Boiking, sucking up for federal loot after hurricane Sandy.

There's not a loyal cell in that ponderous bloated bag flesh.
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He revealed himself for the opportunistic slug that he is, when he did his butt buddy walk on the beach with Barry the Boiking, sucking up for federal loot after hurricane Sandy.

There's not a loyal cell in that ponderous bloated bag flesh.
That hug with Barry-O.... it still infuriates me to this day. It was right before the 2012 election. Minimal hurricane Sandy had just hit the northeastern coast and El Presidente' Obama went to Jersey for a visit. Fat boy could have greeted the Ayatollah in a respectful way while keeping in mind that the visit should not be politicized given the election. But he did not. He fucked up and jumped all over twink boi like he wanted to fuck him. Perhaps fat boy was star struck? I don't know. I DO know that he played right into Barry's hands and allowed Barry to politicize the disaster relief trip. Fat boy acted just like the bitch he is. He should have been ex-communicated from the GOP for that stunt. 2012 was a winnable election for the GOP. I do not suggest that Christie's touchy-feely photo shoot with Obama caused the loss. But it certainly did not help. It was bad optics. Very bad. It was political malpractice. He was either in the tank with the prog left, or he was just THAT fucking stupid. Either - or both - options are possible.

All in all, it was probably the fact that evangelicals were not inspired to go to the polls and vote for the magic underwear wearing choadstool, Romney, that handed Barry Bama the W in 2012. Nonetheless, the lustful embrace of Barry on that fateful day established Chris Christie as an opportunist pos, a greasy blemish on the GOP's ass.
Yes, cultists do tend to get enraged at non-cultists.

You're a hardcore Trump cultist.
One day I wish to be a level-headed, pragmatist like those on the left ... who advocate narratives that men can give birth and breastfeed, Joe Biden saved the economy, and voting GOP threatens DuhMocKrissy.

Your mere existence evidences the complete and total absence of God.
Christie had an insiders view of what was going on in the Trump administration, what Trump said and did, how he reacted, what he said behind the scenes.

He has known Trump for decades and has insight on what type of person he is.
I am tired of hearing (and seeing) fat-fuck, bloviating Chris Christie talking about Trump and throwing about meaningless platitudes related to his fake presidential campaign. This stupid, jiggling barrel of lard has humiliated himself so many times over the years it is not even funny any more. He is a joke and an embarrassment to himself and our nation. He tried to run for president in 2016 and failed. He had almost zero support, just like today. Before that he was the corrupt governor of the smelly shit-hole state known as New Jersey (“Joisey”…as in, “Itza Joisey thing”). He did shit like close the beaches, ostensibly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that he could park his fat ass there, along with his poor family, and enjoy the sand and sun far away from the stinky peasants. He also shut down a bridge to inconvenience an entire town because he did not like the Mayor (a clear abuse of power by Christie, clearly trying to look like a cool mob moss style leader rather than the petty schmuck he is).

Fat boy has undertaken his present campaign under the guise that he is the only person who can go toe-to-toe with Trump and talk shit to his face. You know, like he is some sort of tough guy. But there’s some problems with this. First, he has no support and no funding. He will not make it to the debate stage. His campaign is, therefore, a joke. Second, he is all talk. He is one of those empty people who feel the need to brag in a loud voice, repeating himself often, so as to make it clear that he is a winner. More importantly is that YOU KNOW that you are not in the same league as him. It is what allows him to sleep at night – believing that everyone envies and desires to be him. It is his heroin. Therein lies the pathology of Christie’s personality: Nobody wants to be a fat diabetic with heart disease, 5 chins, and the reputation of being a low-rent asshole.

In my opinion, Christie is engaging in this campaign for 2 reasons. First, there will be a lot of free food on the campaign trail. Second, he is angling for an on-air job on MSNBC or CNN, along with other slimy political hacks like John Kasich, Jen Psaki, John Dean, Andrew McCabe, etc… He endears himself to these leftist MSM fiends by talking shit about Trump. They eat that shit up with a spoon (and needle). He probably wants to get his own show and call it something obnoxious like “The Battering Ram” or “Get in the Ring”, then use the entire show to bullshit about Trump. There he will be, yelling and screaming about how Trump should be in prison for some fictious crime, during which pieces of the hot dog he is eating during the rant will be flying out of his mouth at warp speed and hitting the camera lens, smearing it with a greasy film. The camera guys will be told to keep a smear rag and a bottle of Windex on hand for each of his shows (along with bottle of Febreze).

He will ride his show as long as he can. There is big money in this. Chrissy knows it, and he is going for it. He is an opportunist. He is parasitically taking advantage of the situation (a toxic political stew) in an attempt to score a network gig. He ultimately wants to go to MSNBC, where they can offer him an entire show, probably and hour long. Alternatively, CNN will only offer him pundit segments. He is not good enough for his own show at CNN. Clowny acts need only apply for work at the circus.

We do not need any more parasitic trough feeders in politics. Chris Christie is one of many of the sort. But he is probably the biggest one, in more than one way. Also, he is doing nothing that is not calculated to advance his own brand. He is not running for president because he has support. He is not running because he cares about America…and “DuhmoCkrissy”. He is running in an attempt to monetize his stupid “Hey, itza Joisey thing” schtick by bending over to the leftist media kings. Essentially, it is like the rape scene in Deliverance where Ned Beatty is raped by the inbred hick, except unlike Beatty’s character Chris Christie feels no shame. He invites the rape so that he can get in good with the creepy inbred people. Why? Because there is money to be made there. Think about it. What else is this blow-hard tub of shit going to do to earn money without having to mingle with the peasants or do actual work? He wants to sit on his fat ass and rant about shit, just like any other loud mouth asshole Jersey scumbag.
All the adjectives you used work for describing your cult leader Trump as well
I am tired of hearing (and seeing) fat-fuck, bloviating Chris Christie talking about Trump and throwing about meaningless platitudes related to his fake presidential campaign. This stupid, jiggling barrel of lard has humiliated himself so many times over the years it is not even funny any more. He is a joke and an embarrassment to himself and our nation. He tried to run for president in 2016 and failed. He had almost zero support, just like today. Before that he was the corrupt governor of the smelly shit-hole state known as New Jersey (“Joisey”…as in, “Itza Joisey thing”). He did shit like close the beaches, ostensibly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that he could park his fat ass there, along with his poor family, and enjoy the sand and sun far away from the stinky peasants. He also shut down a bridge to inconvenience an entire town because he did not like the Mayor (a clear abuse of power by Christie, clearly trying to look like a cool mob moss style leader rather than the petty schmuck he is).

Fat boy has undertaken his present campaign under the guise that he is the only person who can go toe-to-toe with Trump and talk shit to his face. You know, like he is some sort of tough guy. But there’s some problems with this. First, he has no support and no funding. He will not make it to the debate stage. His campaign is, therefore, a joke. Second, he is all talk. He is one of those empty people who feel the need to brag in a loud voice, repeating himself often, so as to make it clear that he is a winner. More importantly is that YOU KNOW that you are not in the same league as him. It is what allows him to sleep at night – believing that everyone envies and desires to be him. It is his heroin. Therein lies the pathology of Christie’s personality: Nobody wants to be a fat diabetic with heart disease, 5 chins, and the reputation of being a low-rent asshole.

In my opinion, Christie is engaging in this campaign for 2 reasons. First, there will be a lot of free food on the campaign trail. Second, he is angling for an on-air job on MSNBC or CNN, along with other slimy political hacks like John Kasich, Jen Psaki, John Dean, Andrew McCabe, etc… He endears himself to these leftist MSM fiends by talking shit about Trump. They eat that shit up with a spoon (and needle). He probably wants to get his own show and call it something obnoxious like “The Battering Ram” or “Get in the Ring”, then use the entire show to bullshit about Trump. There he will be, yelling and screaming about how Trump should be in prison for some fictious crime, during which pieces of the hot dog he is eating during the rant will be flying out of his mouth at warp speed and hitting the camera lens, smearing it with a greasy film. The camera guys will be told to keep a smear rag and a bottle of Windex on hand for each of his shows (along with bottle of Febreze).

He will ride his show as long as he can. There is big money in this. Chrissy knows it, and he is going for it. He is an opportunist. He is parasitically taking advantage of the situation (a toxic political stew) in an attempt to score a network gig. He ultimately wants to go to MSNBC, where they can offer him an entire show, probably and hour long. Alternatively, CNN will only offer him pundit segments. He is not good enough for his own show at CNN. Clowny acts need only apply for work at the circus.

We do not need any more parasitic trough feeders in politics. Chris Christie is one of many of the sort. But he is probably the biggest one, in more than one way. Also, he is doing nothing that is not calculated to advance his own brand. He is not running for president because he has support. He is not running because he cares about America…and “DuhmoCkrissy”. He is running in an attempt to monetize his stupid “Hey, itza Joisey thing” schtick by bending over to the leftist media kings. Essentially, it is like the rape scene in Deliverance where Ned Beatty is raped by the inbred hick, except unlike Beatty’s character Chris Christie feels no shame. He invites the rape so that he can get in good with the creepy inbred people. Why? Because there is money to be made there. Think about it. What else is this blow-hard tub of shit going to do to earn money without having to mingle with the peasants or do actual work? He wants to sit on his fat ass and rant about shit, just like any other loud mouth asshole Jersey scumbag.
One day I wish to be a level-headed, pragmatist like those on the left ... who advocate narratives that men can give birth and breastfeed
The right is absolutely fascinated with pregnant men. They talk about it over and over.


Oh, that's right. IT's not like they can debate any liberal, so they need an exccuse to run from the topic, any topic.

Keep deflecting, Trump cult losers. It's all you can do, after all. Whenever any liberal arrives, the Trump cultists will submissively urinate and set deflector shields to maximum.
Christie had an insiders view of what was going on in the Trump administration, what Trump said and did, how he reacted, what he said behind the scenes.

He has known Trump for decades and has insight on what type of person he is.
And yet he is still a fat gas bag angling for a job.

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