Democrat Law Professor Turley Schools Obama on Legal Precedent Following “Leaked” Phone Call


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
“First and Foremost, Flynn Was Not Charged with Perjury” – Democrat Law Professor Turley Schools Obama on Legal Precedent Following “Leaked” Phone Call

9 May 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Disgraced former President Barack Obama appears to be in a panic. General Flynn is now in the clear and the Durham investigation is ongoing. More documents are about to drop.
There are rumblings that former members of his FBI (e.g. FBI General Counsel James Baker) have flipped and are working with Durham.
Obama’s Deep State henchmen who set up General Flynn and the crooked politicians and media hacks who supported them are terrified.
An audio of former President Barack Obama, whose Administration spied on the Trump team and Administration, was released by deep state reporter Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News on Friday night.
In the “call” which appears totally set up, Obama is concerned about the rule of law.
Here is the transcript:
“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said during a virtual discussion with members of the Obama Alumni Association. “The fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”
Obviously, Obama is completely panicked with the news of his criminal spying on his political opposition.
On Saturday brilliant attorney and Democrat Jonathan Turley schooled former Harvard law student Obama on his leaked complaints against President Trump and legal precedent.
Jonathan Turley tweeted: President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying “There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.” It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury. Second, we now know Obama discussed charging Flynn under the Logan Act which has never been used successfully to convict anyone and is flagrantly unconstitutional. Third, this reaffirms reports that Obama was personally invested in this effort. Finally, there is precedent. There is a specific rule allowing for this motion under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48(a). There are specific Supreme Court cases like Rinaldi v. United States addressing the standard for such dismissals. The Justice Department has dismissed cases in the past including the Stevens case. That was requested by President Obama’s own Attorney General Eric Holder for the same reason: misconduct by prosecutors. It was done before the same judge, Judge Sullivan. How is that for precedent?​
Apparently, Obama did not get much learnin’ from his days at Harvard Law.

All is life, .he's known as Barry Soetoro, why switch to Barack? Who paid for his education and when/if completed why work as a "community organizer" student loans to pay back? The focus is on his birth certificate but all of his records were school chums? All relationships seem to be with nefarious people.....and really you sat in the front row of Rev. Wright's church and never picked up on racism? Did he pose as a foreigner to get admission and scholarships to US colleges and Law School?
The Flynn case has turned out to be about concealment of exculpatory evidence by the FBI and DOJ prosecutors. It's all about government prosecutors that concealed evidence from Flynn's defense team and Judge Emmett Sullivan.
An independent investigation ordered by presiding Judge Sullivan required the presentation of the 302's, which of course were then claimed to be lost. With these latest revelations being revealed by the now found 302's and DNI declassification of documents the next step is dismissal of all charges against Gen. Flynn.
Meanwhile with egg all over their faces and those facing criminal charges. I wonder if they will all fall on their swords rather than implicate those working in the Obama administration and Obama himself?
How convenient, it was “leaked”. I knew I recognized the name Isikoff. He is up to his eyeballs in all this-
A September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article written by Isikoff[13] was cited by Federal authorities in a FISA warrant application in order to justify the surveillance of Carter Page, who was alleged to have a connection to Russian authorities during the 2016 presidential campaign.[14][15] This article is cited in the Nunes memo which makes reference to Isikoff's September 23, 2016 Yahoo Newsarticle.[16]
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“First and Foremost, Flynn Was Not Charged with Perjury” – Democrat Law Professor Turley Schools Obama on Legal Precedent Following “Leaked” Phone Call

9 May 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Disgraced former President Barack Obama appears to be in a panic. General Flynn is now in the clear and the Durham investigation is ongoing. More documents are about to drop.
There are rumblings that former members of his FBI (e.g. FBI General Counsel James Baker) have flipped and are working with Durham.
Obama’s Deep State henchmen who set up General Flynn and the crooked politicians and media hacks who supported them are terrified.
An audio of former President Barack Obama, whose Administration spied on the Trump team and Administration, was released by deep state reporter Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News on Friday night.
In the “call” which appears totally set up, Obama is concerned about the rule of law.
Here is the transcript:
“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said during a virtual discussion with members of the Obama Alumni Association. “The fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”
Obviously, Obama is completely panicked with the news of his criminal spying on his political opposition.
On Saturday brilliant attorney and Democrat Jonathan Turley schooled former Harvard law student Obama on his leaked complaints against President Trump and legal precedent.
Jonathan Turley tweeted: President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying “There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.” It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury. Second, we now know Obama discussed charging Flynn under the Logan Act which has never been used successfully to convict anyone and is flagrantly unconstitutional. Third, this reaffirms reports that Obama was personally invested in this effort. Finally, there is precedent. There is a specific rule allowing for this motion under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48(a). There are specific Supreme Court cases like Rinaldi v. United States addressing the standard for such dismissals. The Justice Department has dismissed cases in the past including the Stevens case. That was requested by President Obama’s own Attorney General Eric Holder for the same reason: misconduct by prosecutors. It was done before the same judge, Judge Sullivan. How is that for precedent?​
Apparently, Obama did not get much learnin’ from his days at Harvard Law.

All is life, .he's known as Barry Soetoro, why switch to Barack? Who paid for his education and when/if completed why work as a "community organizer" student loans to pay back? The focus is on his birth certificate but all of his records were school chums? All relationships seem to be with nefarious people.....and really you sat in the front row of Rev. Wright's church and never picked up on racism? Did he pose as a foreigner to get admission and scholarships to US colleges and Law School?
The Flynn case has turned out to be about concealment of exculpatory evidence by the FBI and DOJ prosecutors. It's all about government prosecutors that concealed evidence from Flynn's defense team and Judge Emmett Sullivan.
An independent investigation ordered by presiding Judge Sullivan required the presentation of the 302's, which of course were then claimed to be lost. With these latest revelations being revealed by the now found 302's and DNI declassification of documents the next step is dismissal of all charges against Gen. Flynn.
Meanwhile with egg all over their faces and those facing criminal charges. I wonder if they will all fall on their swords rather than implicate those working in the Obama administration and Obama himself?

The world would faint if they actually arrested this pos loser. He's the globalist bitch!
The left is soon to be crying...

More info is coming out next week and I'm told it will cement Obama's knowledge and direction of the attempted Coup D'e Tat.

If these deep staet pigs get to scared Trump's goign ot do something we can expect something to happen and it's goign to be worse than 911 could ever bee.
How the hell does someone as illogical and stupid as Obama become a lawyer let alone President? He's more of a a dictator wanna be. His assertion that Flynn got off scott free is totally absurd as well. The dude lost his job, his reputation and he was bankrupted by a crooked justice system. His administration makes Tammany Hall, the Teapot Dome scandal and Whitewater look like days at the beach. His was easily the most corrupt administration ever, especially the Justice Dept. You can expect Obama to do a lot more squirming before he's led off to jail, where he belongs.
How the hell does someone as illogical and stupid as Obama become a lawyer let alone President? He's more of a a dictator wanna be. His assertion that Flynn got off scott free is totally absurd as well. The dude lost his job, his reputation and he was bankrupted by a crooked justice system. His administration makes Tammany Hall, the Teapot Dome scandal and Whitewater look like days at the beach. His was easily the most corrupt administration ever, especially the Justice Dept. You can expect Obama to do a lot more squirming before he's led off to jail, where he belongs.

Flynn faced no legal repercussions for lying to the FBI

Who fired Flynn and why? It was Trump. Trump fired Flynn for lying. Because he did. We all know he did.
How the hell does someone as illogical and stupid as Obama become a lawyer let alone President? He's more of a a dictator wanna be. His assertion that Flynn got off scott free is totally absurd as well. The dude lost his job, his reputation and he was bankrupted by a crooked justice system. His administration makes Tammany Hall, the Teapot Dome scandal and Whitewater look like days at the beach. His was easily the most corrupt administration ever, especially the Justice Dept. You can expect Obama to do a lot more squirming before he's led off to jail, where he belongs.

Flynn faced no legal repercussions for lying to the FBI

Who fired Flynn and why? It was Trump. Trump fired Flynn for lying. Because he did. We all know he did.

Damn you're one stupid MFer!!!
Trump took the Feebs word for it and had no other choice even if he knew better.
How the hell does someone as illogical and stupid as Obama become a lawyer let alone President? He's more of a a dictator wanna be. His assertion that Flynn got off scott free is totally absurd as well. The dude lost his job, his reputation and he was bankrupted by a crooked justice system. His administration makes Tammany Hall, the Teapot Dome scandal and Whitewater look like days at the beach. His was easily the most corrupt administration ever, especially the Justice Dept. You can expect Obama to do a lot more squirming before he's led off to jail, where he belongs.

Flynn faced no legal repercussions for lying to the FBI

Who fired Flynn and why? It was Trump. Trump fired Flynn for lying. Because he did. We all know he did.
The official FBI report found no negative information and was about to be closed. Flynn never lied! Strozk made up a lie and changed the 302 at Paige's instruction. This thing is blowing up in your damn face and your to ignorant to see it
How the hell does someone as illogical and stupid as Obama become a lawyer let alone President? He's more of a a dictator wanna be. His assertion that Flynn got off scott free is totally absurd as well. The dude lost his job, his reputation and he was bankrupted by a crooked justice system. His administration makes Tammany Hall, the Teapot Dome scandal and Whitewater look like days at the beach. His was easily the most corrupt administration ever, especially the Justice Dept. You can expect Obama to do a lot more squirming before he's led off to jail, where he belongs.

Flynn faced no legal repercussions for lying to the FBI

Who fired Flynn and why? It was Trump. Trump fired Flynn for lying. Because he did. We all know he did.
The official FBI report found no negative information and was about to be closed. Flynn never lied! Strozk made up a lie and changed the 302 at Paige's instruction. This thing is blowing up in your damn face and your to ignorant to see it
The notes from the interview confirm that Flynn lied. You’re wrong.

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