I am going to debate Donald Trump - Biden

Looking forward to not watching this.
I think you speak for the majority of Americans at this point.

On the one hand, the political elites can't afford to have RFKjr. in those debates, because it might totally screw up the corporate party's political calculus of the election at this point. And, until he get on more than ballots than just ten states, I can't say I blame them.

OTH? If they really want to draw in the views and boost ad revenue, the greedy corporate owners of the media would be fools not to have him in.

I won't watch unless he is in them, TBH.

Biden, Trump AGREE To EXCLUDE RFK Jr From Presidential Debates​

There will be no debate. Trump will whine like the pussy he is about the moderators, or no audience, or stopping his mike.

He is a pussy. He promises to debate or testify over and over and never does. And you MAGA cock suckers drink it up.
You deciding for everyone else who is or isn't a good candidate.
Your reading comprehension is piss poor. Along with most other types of comprehension, I presume.

All I'm saying is, don't vote for a shitty candidate. If you actually think Trump/Biden is good, vote for them. My plea is to those who know goddamned well that Trump/Biden is the worst slate for the Presidency we've ever had. That's an overwhelming majority of the country, according to the polls. If those people wake up and just say "no", if they vote third party, or write someone in, or even just don't vote at all, we can finally start to change things. But if we keep doing the same thing, expecting different results ???
Why wouldn’t Pause *Joe have a cheering section?
Doesn't need one to function or debate, and never has. He has been elected and re-elected to public office consecutively, since 1972 in the House, the Senate and as VP, every time he ran, including to the office of President of the United States. This ain't exactly new territory.
Your reading comprehension is piss poor. Along with most other types of comprehension, I presume.

All I'm saying is, don't vote for a shitty candidate. If you actually think Trump/Biden is good, vote for them. My plea is to those who know goddamned well that Trump/Biden is the worst slate for the Presidency we've ever had. That's an overwhelming majority of the country, according to the polls. If those people wake up and just say "no", if they vote third party, or write someone in, or even just don't vote at all, we can finally start to change things. But if we keep doing the same thing, expecting different results ???
Your silly solution is to sit on your sorry ass and hope it all solves itself. What courage! People like you are the problem and you offer nothing but endless whining and worthless opinions.
No meaningful policy questions will be asked by any of the establishment debate mauds.
They will spend on inordinate amount of time on race issues, LGBTQ issues, guns, and abortions, maybe a slight bit of time on immigration. . . and yes, a slight bit on foreign policy of which they both agree. . . other than that, you are spot on.

Not a peep will be addressed on the functioning of the bureaucracy, the budget, or how the administrative branch actually functions. At the core, the folks that fund both parties and control both candidates have really no philosophical differences. . . .

So what is there to debate? :dunno:

This is just like the WWE!

Hell even the challenge seemed like the whole thing is orchestrated as such. :lol:


Your silly solution is to sit on your sorry ass and hope it all solves itself.
Voting for bad candidates on purpose is bone fucking stupid. Sitting on your sorry ass, instead, would be doing your country a vital service. Just sleep in that day.
Doesn't need one to function or debate, and never has. He has been elected and re-elected to public office consecutively, since 1972 in the House, the Senate and as VP, every time he ran, including to the office of President of the United States. This ain't exactly new territory.

Yes! Twenty Shell Corporations *Joe is everything we’ve come to expect from years of leftist government service.

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