Dad Makes Daughter Walk to School in 36-Degree Weather for Bullying...was he right to do it?!

No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
You are truly an idiot.

He did not make it into a circus OTHERS did.

He did not post the video you fucking fool.

He only responded to stupid comments from others like you.
He didnt have to say a fucking thing.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
You are truly an idiot.

He did not make it into a circus OTHERS did.

He did not post the video you fucking fool.

He only responded to stupid comments from others like you.
He didnt have to say a fucking thing.
Neither did you but he had every reason to say something when many stupid people like you were saying idiotic things about him.

Unlike you he was correct and had good reason to speakout
The 5miles might be a bit much, but the temp thing is just bullshit emo propoganda.

All three of my boy walked the 2 miles to school in -20 F by choice...

5 miles might be a bit much? Really? For a teenager? I would hike that distance or more every time I went fishing, which was damn near every weekend in the summer.

She's ten years old.
But I still favor the punishment.
Perfect age to learn a valuable lesson.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
You are truly an idiot.

He did not make it into a circus OTHERS did.

He did not post the video you fucking fool.

He only responded to stupid comments from others like you.
He didnt have to say a fucking thing.
Neither did you but he had every reason to say something when many stupid people like you were saying idiotic things about him.

Unlike you he was correct and had good reason to speakout
No he didnt. He could have kept quiet and retained some dignity.
36 degrees isnt that bad.

She deserved, I wish more parents would deal with their bullying kids. I'm a teacher and I can't tell you how many parents are dismissive about their child's bullying.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
You are truly an idiot.

He did not make it into a circus OTHERS did.

He did not post the video you fucking fool.

He only responded to stupid comments from others like you.
He didnt have to say a fucking thing.
Neither did you but he had every reason to say something when many stupid people like you were saying idiotic things about him.

Unlike you he was correct and had good reason to speakout
No he didnt. He could have kept quiet and retained some dignity.
He did not lose any dignity.

Every person wants to defend themselves he did have every good reason to soak out and correct the stupid people like you
I lived in Buffalo and routinely saw kids walking in sub zero temperatures

Buffalo is no joke in the winter. I did a 3 month long project up there and told myself never again, I'll sub it out first. The outdoor pool at the hotel filled with snow overnight and I had to shovel my truck out just to go to the work site. Crazy.

Oddly enough, yes, I noticed kids were walking to school. Those people are tough up there, for sure.
36 degrees?
We wear fucking shorts in MN when it hits a balmy 36.

I delivered papers as a youth covering 3 square miles in below zero weather for several years.
As an adult I work construction to this day in the very same weather.
I am outside everyday. Think the kid can take it.
36 is not that cold if she has a winter coat

Above freezing
I and millions of others walked as far or farther to school in worse weather.

Might teach her a lesson
I lived in Buffalo and routinely saw kids walking in sub zero temperatures
Yes, when I lived out there, I remember many mornings getting on the bus and my feet were so frozen that first they were numb, then full of pins and needles--really really painful ones. It's a wonder I've still got all my toes.

It must be terrible to be so overweight that you cannot see your feet!
I walked to school as a kid. It was normal back then.

You know, I also remember when I was in the 4th grade, and lived in Libby MT. Well, I went out for wrestling that year, and about 2 times a week, I would have to walk home (4 miles) because there wasn't anyone to pick me up, they were at work.

But, I did that because I wanted to wrestle, and that was the price that had to be paid.

Yeah, but you liked wrestling because you got to hug boys!
I walked to school as a kid. It was normal back then.

You know, I also remember when I was in the 4th grade, and lived in Libby MT. Well, I went out for wrestling that year, and about 2 times a week, I would have to walk home (4 miles) because there wasn't anyone to pick me up, they were at work.

But, I did that because I wanted to wrestle, and that was the price that had to be paid.

Yeah, but you liked wrestling because you got to hug boys!

While you stayed home and touched yourself looking at posters of Don Knotts.
You guys are weak. I had to crab-walk 20 miles to school every day through molten lava AND snow while carrying 200 pounds of textbooks with my teeth!
I walked to school as a kid. It was normal back then.

You know, I also remember when I was in the 4th grade, and lived in Libby MT. Well, I went out for wrestling that year, and about 2 times a week, I would have to walk home (4 miles) because there wasn't anyone to pick me up, they were at work.

But, I did that because I wanted to wrestle, and that was the price that had to be paid.

Yeah, but you liked wrestling because you got to hug boys!

While you stayed home and touched yourself looking at posters of Don Knotts.

Was I talking to you?
36 degree isn't that bad. 5 miles is a bit far. But if I read the article right she didn't walk it all in one day, plus she was safe the entire time. Nothing to see here.
36 is not that cold if she has a winter coat

Above freezing
I and millions of others walked as far or farther to school in worse weather.

Might teach her a lesson
I lived in Buffalo and routinely saw kids walking in sub zero temperatures
Yes, when I lived out there, I remember many mornings getting on the bus and my feet were so frozen that first they were numb, then full of pins and needles--really really painful ones. It's a wonder I've still got all my toes.

It must be terrible to be so overweight that you cannot see your feet!
Are you intoxicated?

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