Dad Makes Daughter Walk to School in 36-Degree Weather for Bullying...was he right to do it?!

5 miles might be a bit much? Really? For a teenager? I would hike that distance or more every time I went fishing, which was damn near every weekend in the summer.

She's ten years old.
But I still favor the punishment.

I was in the 4th grade when I wanted to wrestle. One of the conditions was that I walked the 4 miles home 2 times a week because the adults were working and there was nobody to pick me up.

I walked the 4 miles 2 times a week for the season, because I thought it was worth it.

I would have rode a bike.

I probably could have, but walking was a better way to go, as sometimes people who I knew would pick me up and give me a ride.

So you weren't really walking to school...

Actually, I was walking home from school. And, while sometimes I would be able to hitch a ride, most times I walked the whole distance.
Good for that dad. If I had a kid and I knew he was cruelly tormenting other kids, you bet the corporal punishment would start rearing its head. By the time I was finished with my punk kid, he would never dare bully another person ever again, he'd be too terrified of Dad throwing the fear of God into him, including the belt.
The average human walks at around 2 1/2 miles/hour. She would have only been walking for maybe 2 hours if it was 5 miles each way.

That's nothing. When I missed the bus coming home I had to walk at least that. Sometimes I just ran it. We had a bus stop, not to far away in the morning, but we'd all walk, and stand in the rain, snow, and/or extreme cold to wait for the bus.

Today, in my area, parents DRIVE their kids to the bus stop, and the kids wait inside the car until the bus comes. The bus stop use to be a social experience where kids interacted. Now they sit with mommy, or daddy in their warm car. Drives me nuts. We would have been called "sissies". Or the parents just drive their all the way to school ever day.
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I never had to take a bus to school. I can only guess my parents were smart when buying a home. :)
My longest walks back then we're 7 miles. Football practice or track. Sister would forget to pick me and I'd have to walk. That was high school. Lol

Elementary school was about 2 miles. All the kids walked together
Near where I live a young boy was caught shoplifting at a small store. The store didn't prosecute the boy ,but called the dad. The punishment was to stand out side for 2 hours with a cardboard sign saying I am a thief. The child appologized to every customer for shop lifting. The boy learned a valuable lesson that day.
My son shoplifted when he was probably 7 or so. He actually stole something pretty to GIVE me. Kids aren't so bright, right? So I found it first thing in the morning, I had to go to work, he had to go to school, and so I told him that when I got home from work, we were going to the store and he was going to give it back to the store owner and apologize.
I didn't know it until he told me years later, but he was TERRIFIED all day long. As it turned out the store manager accepted the apology and the item and after receiving a short but solemn lecture, my son walked away unscathed.
I would not have put my son to public shame like that other guy did.
Both were effective. This child was about 12. Old enough to know better
Ah ha.

The op made it sound like it was five miles a day every day.

Intentionally misleading.

He also kept an eye on her while she walked it.

Very good dad. He is adapting to the nanny state which allows no tolerance for bullying but which also watches every parent for some small sign of neglect.

Hopefully his girl learns to behave better.
The op gave a link, which quoted the father as saying that his beautiful daughter was to walk "five miles to school today."
The link makes it pretty clear he broke it up over 3 days but either way it is not a bad thing.
The link I read repeated that she had to walk five miles to school several times, doll. And she had to walk 5 miles to school on 3 different days. If she had to walk both 5 miles to school and five miles back to her home, that'd be 10 miles a day. I just took what he said as "5 miles to school" as a given, and let it go at that. You can think what you want. This kid was crying for attention, because she was on her second offense when she decided she would walk to school. He took away her brat license. That's what's important. He may have to do it again until she understands she is not to continue bullying, because the object of her bullying is getting a lot of attention, too. I'm not so sure that's a good thing. Next time, her offense could get her suspended from public school that is not prepared to perpetually deal with a mentally disturbed bully who doesn't learn a lesson from good teachers who intervene and a good dad who also intervenes. This kid is a self-serving brat and may need military discipline to put her on track with the fact there are other people in the world besides herself.
Read again.
Sure: and I quote by pasting: “A lot of children today feel that the things their parents do for them is a right and not a privilege, such as parents taking their children to school in the morning. Or even bus rides to school in the morning. All of that is a privilege and should be treated as such. So today my beautiful daughter is going to walk five miles to school in 36-degree weather.”
Yes but not in one day.

The rest of the article made that clear
I love it. More parents should do the same. It builds character. Kids think there entitled now.

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As long as Dad let her wear shoes it's no big deal. Did she have shoes?
The op gave a link, which quoted the father as saying that his beautiful daughter was to walk "five miles to school today."
The link makes it pretty clear he broke it up over 3 days but either way it is not a bad thing.
The link I read repeated that she had to walk five miles to school several times, doll. And she had to walk 5 miles to school on 3 different days. If she had to walk both 5 miles to school and five miles back to her home, that'd be 10 miles a day. I just took what he said as "5 miles to school" as a given, and let it go at that. You can think what you want. This kid was crying for attention, because she was on her second offense when she decided she would walk to school. He took away her brat license. That's what's important. He may have to do it again until she understands she is not to continue bullying, because the object of her bullying is getting a lot of attention, too. I'm not so sure that's a good thing. Next time, her offense could get her suspended from public school that is not prepared to perpetually deal with a mentally disturbed bully who doesn't learn a lesson from good teachers who intervene and a good dad who also intervenes. This kid is a self-serving brat and may need military discipline to put her on track with the fact there are other people in the world besides herself.
Read again.
Sure: and I quote by pasting: “A lot of children today feel that the things their parents do for them is a right and not a privilege, such as parents taking their children to school in the morning. Or even bus rides to school in the morning. All of that is a privilege and should be treated as such. So today my beautiful daughter is going to walk five miles to school in 36-degree weather.”
Yes but not in one day.

The rest of the article made that clear
Not to me, and I have read it three or four times already thanks to you. At this point, I wouldn't care whether the man signed an affidavit that said your perception or my face-value preference was correct. In my mind, this little turd walked 5 miles three times, and she has a better parent than she deserves for making herself be disciplined twice for the thing she likely has been doing habitually for years.
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
Her expense? She pulled the same stunt at least twice while an adult was watching. That tells me she's done this crap dozens of times. She's extracting the expense from him, not the other way around. A ten year old knows that bullying another person is the wrong thing to do, particularly when a teacher or bus driver has had to come down on her twice. God, I'd hate to be the playground supervisor when she's out pulling one shenanigan after another on people she wants to be mean to. That's what habituated bullies do until somebody stops them.
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Making her walk was fine.

Humiliating her to the entire world, which will follow her to her grave, was not.
The blame for that is on the dipshits who commented on the video.

Like the fool Basquebromance who started this thread
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
No problem with the punishment but question why Dad had to tell the world about it. Sounds like he wants to be a hero at his daughters expense.
He didn't.

Someone filmed the kid walking and the video went viral.

Millions of people commented and the dad had to speak up.
He had no reason to speak.
Yes he did.

Many of the people commenting were condemning him for making her walk. Like the stupid fool who posted the op.

He had every reason to correct them.
Its family busines. He was just covering his ass. He made a circus out of something that neednt have been. Probably trying to get a chat show invite.
You are truly an idiot.

He did not make it into a circus OTHERS did.

He did not post the video you fucking fool.

He only responded to stupid comments from others like you.
36 is not that cold if she has a winter coat

Above freezing
I and millions of others walked as far or farther to school in worse weather.

Might teach her a lesson
I lived in Buffalo and routinely saw kids walking in sub zero temperatures
i lived in the falls....had to walk with the other kids even in blizzard the time you got to school you had an inch of snow over your coat....

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