Cost of amnesty; $2.6 trillion plus


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion.

Los Angeles Mexican Mayor Vallaraigosa and Florida Cuban Senator Marco Rubio want to by pass fines, taxes, English, background checks and back of the line and go straight to full path to citizenship for the 12 million that are here.

Obama want all the above and a guest workers program for low wage earning immigrant. So they can take low wage jobs from unskilled Americans? WTF? Aren’t they all low wage earners and that’s how the collect welfare for their anchor babies?

How do you do a background check on some one who has multiple identifications? Those with criminal backgrounds will not come forward for background checks. How do you get them to pay back taxes when they are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and most of exempt from paying taxes any way and we end up paying them tax refunds plus earned income checks. Learn English? How much will this entitlement program cost tax payers? Go to the back of the line. Best plan yet because the end of the line is in Mexico behind those who have been waiting to immigrate legally. The humane, compassionate and fair thing to do is to let those who have been waiting for years by the law to enter legally to get in front of the line and enter before those here illegally. That is who we are and what we are about and what we teach our children. They don’t cut in front of the line and expected to be rewarded.
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.

We do not love it, We had no fucking choice but to vote for Obama a second term and we kno we would have to deal with this but he was still the best man for the job to get th economy going. If the left had any balls they woud stop amnesty. Do balls disapear when you get old? :confused:
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.

We do not love it, We had no fucking choice but to vote for Obama a second term and we kno we would have to deal with this but he was still the best man for the job to get th economy going. If the left had any balls they woud stop amnesty. Do balls disapear when you get old? :confused:

No it is just hard to pick them off the floor lol. Na, and I think it is funny when people say obama was the best man for the economy.. I mean he has done such a good job so far! Why not give him 4 more years to fail miserably?
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.

We do not love it, We had no fucking choice but to vote for Obama a second term and we kno we would have to deal with this but he was still the best man for the job to get th economy going. If the left had any balls they woud stop amnesty. Do balls disapear when you get old? :confused:

No it is just hard to pick them off the floor lol. Na, and I think it is funny when people say obama was the best man for the economy.. I mean he has done such a good job so far! Why not give him 4 more years to fail miserably?

Blacks only see black. It was never about who was best to lead the economy....

Tribal people.

These illegals=bigger welfare state. Period.
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.

We do not love it, We had no fucking choice but to vote for Obama a second term and we kno we would have to deal with this but he was still the best man for the job to get th economy going. If the left had any balls they woud stop amnesty. Do balls disapear when you get old? :confused:

No it is just hard to pick them off the floor lol. Na, and I think it is funny when people say obama was the best man for the economy.. I mean he has done such a good job so far! Why not give him 4 more years to fail miserably?

Four out of four ain't bad. Compared to Bush's 8 year failure. Romney was a failure form the beginning and I did not need 4 years for him to prove himself. I bet on Obama another 4 years unless he pass CIR amnesty.
It's all part of Hussein's plan to bankrupt America and ruin the nation... you know... that "fundamentally transform" thingie, which translated means "turn America into a socialist third world shit hole," and he's doing a damn good job, and the liberals love it.

OBAMA did not start two wars, tax cuts for the rich, let jobs go overseas, spent a $2.5 trillion surplus and rack up $5.7 trillion debt and maxed out the governments credit card and wrote bad check on the government check book. Obama saved the country from bankrupt, a recession and probably saved our sorry ass.
ALL the spending Obama has done has been to pay for what bubba broke. But it is going to take longer then 8 years to fix what Bush broke in 8 years. What part of screw up the country Bush do you not understand?
The cost of attrition by enforcement: as little as $14 billion.

Los Angeles Mexican Mayor Vallaraigosa and Florida Cuban Senator Marco Rubio want to by pass fines, taxes, English, background checks and back of the line and go straight to full path to citizenship for the 12 million that are here.

Obama want all the above and a guest workers program for low wage earning immigrant. So they can take low wage jobs from unskilled Americans? WTF? Aren’t they all low wage earners and that’s how the collect welfare for their anchor babies?

How do you do a background check on some one who has multiple identifications? Those with criminal backgrounds will not come forward for background checks. How do you get them to pay back taxes when they are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and most of exempt from paying taxes any way and we end up paying them tax refunds plus earned income checks. Learn English? How much will this entitlement program cost tax payers? Go to the back of the line. Best plan yet because the end of the line is in Mexico behind those who have been waiting to immigrate legally. The humane, compassionate and fair thing to do is to let those who have been waiting for years by the law to enter legally to get in front of the line and enter before those here illegally. That is who we are and what we are about and what we teach our children. They don’t cut in front of the line and expected to be rewarded.

Do you have the calculations on how they Cost $2.6 trillion and chasing them down, arresting them, confining them and deporting them only costs $14 billion?
Hippity-hoppity, flippity-floppity...
Jeb Bush: 'I Would Support' Citizenship for Illegals
March 11, 2013 - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said that despite what he wrote in his recently-released book, he would support a pathway to citizenship for illegals if one passed through Congress.
“I support what Sens. [Lindsey] Graham [R-S.C.] and [Marco] Rubio [R-Fla.] and [John] McCain [R-Ariz.] and [Jeff] Flake [R-Ariz.] are doing with their Democratic counterparts, and if they can find a way to get to a path to citizenship over the long haul, then I would support that,” Bush said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press.” Bush wrote in his recently-released book, “Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution,” that a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants was an “undeserving reward” for those who broke the law. “A grant of citizenship is an undeserving reward for conduct that we cannot afford to encourage,” Bush and co-author Clint Bolick wrote. “It is absolutely vital to the integrity of our immigration system that actions have consequences -- in this case, that those who violated the law can remain but cannot obtain the cherished fruits of citizenship.”

Bush explained himself Sunday to “Meet the Press” host David Gregory, saying that the country could take “either path” – choosing to allow illegal immigrants to become citizens or merely to stay in the country legally. “First of all, my view has been that, in order to get comprehensive reform, we could take either path; either a path to citizenship or a path to legalization. The important point is that illegal immigrants should not get better benefits at a lower cost than people that have been waiting patiently,” Bush said Sunday. In their book, Bush and Bolick write that if illegal immigrants want to become citizens, they should get in the back of the line of a reformed immigration system: “However, illegal immigrants who wish to become citizens should have the choice of returning to their native countries and applying through normal immigration processes that now would be much more open than before.”

As recently as June 2012, however, Bush seemed to hold a slightly different view, telling Charlie Rose on “CBS This Morning” that he supported a “path to citizenship.” “You have to deal with this issue, you can't ignore it, and so either a path to citizenship, which I would support – and that does put me probably out of the mainstream of most conservatives – or a path to legalization, a path to residency of some kind,” Bush told Rose. Bush, meanwhile, told NBC's Gregory that he took a harder line on citizenship in his book to try to convince skeptical readers that some kind of immigration reform was necessary. “But this book was written to try to get people that were against reform to be for it. And it is a place where I think a lot of conservatives should feel comfortable, that there's a way to do this and not violate their principles,” Bush argued.

Jeb Bush Changes Position--Again--on 'Pathway to Citizenship' for Illegals | CNS News

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