Cops murdered in California and Wisconsin; Congratulations cop haters.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.
I was thinking the same thing when I read those stories this morning.

Especially when you look at 2013/14, where officers killed in the line of duty dropped to a 54 year record low.

What's changed in 2014/15?

The left has painted criminals as the good guys and police as the bad guys, with tragic results.

Police turn their backs.jpg

"Law enforcement officers turn their backs on a live video monitor
showing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as he
speaks at the funeral of slain New York City police officers."​
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All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.
I disagree. I claim it's the cops who created the culture. In Florida cops hand-cuff an 8 year old for not wearing a helmet to ride his bike. Cops aren't doing a good job of public relations. I'm 67, and I've never had a cop do anything to help me. Too many cops are bullies, and abuse the citizens. They're out there primarily to raise money. They "serve and protect" their own interests, not the interests of the people. Cops have to earn the respect of the citizens, they don't get it automatically.
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.
Don't beat yourself up too much...both cop-killers are dead.
Every first floor window in my house can take a 9mm slug point blank without shattering. And the materials cost me less than $1000. Why can't the cops have bullet resisitant car doors?
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.

And when was this 'culture of cop hating' founded? Because the States with the highest rate of cop killing are almost entirely conservative.
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.

And when was this 'culture of cop hating' founded? Because the States with the highest rate of cop killing are almost entirely conservative.
California and Wisconsin are Conservative?
Wisconsin has woken up a bit and elected a Conservative Governor, but the state has been Liberal for years.
Every first floor window in my house can take a 9mm slug point blank without shattering. And the materials cost me less than $1000. Why can't the cops have bullet resisitant car doors?

2 reasosn.

Primarily the expense. Budgets wont tolerate it.
Secondarily. would be more "militarization" which isnt tolerated either.

So....the cop haters are getting their dream. Liberals and cop hating extremists can rejoice today. Their wish for dead cops happenes again.
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.

And when was this 'culture of cop hating' founded? Because the States with the highest rate of cop killing are almost entirely conservative.
California and Wisconsin are Conservative?

Those are the only cop deaths that have ever occurred in the nation? Or did I cite 'highest rate of cop killing'?

If cop kiling were a 'liberal' thing, then why are the highest rates of cop killing in overwhelmingly conservative states?
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.

And when was this 'culture of cop hating' founded? Because the States with the highest rate of cop killing are almost entirely conservative.
California and Wisconsin are Conservative?

Those are the only cop deaths that have ever occurred in the nation? Or did I cite 'highest rate of cop killing'?

If cop kiling were a 'liberal' thing, then why are the highest rates of cop killing in overwhelmingly conservative states?
California and New York are overwhelmingly conservative? That's a new one.
WCSC Northern California police officer shot to death
WCSC Police Wisconsin state trooper shot and killed

CONGRATULATIONS to all the cop haters! You get two more brave police officers deaths to celebrate!

In of your precious beloved "mentally ill" suspects...opened fire ambush style on cops and killed a veteran trooper.

In Wisconsin. ..a good gentle church going man....robbed him a know just a little robbery nothing to bad he just needs hugs......and killed the responding officer.

All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.

And when was this 'culture of cop hating' founded? Because the States with the highest rate of cop killing are almost entirely conservative.
California and Wisconsin are Conservative?

Those are the only cop deaths that have ever occurred in the nation? Or did I cite 'highest rate of cop killing'?

If cop kiling were a 'liberal' thing, then why are the highest rates of cop killing in overwhelmingly conservative states?
California and New York are overwhelmingly conservative? That's a new one.

Unless no other police office has ever died anywhere else, EVER......then you may want to rethink your paraphrase.

When you do, lets this phrase roll around in your head: 'Highest rate of cop killing'.
All you cop haters created this culture of cop killing. Fuck every single one of you.
I don't like cops, but I don't want to see them murdered. I'd like to see them change. Cops violate the law all the time. Cops murder, rob, and rape the citizens they're suppose to be protecting and serving. I'm sure it's been going on for a long time, but because we now have video cameras we all find out. The cops that gang-beat Rodney King should be in jail, but they're not. When a cop does an illegal search and seizure, he should go to jail. Youtube is full of police misbehaving, but unless a cop rapes or murders someone, they get off. I think if cops started being held accountable, they might change. I don't think a woman who gets a ticket for putting her garbage out a day early should be hand-cuffed and hauled away in front of her kids (it happened in Royal Oak Michigan). Cops who lie on the witness stand should go to jail. Cops aren't respected because they deserve no respect. Blaming "cop haters" won't help. Saying "fuck you" won't help. Better training for the cops, and a change in their attitude might help.
Bucky has never met a liberal who has expressed a desire to see cops get killed. The only people who advocate such things are RW nutjobs.
"What do we want? Dead cops!" is of course the mantra of RW "nutjobs".

WTF is wrong with you?

Never happened.
Sure, this was a Tea Party rally:

Where is the close up video with audio of that chant? Until I see it...that bullshit never happened. I've seen and heard that bullshit a dozen times. I need proof that it is un-doctored and I need better audio that shows who is saying what.

You, being a dupe, don't require any of that.
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Bucky has never met a liberal who has expressed a desire to see cops get killed. The only people who advocate such things are RW nutjobs.
"What do we want? Dead cops!" is of course the mantra of RW "nutjobs".

WTF is wrong with you?

Never happened.
Sure, this was a Tea Party rally:

Where is the close up video with audio of that chant? Until I see it...that bullshit never happened. I've seen and heard that bullshit a dozen times. I need proof that it is un-doctored and I need better audio that shows who is saying what.

You, being a dupe, don't require any of that.

Ok. By that standard...ONLY up close video taped police corruption actually happens. All other allegations never happened.

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