Contaminated-Blood Is Blood Money


Sep 23, 2010
Whatever happened to “First do no harm.” No one can tell me that deliberately introducing tainted HIV or AIDS into the blood supply does no harm.

The Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability urged the FDA to change the policy to allow men who have sex with men to donate blood if they say they have had no sexual contact with a man for one year.

The recommendation was put before another FDA panel, the Blood Products Advisory Committee, on Tuesday, although there’s no indication when a decision would be made on what to recommend to the FDA.

But one critic of the proposed change spoke to the committee.

Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, urged the committee not to recommend a change.

“I urge you to oppose any change in the current lifetime deferral as blood donors of men who have had sex with men, unless it can be scientifically proven that a revised policy would result in no increase in risk to the blood supply. Even a small increase in risk is unacceptable,” he said.​

Democrats and Wall Street know that once parasites are seated at the public trough it will be impossible to dislodge them. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, ever loses government funding. In fact, the opposite is always true. Once funding begins it grows and grows until “It is too big to fail.” Sending billions in the coming years to blood banks will be no different. In this case there is no telling how many patients will spread the wealth after they are infected with HIV or AIDS?

I would be remiss if I did not mention contaminated-blood purchased from Africa. Have you ever wondered why the MSM dropped the contaminated-blood issue? The practice of buying blood from Africa was not stopped but the reporting did. It is not logical to believe that blood contaminated with HIV or AIDS is kept out the system at the same time the UN is always sucking around for more money to fight the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Africa. Now, the bloodsuckers are after tainted blood from Americans who are already known to be infected.

Don’t confuse the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with actual patient protection since it does nothing to protect the already sick against fatal infections picked up in a hospital, or from HIV or AIDS-tainted blood from Africa.

NOTE: Infecting Americans with imported diseases is the Democrat party’s policy as open-borders have demonstrated time and time again. Bottom line: “First do harm.” governs every decision connected to the healthcare industry. Oddly enough, the public is treated to a wonderful image of a successful healthcare industry saving lives.

Since hospitals are profit-making enterprises the owners could be given tax breaks to make the transition to single occupancy rooms. I would not give them a penny of taxpayer money directly whether they build new, or convert existing hospitals. There is also a built-in financial stimulus to an economy that everybody in Washington claims the country needs an economic fix. I suggest a stimulus package that actually helps everyone rather than just enriching insurance company executives and Wall Street sharpshooters.

Incidentally, Donald Berwick, a great admirer of the British healthcare system failed in his bid for governor of Massachusetts. One of the victories the American people are probably unaware of.

Paul Micheal Glasser​

One of the saddest stories I remember about HIV-AIDS tainted blood took the life of Glasser’s wife and daughter.

Today, the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability will not say how many Elizabeth Glassers, or unknown children, will become infected from contaminated-blood when there is not one sound reason to adopt such a reckless policy. The entire sales campaign being waged by the owners of blood banks is based on nothing more than the word of homosexuals —— Taqiyya the Liar’s favorite constituency:

The Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability urged the FDA to change the policy to allow men who have sex with men to donate blood if they say they have had no sexual contact with a man for one year.​

Feds to let 'gays' donate blood?
Major change could threaten Americans' health
Posted By Bob Unruh On 12/02/2014 @ 7:36 pm

Bloody hell Feds to let 8216 gays 8217 donate blood

Check this one out if you are interested in learning what blood money is all about:

$10 Million Fine on Red Cross Highlights Its Troubled History of Blood Services
by Lena Groeger
ProPublica, Feb. 2, 2012, 7:27 a.m.

10 Million Fine on Red Cross Highlights Its Troubled History of Blood Services - ProPublica

Finally, bet your life that blood supplies for the scum in the federal government will remain as clean as the driven snow. Have you ever heard of a single piece of garbage in the Administration getting a batch of bad blood? The Chicago sewer rat has proved time after time that Democrat party policy is to infect as many Americans with as many diseases as possible.
Democrats and Wall Street know that once parasites are seated at the public trough it will be impossible to dislodge them. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, ever loses government funding. In fact, the opposite is always true. Once funding begins it grows and grows until “It is too big to fail.” Sending billions in the coming years to blood banks will be no different. In this case there is no telling how many patients will spread the wealth after they are infected with HIV or AIDS?

So how come environmental parasites do not call it blood money when all of those birds are killed by wind farms? Answer: Environmental parasites are okay with another branch of the parasite culture feeding at the trough.


A generous taxpayer-funded handout for the wind industry expired at the end of 2013—but it’s not going to the grave quietly.


You’ve heard it all before. Just do a simple search for production tax credit expiration with different years and you’ll read the same tired arguments about how the handout is good for the economy and a sustainable industry.


Proponents of the wind tax credit argue that without an extension jobs will be lost. They point to the fact that when Congress allowed the credit to expire in years past, production declined 93, 77 and 73 percent respectively the year following the credit’s lapse.

But that’s not a sign of economic loss. Instead, it’s a sign of industry dependence on the federal government and the credit creating a bigger market than otherwise would exist.


Congress is talking about billions of dollars–$6.4 billion for a one-year extension of the credit over the 10 years the industry receives the windfall, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation–for an industry to produce intermittent, expensive electricity when America already has a robust, diverse supply of energy to power homes and businesses.

Furthermore, the wind credit merely concentrates benefits to the states where the wind blows and to the states that mandate renewable energy consumption and disperses the costs to the rest of America. Sure, there are a few winning states, but there are a lot more on the losing end of this deal.

Why Is the Federal Government Doling Out Billions to the Wind Industry?
Nicolas Loris / December 03, 2014

Why Is the Federal Government Doling Out Billions to the Wind Industry
It is more than just stopping tainted blood. Somehow running the risk of getting infected is a Right. I will never understand that one.

Americans should forget about Islam’s combatant terrorists for a while and concentrate on our own homegrown infectious disease terrorists. The Democrat party’s battle plan includes as many deadly trained soldiers spreading diseases in this country —— importing diseases through open-borders, Ebola, etc. —— as does Islam’s combat terrorists killing people worldwide. If al-Qaida is leading Islam’s first army then surely Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ACLU is the Democrat party’s deadliest military organization in this country. The ACLU is deployed the minute anybody challenges the medical industry. And guess who is paying the troops?

Good news -- Alabama taxpayers have been dunned only $1.3 million by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which sued to end the segregation of HIV-positive inmates in the state prison system.


In December 2012, U.S. District Judge Myron H. Thompson issued a 152-page ruling against Alabama’s Department of Corrections, ordering it to integrate HIV-positive inmates with other inmates. Separating the inmates, the judge said, violated the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.​

Incidentally, who will the ACLU defend if healthy prison inmates protect themselves against HIV infected inmates? Knowing how ACLU lawyers work they will take it down both ways.

The state and the ACLU have been wrangling over legal fees ever since, with the ACLU finally agreeing to accept $1.3 million, which includes fees of $195 per hour for ACLU attorney visits to the prisons.

January 11, 2015
ACLU Pockets Hefty Award in Alabama Prison Case
By Robert Knight

Articles ACLU Pockets Hefty Award in Alabama Prison Case
Finally, bet your life that blood supplies for the scum in the federal government will remain as clean as the driven snow. Have you ever heard of a single piece of garbage in the Administration getting a batch of bad blood? The Chicago sewer rat has proved time after time that Democrat party policy is to infect as many Americans with as many diseases as possible.
I knew this would happen before the rat left office:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration opened the door on Tuesday to a change in its blood donor deferral recommendations, which currently prohibit donations from gay men for a year following their last sexual encounter in order to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

In December the FDA overturned a 30-year ban on all blood donations from men who have sex with men, saying the change was based on science showing an indefinite ban was not necessary to prevent transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus.

The FDA is now signaling it may go further.​

Politics | Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:37pm EDT
Related: U.S., Election 2016, Politics, Health
U.S. opens door to a change in blood donation policy for gay men
By Toni Clarke

U.S. opens door to a change in blood donation policy for gay men
Whatever happened to “First do no harm.” No one can tell me that deliberately introducing tainted HIV or AIDS into the blood supply does no harm.

The Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability urged the FDA to change the policy to allow men who have sex with men to donate blood if they say they have had no sexual contact with a man for one year.

The recommendation was put before another FDA panel, the Blood Products Advisory Committee, on Tuesday, although there’s no indication when a decision would be made on what to recommend to the FDA.

But one critic of the proposed change spoke to the committee.

Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, urged the committee not to recommend a change.

“I urge you to oppose any change in the current lifetime deferral as blood donors of men who have had sex with men, unless it can be scientifically proven that a revised policy would result in no increase in risk to the blood supply. Even a small increase in risk is unacceptable,” he said.​

Democrats and Wall Street know that once parasites are seated at the public trough it will be impossible to dislodge them. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, ever loses government funding. In fact, the opposite is always true. Once funding begins it grows and grows until “It is too big to fail.” Sending billions in the coming years to blood banks will be no different. In this case there is no telling how many patients will spread the wealth after they are infected with HIV or AIDS?

I would be remiss if I did not mention contaminated-blood purchased from Africa. Have you ever wondered why the MSM dropped the contaminated-blood issue? The practice of buying blood from Africa was not stopped but the reporting did. It is not logical to believe that blood contaminated with HIV or AIDS is kept out the system at the same time the UN is always sucking around for more money to fight the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Africa. Now, the bloodsuckers are after tainted blood from Americans who are already known to be infected.

Don’t confuse the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with actual patient protection since it does nothing to protect the already sick against fatal infections picked up in a hospital, or from HIV or AIDS-tainted blood from Africa.

NOTE: Infecting Americans with imported diseases is the Democrat party’s policy as open-borders have demonstrated time and time again. Bottom line: “First do harm.” governs every decision connected to the healthcare industry. Oddly enough, the public is treated to a wonderful image of a successful healthcare industry saving lives.

Since hospitals are profit-making enterprises the owners could be given tax breaks to make the transition to single occupancy rooms. I would not give them a penny of taxpayer money directly whether they build new, or convert existing hospitals. There is also a built-in financial stimulus to an economy that everybody in Washington claims the country needs an economic fix. I suggest a stimulus package that actually helps everyone rather than just enriching insurance company executives and Wall Street sharpshooters.

Incidentally, Donald Berwick, a great admirer of the British healthcare system failed in his bid for governor of Massachusetts. One of the victories the American people are probably unaware of.

Paul Micheal Glasser​

One of the saddest stories I remember about HIV-AIDS tainted blood took the life of Glasser’s wife and daughter.

Today, the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability will not say how many Elizabeth Glassers, or unknown children, will become infected from contaminated-blood when there is not one sound reason to adopt such a reckless policy. The entire sales campaign being waged by the owners of blood banks is based on nothing more than the word of homosexuals —— Taqiyya the Liar’s favorite constituency:

The Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability urged the FDA to change the policy to allow men who have sex with men to donate blood if they say they have had no sexual contact with a man for one year.​

Feds to let 'gays' donate blood?
Major change could threaten Americans' health
Posted By Bob Unruh On 12/02/2014 @ 7:36 pm

Bloody hell Feds to let 8216 gays 8217 donate blood

Check this one out if you are interested in learning what blood money is all about:

$10 Million Fine on Red Cross Highlights Its Troubled History of Blood Services
by Lena Groeger
ProPublica, Feb. 2, 2012, 7:27 a.m.

10 Million Fine on Red Cross Highlights Its Troubled History of Blood Services - ProPublica

Finally, bet your life that blood supplies for the scum in the federal government will remain as clean as the driven snow. Have you ever heard of a single piece of garbage in the Administration getting a batch of bad blood? The Chicago sewer rat has proved time after time that Democrat party policy is to infect as many Americans with as many diseases as possible.

Blood is rigorously tested. Anyone who's ever donated would know that.
Blood is rigorously tested. Anyone who's ever donated would know that.
To Arianrhod: Apparently not:
I would be remiss if I did not mention contaminated-blood purchased from Africa. Have you ever wondered why the MSM dropped the contaminated-blood issue? The practice of buying blood from Africa was not stopped but the reporting did. It is not logical to believe that blood contaminated with HIV or AIDS is kept out the system at the same time the UN is always sucking around for more money to fight the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Africa. Now, the bloodsuckers are after tainted blood from Americans who are already known to be infected.
Blood is rigorously tested. Anyone who's ever donated would know that.
To Arianrhod: Apparently not:
I would be remiss if I did not mention contaminated-blood purchased from Africa. Have you ever wondered why the MSM dropped the contaminated-blood issue? The practice of buying blood from Africa was not stopped but the reporting did. It is not logical to believe that blood contaminated with HIV or AIDS is kept out the system at the same time the UN is always sucking around for more money to fight the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Africa. Now, the bloodsuckers are after tainted blood from Americans who are already known to be infected.

Apparently that's your opinion. Can you link to a reputable source indicating that U.S. clinics are purchasing blood from Africa?

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