Conservatives who see the Trump indictment and are outraged, do you now appreciate what others might experience who aren't billionaires?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Some of us have been abused for decades, based on lies, misrepresentation and self-serving criminals posing as noble agents. No criminal records, just agent provocateurs, abusers and trumped up dossiers . I'm sure the U.S police on this forum scoff at the possibility that the "good guys" could ever be the bad guys. That's because the U.S has civil liberties and police don't have jobs for life there.

Regardless of the case against Trump, this is why some of us are unwavering supporters of civil liberties, due process and transparency. It's why I have blown the whistle on abuses against me and the creepy covert methods the TPS and other police agencies use in Canada. It is all for CYA. It's also why we warned you against becoming like Canada, abuses of power is the end result. Except for CSIS, the U.S and others can't trust ANY police force in Canada.

I recall Trump making a joke in a speech to new FBI grads, suggesting that when they bring in a seriously bad perp they might "accidentally" hit his head on the cop car door. They laughed, being young and excited in their new careers, meeting a president and all.

A former FBI agent on CNN was livid though, rightfully speaking out that "this isn't how the FBI operates" and he was generally perturbed that Trump would say such a joke to naive new grads. He even scolded the new recruits. I agreed with him, as a forces reputation is everything, especially a world renowned agency.

I recall Don Jr, mocking those who went to prison with funny memes and speaking out viciously against them. I recall Trump himself calling for the death penalty for drug dealers a la the Philippines approach. Maybe in the case of willingly poisoning and spiking something, but it is a broad and extreme statement to make in general, no? Especially after he pardoned some dealers.

Ultimately, Trump will get through this and will benefit politically I'm sure. Certainly his fundraising efforts will receive a boost. Will he and some of the most hardened followers turn over a new leaf? Be a little more curious about methods and abuses instead of assuming the facts are what the "good guys say they are"?

Some of Trumps policies were needed and I supported his battle to maintain Americas global pole position. He can't listen to the Echo Chamber though, which kicking him off of Twitter ensured he would be limited to. He now has his own social media company and his most loyal supporters will be there, touting the same opinions. At least on Twitter he had balanced responses.
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Some of us have been abused for decades, based on lies, misrepresentation and self-serving criminals posing as noble agents. No criminal records, just agent provocateurs, abusers and trumped up dossiers . I'm sure the U.S police on this forum scoff at the possibility that the "good guys" could ever be the bad guys. That's because the U.S has civil liberties and police don't have jobs for life there.

Regardless of the case against Trump, this is why some of us are unwavering supporters of civil liberties, due process and transparency. It's why I have blown the whistle on abuses against me and the creepy covert methods the TPS and other police agencies use in Canada. It is all for CYA. It's also why we warned you against becoming like Canada, abuses of power is the end result. Except for CSIS, the U.S and others can't trust ANY police force in Canada.

I recall Trump making a joke in a speech to new FBI grads, suggesting that when they bring in a seriously bad perp they might "accidentally" hit his head on the cop car door. They laughed, being young and excited in their new careers, meeting a president and all.

A former FBI agent on CNN was livid though, rightfully speaking out that "this isn't how the FBI operates" and he was generally perturbed that Trump would say such a joke to naive new grads. He even scolded the new recruits. I agreed with him, as a forces reputation is everything, especially a world renowned agency.

I recall Don Jr, mocking those who went to prison with funny memes and speaking out viciously against them. I recall Trump himself calling for the death penalty for drug dealers a la the Philippines approach. Maybe in the case of willingly poisoning and spiking something, but it is a broad and extreme statement to make in general, no? Especially after he pardoned some dealers.

Ultimately, Trump will get through this and will benefit politically I'm sure. Certainly his fundraising efforts will receive a boost. Will he and some of the most hardened followers turn over a new leaf? Be a little more curious about methods and abuses instead of assuming the facts are what the "good guys say they are"?

Some of Trumps policies were needed and I supported his battle to maintain Americas global pole position. He can't listen to the Echo Chamber though, which kicking him off of Twitter ensured he would be limited to. He now has his own social media company and his most loyal supporters will be there, touting the same opinions. At least on Twitter he had balanced responses.

The man blatantly thumbed his nose at the law when he wasn't president. Then he took it to a new level abusing his power when he became POTUS. And now thinks he is above the law and can break the law and the law can't do anything about it. Republicans will protect him. I hope to god us Democrats wouldn't do this. I would hope that if we had a Trump leading our party, we'd switch to a DiSantis and not stick with a guy who has a huge laundry list of scumbaggery, law breaking. For god sakes he was told to turn over his top secret documents and then he lied and didn't turn them all over. There is another thing he will be indicted for. If it's not one of the 32 counts against him. It may be already a part of this case.

What is wrong with Republicans? The one good thing about Trump is he is exposing them. Are Republicans deplorable like Hillary said? Or are they cousin f'ing inbreds like Fox News says?
The man blatantly thumbed his nose at the law when he wasn't president. Then he took it to a new level abusing his power when he became POTUS. And now thinks he is above the law and can break the law and the law can't do anything about it. Republicans will protect him. I hope to god us Democrats wouldn't do this. I would hope that if we had a Trump leading our party, we'd switch to a DiSantis and not stick with a guy who has a huge laundry list of scumbaggery, law breaking. For god sakes he was told to turn over his top secret documents and then he lied and didn't turn them all over. There is another thing he will be indicted for. If it's not one of the 32 counts against him. It may be already a part of this case.

What is wrong with Republicans? The one good thing about Trump is he is exposing them. Are Republicans deplorable like Hillary said? Or are they cousin f'ing inbreds like Fox News says?
why is the left so full of blatant lies.
The man blatantly thumbed his nose at the law when he wasn't president. Then he took it to a new level abusing his power when he became POTUS. And now thinks he is above the law and can break the law and the law can't do anything about it. Republicans will protect him. I hope to god us Democrats wouldn't do this. I would hope that if we had a Trump leading our party, we'd switch to a DiSantis and not stick with a guy who has a huge laundry list of scumbaggery, law breaking. For god sakes he was told to turn over his top secret documents and then he lied and didn't turn them all over. There is another thing he will be indicted for. If it's not one of the 32 counts against him. It may be already a part of this case.

What is wrong with Republicans? The one good thing about Trump is he is exposing them. Are Republicans deplorable like Hillary said? Or are they cousin f'ing inbreds like Fox News says?
There ARE A lot of bad repunks...but a lot more really BAD Democrats. President Trump was not referring to people who are harassed unlawfully by the police. HEll..WE ALL ARE especially now by stupid cops who side with the left and the left HATES them. He was referring to the worst of criminals. How can you be so sensitive that you don't get that??
Some of us have been abused for decades, based on lies, misrepresentation and self-serving criminals posing as noble agents. No criminal records, just agent provocateurs, abusers and trumped up dossiers . I'm sure the U.S police on this forum scoff at the possibility that the "good guys" could ever be the bad guys. That's because the U.S has civil liberties and police don't have jobs for life there.

Regardless of the case against Trump, this is why some of us are unwavering supporters of civil liberties, due process and transparency. It's why I have blown the whistle on abuses against me and the creepy covert methods the TPS and other police agencies use in Canada. It is all for CYA. It's also why we warned you against becoming like Canada, abuses of power is the end result. Except for CSIS, the U.S and others can't trust ANY police force in Canada.

I recall Trump making a joke in a speech to new FBI grads, suggesting that when they bring in a seriously bad perp they might "accidentally" hit his head on the cop car door. They laughed, being young and excited in their new careers, meeting a president and all.

A former FBI agent on CNN was livid though, rightfully speaking out that "this isn't how the FBI operates" and he was generally perturbed that Trump would say such a joke to naive new grads. He even scolded the new recruits. I agreed with him, as a forces reputation is everything, especially a world renowned agency.

I recall Don Jr, mocking those who went to prison with funny memes and speaking out viciously against them. I recall Trump himself calling for the death penalty for drug dealers a la the Philippines approach. Maybe in the case of willingly poisoning and spiking something, but it is a broad and extreme statement to make in general, no? Especially after he pardoned some dealers.

Ultimately, Trump will get through this and will benefit politically I'm sure. Certainly his fundraising efforts will receive a boost. Will he and some of the most hardened followers turn over a new leaf? Be a little more curious about methods and abuses instead of assuming the facts are what the "good guys say they are"?

Some of Trumps policies were needed and I supported his battle to maintain Americas global pole position. He can't listen to the Echo Chamber though, which kicking him off of Twitter ensured he would be limited to. He now has his own social media company and his most loyal supporters will be there, touting the same opinions. At least on Twitter he had balanced responses.
There ARE A lot of bad repunks...but a lot more really BAD Democrats. President Trump was not referring to people who are harassed unlawfully by the police. HEll..WE ALL ARE especially now by stupid cops who side with the left and the left HATES them. He was referring to the worst of criminals. How can you be so sensitive that you don't get that?? well..on second thought...i get the sensitivity. Who wouldn't be to have out of control law enforcement harassing you week in week out and feel and BE powerless to stop it. We are all in that situation now and it will only get worse. We are NOT free. Somehow and very quickly WE, the people, have become the expendable slaves of the state.
There ARE A lot of bad repunks...but a lot more really BAD Democrats. President Trump was not referring to people who are harassed unlawfully by the police. HEll..WE ALL ARE especially now by stupid cops who side with the left and the left HATES them. He was referring to the worst of criminals. How can you be so sensitive that you don't get that??

Who's a bad Democrat? Nancy Pelosi? Allow me to use Trump's own words against you

2008, he suggested it would have been “a wonderful thing” had the speaker pursued impeachment against then-President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.”

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
Some of us have been abused for decades, based on lies, misrepresentation and self-serving criminals posing as noble agents. No criminal records, just agent provocateurs, abusers and trumped up dossiers . I'm sure the U.S police on this forum scoff at the possibility that the "good guys" could ever be the bad guys. That's because the U.S has civil liberties and police don't have jobs for life there.

Regardless of the case against Trump, this is why some of us are unwavering supporters of civil liberties, due process and transparency. It's why I have blown the whistle on abuses against me and the creepy covert methods the TPS and other police agencies use in Canada. It is all for CYA. It's also why we warned you against becoming like Canada, abuses of power is the end result. Except for CSIS, the U.S and others can't trust ANY police force in Canada.

I recall Trump making a joke in a speech to new FBI grads, suggesting that when they bring in a seriously bad perp they might "accidentally" hit his head on the cop car door. They laughed, being young and excited in their new careers, meeting a president and all.

A former FBI agent on CNN was livid though, rightfully speaking out that "this isn't how the FBI operates" and he was generally perturbed that Trump would say such a joke to naive new grads. He even scolded the new recruits. I agreed with him, as a forces reputation is everything, especially a world renowned agency.

I recall Don Jr, mocking those who went to prison with funny memes and speaking out viciously against them. I recall Trump himself calling for the death penalty for drug dealers a la the Philippines approach. Maybe in the case of willingly poisoning and spiking something, but it is a broad and extreme statement to make in general, no? Especially after he pardoned some dealers.

Ultimately, Trump will get through this and will benefit politically I'm sure. Certainly his fundraising efforts will receive a boost. Will he and some of the most hardened followers turn over a new leaf? Be a little more curious about methods and abuses instead of assuming the facts are what the "good guys say they are"?

Some of Trumps policies were needed and I supported his battle to maintain Americas global pole position. He can't listen to the Echo Chamber though, which kicking him off of Twitter ensured he would be limited to. He now has his own social media company and his most loyal supporters will be there, touting the same opinions. At least on Twitter he had balanced responses.
There is two ways of looking at this

One way of looking at it is, if Americans don't stand up now they are next and will lose their government.

The other way of looking at it is, the DNC only troubles itself with those who might stand in the way of their agenda and that Americans lost their government long ago and have zero control over it
Who's a bad Democrat? Nancy Pelosi? Allow me to use Trump's own words against you

2008, he suggested it would have been “a wonderful thing” had the speaker pursued impeachment against then-President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.”

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
I don't care. Saying it and actually having it DONE at YOUR ORDER are entirely two different things.
I don't care. Saying it and actually having it DONE at YOUR ORDER are entirely two different things.
32 counts. You Trump supporters are like Putin supporters. You just don't care what laws he breaks. He'd be a great Dictator huh? He wishes. So do you.

Well, then survive all the charges coming. 32 right now. More could be added. Some could be dropped. He's a criminal for god sakes. We know you like Al Capone too and it's bullshit they witch hunted him into prison over some petty tax evasion shit. Same shit Trump did.
There is two ways of looking at this

One way of looking at it is, if Americans don't stand up now they are next and will lose their government.

The other way of looking at it is, the DNC only troubles itself with those who might stand in the way of their agenda and that Americans lost their government long ago and have zero control over it
Maybe your next front runner won't thumb his nose at the rule of law. I remember right when Trump got in he immediately started breaking the rules. And no doubt behind the scenes breaking the law. His business' for sure were breaking the law. His charity got shut down. His university was a fraud. But now he's POTUS so he's above the law now. Especially with his sick followers. Even Fox News calls them cousin f'ers. Hillary called them deplorables. They've taken over the Republican party.

So normal Republicans need to join the Democratic party. I hope the GOP nominates Trump. After the public trial spill all the facts.

How did Trump know he was going to be arrested? A leaker. Remember Trump didn't like leakers in 2018?

32 counts. You Trump supporters are like Putin supporters. You just don't care what laws he breaks. He'd be a great Dictator huh? He wishes. So do you.

Well, then survive all the charges coming. 32 right now. More could be added. Some could be dropped. He's a criminal for god sakes. We know you like Al Capone too and it's bullshit they witch hunted him into prison over some petty tax evasion shit. Same shit Trump did.
It's like all the women coming out saying Kav was a rapist to try and stop him from getting a seat of power on the Supreme Court.

Where were they all those years before?

Why did they not care then?

You Leftists celebrate crime and denounce the police, that is, until you need people removed that might stand in the way of your political agendas and power.

Then all of a sudden you seem to care.

And if you can't find legitimate grievances, you simply make them up, like with the Putin/Trump scandal that produced nothing

In short, your credibility, the credibility of the Federal government, it's all gone

Thanks for playing.
Paul Ryan made excuses for Trump early on. He said "he's new to this, he doesn't know better"

Well 4 plus years later he still doesn't know any better.
It's like all the women coming out saying Kav was a rapist to try and stop him from getting a seat of power on the Supreme Court.

Where were they all those years before?

Why did they not care then?

You Leftists celebrate crime and denounce the police, that is, until you need people removed that might stand in the way of your political agendas and power.

Then all of a sudden you seem to care.

And if you can't find legitimate grievances, you simply make them up, like with the Putin/Trump scandal that produced nothing

In short, your credibility, the credibility of the Federal government, it's all gone

Thanks for playing.

Trump's crimes all fall well within the statute of limitation. This isn't a game or witch hunt. 32 counts. And we don't know what they are yet.
why is the left so full of blatant lies.
I want to investigate why the Saudi's invested $2 BILLION dollars with Jared Kushner. That seems shady. What's that all about? What did Jared and Trump do to deserve that? That's a hell of a lot more money than Hunter got.
I want to investigate why the Saudi's invested $2 BILLION dollars with Jared Kushner. That seems shady. What's that all about? What did Jared and Trump do to deserve that? That's a hell of a lot more money than Hunter got.S

Soon all of your political opponents will be in jail.

Why even bother conversing with such criminals?
This would not be going on if Trump did not threaten winning election

Get bent.
So true. If Trump were not running again we would not embarrass a former president and our country. Just like we don't go after Bush for lying us into Iraq.

2008, Trump suggested it would have been “a wonderful thing” had the speaker pursued impeachment against then-President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.” Trump on Wednesday became the third president in US history to be impeached by the House.

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.


a. Trump admits Monicagate was bullshit
b. Bush should have been impeached for lying us into Iraq
c. Trump was impressed with Pelosi before he got into politics and joined the other party

If you are a Republican and still defend the Iraq war, then I just exposed Trump for being involved in a witch hunt.
So true. If Trump were not running again we would not embarrass a former president and our country. Just like we don't go after Bush for lying us into Iraq.

2008, Trump suggested it would have been “a wonderful thing” had the speaker pursued impeachment against then-President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.” Trump on Wednesday became the third president in US history to be impeached by the House.

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.


a. Trump admits Monicagate was bullshit
b. Bush should have been impeached for lying us into Iraq
c. Trump was impressed with Pelosi before he got into politics and joined the other party

If you are a Republican and still defend the Iraq war, then I just exposed Trump for being involved in a witch hunt.
The only reason Bush did not go to jail was he sold out to the DNC long ago

He even admits voting for Biden.

It's all about selling your soul to the devil.
Soon all of your political opponents will be in jail.

Why even bother conversing with such criminals?
Only the criminals. If you are going to talk the talk walk the walk.

And here is the problem with your wacked out thinking. You will want political payback. So you'll try and impeach the next democrat who breaks a law to the fullest but here's the deal. I bet Republicans are breaking those very same laws.

Look at Hillary using her private emails and servers. They all did it! They all DO it! But remember you said lock her up, lock her up? Over that bullshit?

Trump has 32 counts against him. Let's just wait and see what those charges are.

I'm sure if you charged Trump with all the crimes he has ever committed it'd be 100 plus counts. 400 maybe. He's a fucking criminals.

Now I know what it's like to talk to a pro Putin Russian. Like you, they don't give a fuck about the curruption.

We will eat you up in the election. You may even turn Texas and Florida blue. I love that Trump has hyjacked the party although I do with he'd have a heart attack and die. Truly. He's sinister and ruining the country and turning it hard right when no one agrees with hard righters. Anti abortion, tax breaks to the rich, anti science, climate change aint real but jesus is, no gun regulations, as Fox news calls you inbred cousin F'ers.
The only reason Bush did not go to jail was he sold out to the DNC long ago

He even admits voting for Biden.

It's all about selling your soul to the devil.
So Bush did lie us into Iraq? Now you finally agree because Trump said it?

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