CNN: Obama's Bain Push 'Doesn't Appear To Be True'

The Romney campaign demanded that the Globe "correct" their story, which Romney called "inaccurate." The problem is that, as the Globe notes in their subsequent letter to the Romney campaign, the Globe can't correct a story that quotes federal and state documents that Romney wrote himself.

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: THIS JUST IN... Boston Globe refuses Romney demand to "correct" Bain story

Trust me. Globe's going to be up for libel. You cannot accuse someone of being a felon with no back up.

And they have no back up.
None. Fortune blew them out of the water. They pissed off Bain as well. :D

I'm looking forward to the future of this story.

:cuckoo: libel? :cuckoo:
Romney is saying, "Stop looking at what I signed. I'm telling you what to believe. Trust me".
Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

More: Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

Willard Mitt Romney


Robert H. Garff, the chair of the organizing committee, later said that "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics,"[119] and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career.[124][131] Garff believed the initial budget shortfall was not as bad as Romney portrayed, given there were still three years to reorganize.[124] Utah Senator Bob Bennett said that much of the needed federal money was already in place and an analysis by The Boston Globe stated that the committee already had nearly $1 billion in committed revenues.[124] Olympics critic Steve Pace, who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending, thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state in order to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue.[131] Kenneth Bullock, another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, often clashed with Romney at the time, and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed:[119] Bullock said: "He tried very hard to build an image of himself as a savior, the great white hope. He was very good at characterizing and castigating people and putting himself on a pedestal."[124]
Romney is saying, "Stop looking at what I signed. I'm telling you what to believe. Trust me".

Kinda like the way Obama has treated us for the last 3.5 years ?

He's been asking us to trust him at every turn with a bunch a loud mouthed assholes like Ried and Pelosi behind him and corrupt CBO reports.

Really really lame.

Sorry but I'll take the Boston globe (and everyone else) over Brietbart any day.

Try to remember that Brietbart has been caught lying. The many many many many many many others have not.

It's a CNN video moron !
Romney is saying, "Stop looking at what I signed. I'm telling you what to believe. Trust me".

Kinda like the way Obama has treated us for the last 3.5 years ?

He's been asking us to trust him at every turn with a bunch a loud mouthed assholes like Ried and Pelosi behind him and corrupt CBO reports.

Can't Defend Romney? :eusa_shhh:
Romney is saying, "Stop looking at what I signed. I'm telling you what to believe. Trust me".

Kinda like the way Obama has treated us for the last 3.5 years ?

He's been asking us to trust him at every turn with a bunch a loud mouthed assholes like Ried and Pelosi behind him and corrupt CBO reports.

Can't Defend Romney? :eusa_shhh:

I don't need to.

You're not voting for him.

I am.
Do I think Romney is perfect, fuck no. Some things are not defendable, but compared to what Obama has done with his office...Well, Romney is just a better choice. He just doesn't have the history of wanting to distort our constitution as Obama does is my point.
No matter what the thread topic, wingnuts always want to bash Obama. There must be a psychological term for that...
Do I think Romney is perfect, fuck no. Some things are not defendable, but compared to what Obama has done with his office...Well, Romney is just a better choice. He just doesn't have the history of wanting to distort our constitution as Obama does is my point.

Once Obama was elected president, he had the benefit of inside knowledge which changed some of his thinking - mostly defense and military. Romney does not yet have access to such knowledge except outdated info from old Bush cronies.

Obama has kept America safe on his watch - so far. He has my vote.
Do I think Romney is perfect, fuck no. Some things are not defendable, but compared to what Obama has done with his office...Well, Romney is just a better choice. He just doesn't have the history of wanting to distort our constitution as Obama does is my point.

Once Obama was elected president, he had the benefit of inside knowledge which changed some of his thinking - mostly defense and military. Romney does not yet have access to such knowledge except outdated info from old Bush cronies.

Obama has kept America safe on his watch
- so far. He has my vote.

Tell that to the people in places like El Paso, Nogales and Brian Terry's family, tovarich.

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