Meghan McCain's Defense Of Trump Proves Conservatives Are Prone to Submission


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)

A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.


A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics


How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on MIame time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.....


Her dad was rude, and got insulted back. Hardly a trauma for most people.

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics

Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

Progressives are independent thinkers who coincidentally ALL "think" the EXACT same "thoughts" at the EXACT same time.
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.

I have peer reviewed the above post and find it 100% accurate

We have consensus

The science is settled
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

Too funny, you ARE a lemming son. You show no evidence of thinking for yourself at all. McCain is NOT a "hero". He indeed did make a tape for the enemy.

Last edited:

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics


McCain is a surviving POW like many others. He's no hero and never has been.

He just used his POW status to launch a career in politics and he's been sucking off the Govt. tit ever since.

His daughter can defend whoever she wants to. Just like you can. Dumbass
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.

I think this is the most intelligent post I have ever read from a conservative.

You are obviously from a long line of conservative deep thinkers.
Last edited:
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.

I have peer reviewed the above post and find it 100% accurate

We have consensus

The science is settled

Thank you for proving my point, Frankie. Look at how you lemmings fall into place.
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.

I think this is the most intelligent post I have ever read from a conservative.

You are obviously from a long line of conservative deep thinkers.

Well, your post was nothing but a personal attack, so I thought that, instead of falling for your vile tactics of discussing our alleged failings, thus providing bandwidth for your vile propaganda,

that I would just reply sort of in kind.

The difference being of course, that I was not lying. Like you were. Because you are a vile liar.
Of course, conservatives are prone to submission. No news there. Conservatives want to be led. It is why they are easy marks for conspiracy theories and Russian trolls. It is part of their psychologic make up. They make lemmings look like independent thinkers.

You are an asshole.

I have peer reviewed the above post and find it 100% accurate

We have consensus

The science is settled

Thank you for proving my point, Frankie. Look at how you lemmings fall into place.

You are obviously an asshole. It is not submission to agree with an obvious fact.
She said when she thinks of Hillary, she thinks Crooked Hillary, but when she thinks of Trump, she thinks President Trump.

It must kill her to sit with a black and a Hispanic every day on the View.

She said we can't afford healthcare for everyone. Her father being sick made her realize the importance of healthcare, and she doesn't want anyone to die, BUT, the fact is, not everyone can be taken care of.

When they say that, I think rich Republicans want poor Republicans to be the sacrifice.

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics


How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics

Go take a dump
She said when she thinks of Hillary, she thinks Crooked Hillary, but when she thinks of Trump, she thinks President Trump.

And why not? She is a republican, and he is pushing American interests.

It must kill her to sit with a black and a Hispanic every day on the View.

Do you have anything to support that vile smear, other than you being a vile asshole?

THat was a rhetorical question. Everyone knows that it is just you being a race baiting asshole.

She said we can't afford healthcare for everyone. Her father being sick made her realize the importance of healthcare, and she doesn't want anyone to die, BUT, the fact is, not everyone can be taken care of.

When they say that, I think rich Republicans want poor Republicans to be the sacrifice.


Everyone reading this, knows that you don't think.

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics


How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on Mrs. Clinton, calling her “crooked Hillary, ‘cause I hate Hillary Clinton as everyone here knows.” At the same time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.

Then there is Ted Cruz, here’s a man who allowed the idiot trump to smear his wife’s looks, and stood by as the idiot trump delivered on an earlier threat to “spill the beans”, by shaming her for suffering severe mental depression.

All this occurred after the idiot trump accused Cruz’s father of working with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK.

And yet, with no apology, Ted Cruz humiliatingly submitted to the idiot trump by writing one of the most gushingly fawning tributes ever to have appeared in TIME magazine. Twitter had a field day over this.

The idiot trump “tortured” Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and took glee in humiliating them daily. (He once ordered Reince Priebus to catch a fly in the Oval office, which he did). Spicy’s humiliations were legendary. Both men are ruined, and yet here they are, spending their limited funds to promote the idiot trump’s hotels.

The idiot trump bragged on twitter how he dumped “sloppy” Steve Bannon “like a dog” and said he cried and begged for his job. Bannon responded by quite literally and publicly groveling to the idiot trump.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, and many others are on the list of Republicans who the idiot trump has publicly humiliated repeatedly.

While the idiot trump is a typical bully, who only attacks when he knows he is safe from reprisal, he is very much cowed by Vladimir Putin, which he demonstrated to the world in Helsinki. Anyone watching the idiot trump’s body language whenever he is near Putin sees the idiot trump is intimidated by the stronger man. (For comparison, see any photo of Obama and Putin.)
View attachment 208740
A confident President Obama shakes hands with Putin, with a facial expression showing contempt for the Russian dictator.

View attachment 208741
A sheepish trump sits beside Putin with slouched shoulders and a facial expression showing his submission,.being intimidated by the Russian dictator.

This should be appalling to everyone, but it’s not. In fact, looking back over the centuries, it obvious submission is a trait common among conservatives, as it was the Tories (conservatives) who wanted to remain loyal to the Crown when the liberal Founding Fathers were composing the Declaration of Independence.

History has proven again and again conservatives hold the projection of strength above all else. Their Ayn-Randian philosophy of survival of the fittest has long been ingrained in them. The ones they perceive as strong are to be revered and feared. They are more rich, more powerful, and therefore better, making it permissible, even their duty to submit to them.

As with the Founding Fathers, liberals always stand up to power, and why, to liberals and progressives, conservative behavior seems bizarre and sickening. Which makes it difficult for liberals and progressives to comprehend why conservatives have constantly humiliated and degraded themselves throughout the centuries.

The liberal history is that of fighting oppression. That is why the Founding Fathers fought to free the Thirteen Colonies from British rule, the Union fought the Confederacy to end slavery, and why the United States, led by the very, very liberal Franklin D. Roosevelt, entered WWII to fight the fascism Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

It is for this reason the country saw a grassroots movement taking on Wall Street, a bunch of young kids taking on the NRA, and unarmed protesters standing tall against water hoses and tear gas at places like Standing Rock, Ferguson, and rallies for the idiot trump.

When have you ever heard of a conservative standing up to power?

This is why there is such a disconnect. Progressives and liberals can’t fathom conservatives’ submissive behavior—especially to charismatic authoritarians that so easily dominate their flock. It’s not just their ideology that’s bad, it’s their entire mindset. Unfortunately, this mindset is also a big reason for their political success: it’s ingrained within conservatives to fall in line. We always decry how GOP legislators always come together and vote the way their masters tell them—even if it goes against their stated principles or their own interests. It’s just what they do.

Currently, it is maddening to see our party so disorganized, and why the Democrats sorely need new blood in the party leadership. But those problems are solvable and much preferred over the submissive mindset of the conservatives. It should be a point of pride that liberals and progressives are unable to be as submissive as is required to be a conservative, and will stand up for the rights of all, not just a few select groups.

Conservatives cannot deny they are devoted followers, and that they will vote repeatedly against their own interests, historic facts bear this out. But their responses to this OP will be that denial, so it is pointless to reply.

Meghan McCain Discovers Donald Trump Lies, Blasting Her Cancer-Stricken Father At CPAC After Promising To Stop

Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Ted Cruz’s Dad Linked To Lee Harvey Oswald

Ted Cruz Mocked For His Fawning Time Magazine Tribute To Donald Trump | HuffPost

Analysis | Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump.

Trump once ordered Reince Priebus to kill a fly in the Oval Office - NY Daily News

How long will Sean Spicer allow himself to be humiliated by President Trump?

Trump: Steve Bannon cried when he got fired - CNN Video

Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now - CNNPolitics

Ex-intel chiefs say President Trump is intimidated by Putin

Police spray tear gas at protesters following Trump's Phoenix rally - CNNPolitics

Go take a dump
Don't be such a whiny little bee otch.

How many people remember when the idiot trump called John McCain a “loser”, said he was “not a war hero”, and mocked him for being a POW. (“I like people who weren’t captured”).

Meghan McCain asked him to stop mocking her dad, and the idiot trump promised her he would—and kept his word exactly as you would expect. The idiot trump went to CPAC the next day and blasted her cancer-stricken father even more.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has always treated John McCain with dignity and respect. She’s not a bully. Yet Meghan explained on The View that she follows the idiot trump’s lead on his pathetic attacks on MIame time, she refers to the man who constantly insults her dying father as, “President Trump”.....


Her dad was rude, and got insulted back. Hardly a trauma for most people.
All POWs got insulted back
She said when she thinks of Hillary, she thinks Crooked Hillary, but when she thinks of Trump, she thinks President Trump.

And why not? She is a republican, and he is pushing American interests.

It must kill her to sit with a black and a Hispanic every day on the View.

Do you have anything to support that vile smear, other than you being a vile asshole?

THat was a rhetorical question. Everyone knows that it is just you being a race baiting asshole.

She said we can't afford healthcare for everyone. Her father being sick made her realize the importance of healthcare, and she doesn't want anyone to die, BUT, the fact is, not everyone can be taken care of.

When they say that, I think rich Republicans want poor Republicans to be the sacrifice.


Everyone reading this, knows that you don't think.
Personal insult aside, you agree with what I wrote, clearly.

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