Closing Judge Roy Moore Ad Released,: 'We Dare Defend Our Right To Life'


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Again, the sanctity of life is paramount in keeping the White population growing. Roy Moore is a man of God. He's a moral man of great character. As for Doug Jones, he is for aborting infants in the womb till right up until birth at 9 weeks. Can you imagine them being sliced up like that with their nervous system fully inractt? It's mind boggling the liberal mind.Vote Roy Moore to help Trump make America great again and transform the country into a conservative Nationalist nation.

Closing Judge Roy Moore Ad: We Dare Defend Our Right to Life - Breitbart
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The opposition add will be "we demand that little girls aren't sexually assaulted." and that men that do that belong in JAIL, not the U.S. Senate.

Again, the sanctity of life is paramount in keeping the White population growing. Roy Moore is a man of God. He's a moral man of great character. As for Doug Jones, he is for aborting infants in the womb till right up until birth at 9 weeks. Can you imagine them being sliced up like that with their nervous system fully inractt? It's mind boggling the liberal mind.Vote Roy Moore to help Trump make America great again and transform the country into a conservative Nationalist nation.

Closing Judge Roy Moore Ad: We Dare Defend Our Right to Life - Breitbart

Good ad.
Roy Moore should have been shot by an enraged father, or castrated by an enraged mother, 40 years ago, if half of what is said about him is true.

that he is not dead, not, as far as I know, dickless, it seems his constituents have little to no problems with his shenanigans.

and it's up to them as to whether he ends up in the Senate.
The opposition add will be "we demand that little girls aren't sexually assaulted." and that men that do that belong in JAIL, not the U.S. Senate.


then why isn't he in jail?
SRock, you live in a country that prides itself in not being quick to judge, and declares a person innocent until he is proven guilty, and yet with nothing more than innuendo, and in the middle of a lying media frenzy, you crucify someone based on hearsay. You are an ugly American...
The opposition add will be "we demand that little girls aren't sexually assaulted." and that men that do that belong in JAIL, not the U.S. Senate.


then why isn't he in jail?

He keeps it up he might be. Look I hope you Alabama inbreeds do elect him. Then we can officially put the entire Republican party on the endangered species list.

I'm no Alabamian, haven't even been thru it since '82, going from one base to another.


no more 'inbred' than NY, Illinois, or any other state.

But that makes for some great jokes for the idiots to pass around, doesn't it?
He keeps it up he might be. Look I hope you Alabama inbreds do elect him. Then we can officially put the entire Republican party on the endangered species list.

Now why wouldn't I believe any of your political predictions..hmmm...these gems from Oreo circa 2016 were certainly humorous to read.

All SCOTUS nominee's have to be confirmed by the Senate, and since the Senate will go down with Trump, you couldn't get an ultra conservative appointed to the U.S. Supreme court if your life depended on it--LOL

In fact, you might as well put the Republican party on an endangered species list at this time.
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton

The point is you haven't won. In fact it will be a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton, and Trump will also take the Republican senate with him, along with a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

After this incoming slaughter I imagine the Republican party will have to be put on the endangered species list, and will be reduced to an all white, mostly male, angry, ignorant focus group.

With Trump at the top of the ticket, they will not only lose the Senate, but a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country.

So it's the right wing of the party that has delivered this election to Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton already has 310 electoral college votes to Trump 179. 270 to win. But Trump's chances of winning the election were ZERO the very second it was announced that he was the nominee.

You even put up this ridiculous map and said "it will be worse than this"...
Again, the sanctity of life is paramount in keeping the White population growing. Roy Moore is a man of God. He's a moral man of great character. As for Doug Jones, he is for aborting infants in the womb till right up until birth at 9 weeks. Can you imagine them being sliced up like that with their nervous system fully inractt? It's mind boggling the liberal mind.Vote Roy Moore to help Trump make America great again and transform the country into a conservative Nationalist nation.

Closing Judge Roy Moore Ad: We Dare Defend Our Right to Life - Breitbart

And support war and executions. Oh, how fucking hypocritical.
It's early yet but it isn't the republicans sinking. It's the me too women.

They are already starting to look ridiculous. By next year women will be embarrassed to admit they ever made a complaint.
How can anyone tolerate a cheap slut like moore hiding behind "religion"? Or has religion really sunk this low?

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