Clarence Thomas Has Reported $750,000 In Income From A Company That Doesn't Exist


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
It never ends. The Washington Post is now reporting yet another oddity on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' legally mandated financial disclosures. Since 2006 Thomas has reported somewhere between $270,000 and $750,000 from a family real estate company called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

That's a good chunk of change, and the catch? Thomas and his wife shuttered Ginger, Ltd., in 2006. It doesn't exist. Thomas has earned up to $750,000 over the last 17 years from a ghost company.

Clarence Thomas is ostensibly a justice of the Supreme Court. If there is anyone in America with access to legal advice about how government forms ought to be filled out, it is him. If it is truly beyond him to fill out a few legally mandated government forms without making countless mistakes, he has no business writing up judicial decisions in which he decides what U.S. laws mean for everybody else.

"The wealthy political activist who pays for my vacation getaways purchased a house from me in order to build a museum to me" is out of bounds even if Crow wasn't letting Thomas' mother keep living in the place. That's comic book levels of crooked. I mean, for f---s sake.

A culture of corruption by conservatives, and activist judges. Thomas should be impeached immediately.
It never ends. The Washington Post is now reporting yet another oddity on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' legally mandated financial disclosures. Since 2006 Thomas has reported somewhere between $270,000 and $750,000 from a family real estate company called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

That's a good chunk of change, and the catch? Thomas and his wife shuttered Ginger, Ltd., in 2006. It doesn't exist. Thomas has earned up to $750,000 over the last 17 years from a ghost company.

Clarence Thomas is ostensibly a justice of the Supreme Court. If there is anyone in America with access to legal advice about how government forms ought to be filled out, it is him. If it is truly beyond him to fill out a few legally mandated government forms without making countless mistakes, he has no business writing up judicial decisions in which he decides what U.S. laws mean for everybody else.

"The wealthy political activist who pays for my vacation getaways purchased a house from me in order to build a museum to me" is out of bounds even if Crow wasn't letting Thomas' mother keep living in the place. That's comic book levels of crooked. I mean, for f---s sake.

A culture of corruption by conservatives, and activist judges. Thomas should be impeached immediately.
Why? You know that it's impossible, in our political climate.The House would not vote articles if the Judge was running a pre-school whorehouse....and they had pics!
Them's the facts~
It never ends. The Washington Post is now reporting yet another oddity on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' legally mandated financial disclosures. Since 2006 Thomas has reported somewhere between $270,000 and $750,000 from a family real estate company called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

That's a good chunk of change, and the catch? Thomas and his wife shuttered Ginger, Ltd., in 2006. It doesn't exist. Thomas has earned up to $750,000 over the last 17 years from a ghost company.

Clarence Thomas is ostensibly a justice of the Supreme Court. If there is anyone in America with access to legal advice about how government forms ought to be filled out, it is him. If it is truly beyond him to fill out a few legally mandated government forms without making countless mistakes, he has no business writing up judicial decisions in which he decides what U.S. laws mean for everybody else.

"The wealthy political activist who pays for my vacation getaways purchased a house from me in order to build a museum to me" is out of bounds even if Crow wasn't letting Thomas' mother keep living in the place. That's comic book levels of crooked. I mean, for f---s sake.

A culture of corruption by conservatives, and activist judges. Thomas should be impeached immediately.
Thirty-five years after the Anita Hill smear campaign, the Democrats are still at it. I'll give them credit they are as relentless as a colony of termites. They never stop trying to destroy.
It never ends. The Washington Post is now reporting yet another oddity on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' legally mandated financial disclosures. Since 2006 Thomas has reported somewhere between $270,000 and $750,000 from a family real estate company called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

That's a good chunk of change, and the catch? Thomas and his wife shuttered Ginger, Ltd., in 2006. It doesn't exist. Thomas has earned up to $750,000 over the last 17 years from a ghost company.

Clarence Thomas is ostensibly a justice of the Supreme Court. If there is anyone in America with access to legal advice about how government forms ought to be filled out, it is him. If it is truly beyond him to fill out a few legally mandated government forms without making countless mistakes, he has no business writing up judicial decisions in which he decides what U.S. laws mean for everybody else.

"The wealthy political activist who pays for my vacation getaways purchased a house from me in order to build a museum to me" is out of bounds even if Crow wasn't letting Thomas' mother keep living in the place. That's comic book levels of crooked. I mean, for f---s sake.

A culture of corruption by conservatives, and activist judges. Thomas should be impeached immediately.
A little bird told me the Democrats are out to get all Republican people since Joe Biden called all Trump supporters (most of whom are Republicans) "fascists." The current MSM will pass away from lying to the American people and pulling false accusations against Republicans straight out of their bottom drawers.
A little bird told me the Democrats are out to get all Republican people since Joe Biden called all Trump supporters (most of whom are Republicans) "fascists." The current MSM will pass away from lying to the American people and pulling false accusations against Republicans straight out of their bottom drawers.
We're all out to get you!
Congratulations you finally linked a site other than Daily Kook here is your gold star.
It never ends. The Washington Post is now reporting yet another oddity on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' legally mandated financial disclosures. Since 2006 Thomas has reported somewhere between $270,000 and $750,000 from a family real estate company called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

That's a good chunk of change, and the catch? Thomas and his wife shuttered Ginger, Ltd., in 2006. It doesn't exist. Thomas has earned up to $750,000 over the last 17 years from a ghost company.

Clarence Thomas is ostensibly a justice of the Supreme Court. If there is anyone in America with access to legal advice about how government forms ought to be filled out, it is him. If it is truly beyond him to fill out a few legally mandated government forms without making countless mistakes, he has no business writing up judicial decisions in which he decides what U.S. laws mean for everybody else.

"The wealthy political activist who pays for my vacation getaways purchased a house from me in order to build a museum to me" is out of bounds even if Crow wasn't letting Thomas' mother keep living in the place. That's comic book levels of crooked. I mean, for f---s sake.

A culture of corruption by conservatives, and activist judges. Thomas should be impeached immediately.
Fake news alert

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