Chris Christie is now ruined

"Chris Christie is now ruined"

And he has only himself to blame.

An elected representative of the people kowtowing to the likes of Trump – a con man, bigot, and buffoon – was a revolting, disgraceful display of cowardice and capitulation on the part of Christie.

How did he kowtow? Christie is his own man. He chose to do what he did. Trump didn't hold a gun to his head.
"Chris Christie is now ruined"

And he has only himself to blame.

An elected representative of the people kowtowing to the likes of Trump – a con man, bigot, and buffoon – was a revolting, disgraceful display of cowardice and capitulation on the part of Christie.


Don't kid yourself this was over a VP spot. Could you imagine a Trump/Christie ticket--LOL That's laughable.
"Chris Christie is now ruined"

And he has only himself to blame.

An elected representative of the people kowtowing to the likes of Trump – a con man, bigot, and buffoon – was a revolting, disgraceful display of cowardice and capitulation on the part of Christie.


Don't kid yourself this was over a VP spot. Could you imagine a Trump/Christie ticket--LOL That's laughable.

It may have been. I just do not know because no one has said anything officially. And Trump/Christie is hard to I agree.
With this election though, seems like anything goes. Never seen anything like it.
Christie was redeemed by receiving the privilege of introducing The Donald, the future president of the USA. Christie actually looked like he was enjoying himself for the first time in a long time standing behind The Donald in a SGT AT ARMS kind of way, looking to squash any POS BLM protesters if need be.
When i saw Christie interviewed a couple of days ago by Greta, he seemed very happy with the situation.

Guess we have to wait and see how this all plays out.
Couldn't happen to a nicer tub of butter.

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Drumpf, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Drumpf ordering him onto the plane and telling him to "go home."
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman. ("The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Drumpf outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.")
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like "train wreck," "off the rails" and "disaster" were used to describe his appearance.

In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over. He has gone from someone admired for his political talent to the object of derision as an errand boy for someone who espouses fascistic ideas (e.g., punishing the press) and openly displays his bigotry (e.g., retweeting a Mussolini quote).


Christie perhaps fancied himself as Drumpf's VP or attorney general. If he did, he was not thinking clearly. To begin with, it is less and less likely with each passing day that Drumpf will ever become president. Moreover, Christie himself has so soiled his reputation that it is doubtful he would ever be confirmed for a Cabinet post. And with his awful Sunday interview, Drumpf will undoubtedly look for a different running mate if it gets to that.

Drumpf has rendered Christie an isolated, pathetic object of scorn. Other Republicans should take note.

Or the other possibility - a baffled and confused Republican party, losing with a "moderate" Romney, and then losing with a one size fits all populist/fascist, really a querulous political chameleon,Trump, next cycle decide to try a reincarnated, cleaned up and dusted off Christie, newly fashioned in a more liberal mold - Christie can play that part - in one last desperate hail mary offence against the inexorable demographics closing in around them.
While it's obvious Christie is only looking out for number one your analysis is shotty as usual.

Did any of you guys think he looked like a deer in the headlights standing behind Trump tonight?

He didn't just look like a deer in the headlights, he looked like a piece of his soul had died.

*yawn* and attack.

I would rather hear what you have to say about Hillary and Sanders, and why you would want them, than attack others.

Why should other Republicans take note. Most people can't stand the GOP establishment. Period.
I know I can't stand them! I hate the Republican base even more.

But I didn't write that piece - it's from Jennifer Rubin, Ultra-Conservative Israel-Firster from the WaPo.
Jennifer Rubin, Ultra-conservative? The one who is blaming talk radio and White men for all the anger in America?

She is a Blogger? Right?
Couldn't happen to a nicer tub of butter.

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Drumpf, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Drumpf ordering him onto the plane and telling him to "go home."
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman. ("The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Drumpf outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.")
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like "train wreck," "off the rails" and "disaster" were used to describe his appearance.

In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over. He has gone from someone admired for his political talent to the object of derision as an errand boy for someone who espouses fascistic ideas (e.g., punishing the press) and openly displays his bigotry (e.g., retweeting a Mussolini quote).


Christie perhaps fancied himself as Drumpf's VP or attorney general. If he did, he was not thinking clearly. To begin with, it is less and less likely with each passing day that Drumpf will ever become president. Moreover, Christie himself has so soiled his reputation that it is doubtful he would ever be confirmed for a Cabinet post. And with his awful Sunday interview, Drumpf will undoubtedly look for a different running mate if it gets to that.

Drumpf has rendered Christie an isolated, pathetic object of scorn. Other Republicans should take note.

Major NJ newspapers are calling for him to resign
Chris Christie, standing wordlessly behind Donald Trump reminds me of the sidekick of the Warden in the movie"The Longest Yard".

And just like that side kick in the movie, maybe Christie will get ONE word, granted by his new MASTER: "History!".
Couldn't happen to a nicer tub of butter.

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Drumpf, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Drumpf ordering him onto the plane and telling him to "go home."
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman. ("The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Drumpf outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.")
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like "train wreck," "off the rails" and "disaster" were used to describe his appearance.

In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over. He has gone from someone admired for his political talent to the object of derision as an errand boy for someone who espouses fascistic ideas (e.g., punishing the press) and openly displays his bigotry (e.g., retweeting a Mussolini quote).


Christie perhaps fancied himself as Drumpf's VP or attorney general. If he did, he was not thinking clearly. To begin with, it is less and less likely with each passing day that Drumpf will ever become president. Moreover, Christie himself has so soiled his reputation that it is doubtful he would ever be confirmed for a Cabinet post. And with his awful Sunday interview, Drumpf will undoubtedly look for a different running mate if it gets to that.

Drumpf has rendered Christie an isolated, pathetic object of scorn. Other Republicans should take note.
US elections 2016: Chris Christie mocked at Trump speech

Six newspapers released a joint editorial on Tuesday accusing him of neglecting his constituents and demanding he step down as governor.

They said he was out of New Jersey for all or part of 261 days in 2015, with the state paying some of the bill. They did not hold back in their criticism.

"What an embarrassment. What an utter disgrace," the editorial said.

"We're fed up with Gov Chris Christie's arrogance. We're fed up with his opportunism.

"We're fed up with his hypocrisy. We're fed up with his sarcasm."

It comes days after Hewlett-Packard chief executive Meg Whitman, a major contributor to Mr Christie's ill-fated campaign, called his endorsement of Donald Trump "an astonishing display of political opportunism".

Some commentators have suggested Mr Christie hopes to secure a top political appointment by supporting the billionaire.

US elections 2016: Chris Christie mocked at Trump speech - BBC News

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