China Has Added 9.9 GW Of Solar PV So Far This Year


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
China Has Added 9.9 GW Of Solar PV So Far This Year
November 2nd, 2015 by Joshua S Hill
China Has Added 9.9 GW Of Solar PV So Far This Year
Originally published on Solar Love
New figures from China’s National Energy Administration have proclaimed that the country installed 9.9 GW of new solar PV capacity in the first nine months of 2015.

According to the National Energy Administration (NEA), by way of the country’s state media outlet, the Xinhua News Agency, China installed a total of 9.9 GW of new solar PV capacity in the first nine months of 2015, including 8.32 GW from solar PV power stations and 1.58 GW from distributed PV projects.

The news comes not long after the NEA announced earlier this month that China’s solar PV capacity is set to reach 150 GW by 2020. According to Dong Xiufen, the director of the new energy office with National Energy Administration, “future work will focus on distributing PV in central and east China as well as PV stations in west China” in an attempt to increase PV capacity by 20 GW each year.

China is taking action!
It's interesting to read statements from other countries about their +1 child policy thing. Makes me wonder if such policies are coming for the rest of us. Can't allow unchecked reproduction indefinitely. Pretty much every problem we currently have is due to population. Allow unchecked population growth and you only get more and worse problems.
It's interesting to read statements from other countries about their +1 child policy thing. Makes me wonder if such policies are coming for the rest of us. Can't allow unchecked reproduction indefinitely. Pretty much every problem we currently have is due to population. Allow unchecked population growth and you only get more and worse problems.
They've just changed it to two children. The bastards.
It's interesting to read statements from other countries about their +1 child policy thing. Makes me wonder if such policies are coming for the rest of us. Can't allow unchecked reproduction indefinitely. Pretty much every problem we currently have is due to population. Allow unchecked population growth and you only get more and worse problems.
They've just changed it to two children. The bastards.

Would have 400 million more mouths to feed, build homes for, schools, power generation plants, and roads. Everything polluting the planet is built to sustain growing populations.
It's interesting to read statements from other countries about their +1 child policy thing. Makes me wonder if such policies are coming for the rest of us. Can't allow unchecked reproduction indefinitely. Pretty much every problem we currently have is due to population. Allow unchecked population growth and you only get more and worse problems.
They've just changed it to two children. The bastards.

Would have 400 million more mouths to feed, build homes for, schools, power generation plants, and roads. Everything polluting the planet is built to sustain growing populations.
It's interesting to read statements from other countries about their +1 child policy thing. Makes me wonder if such policies are coming for the rest of us. Can't allow unchecked reproduction indefinitely. Pretty much every problem we currently have is due to population. Allow unchecked population growth and you only get more and worse problems.
They've just changed it to two children. The bastards.

Would have 400 million more mouths to feed, build homes for, schools, power generation plants, and roads. Everything polluting the planet is built to sustain growing populations.
China one-child policy staying in effect - Business Insider
China Has Added 9.9 GW Of Solar PV So Far This Year
November 2nd, 2015 by Joshua S Hill
China Has Added 9.9 GW Of Solar PV So Far This Year
Originally published on Solar Love
New figures from China’s National Energy Administration have proclaimed that the country installed 9.9 GW of new solar PV capacity in the first nine months of 2015.

According to the National Energy Administration (NEA), by way of the country’s state media outlet, the Xinhua News Agency, China installed a total of 9.9 GW of new solar PV capacity in the first nine months of 2015, including 8.32 GW from solar PV power stations and 1.58 GW from distributed PV projects.

The news comes not long after the NEA announced earlier this month that China’s solar PV capacity is set to reach 150 GW by 2020. According to Dong Xiufen, the director of the new energy office with National Energy Administration, “future work will focus on distributing PV in central and east China as well as PV stations in west China” in an attempt to increase PV capacity by 20 GW each year.

China is taking action!

AND --- you can derate all that happy horseshit by the 18 to 28% ACTUAL production that the same Chinese press release says these PV plants are producing.. They have an absolute of glut of solar panels they can't sell, and entire BUILT CITIES they can't use. So my guess is they're using these for windows and trim..

Mr. Flacaltenn, in a nation that is still short on power, that makes no sense at all. China is adding wind and solar as quickly as possible. For a good reason. They have a population with rising expectations, and it will be very politically costly not to meet at least some of those expectations. Also, that population is traveling in Europe and the US and see what life can be, and that there is no need of the pollution they are living in and breathing Therefore, a cleanup is inevitable, and there must be power still available.
Great! Now all the nonexistent people living in empty cities in China can use
Fake Solar Power! Thomas Friedman must be having vapors!

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Morocco to Build World’s Largest Concentrated Solar Power Plant

Mr. Flacaltenn, in a nation that is still short on power, that makes no sense at all. China is adding wind and solar as quickly as possible. For a good reason. They have a population with rising expectations, and it will be very politically costly not to meet at least some of those expectations. Also, that population is traveling in Europe and the US and see what life can be, and that there is no need of the pollution they are living in and breathing Therefore, a cleanup is inevitable, and there must be power still available.

The LAST thing you want to install a LOT of when you are "short on power" is wind and solar. Because EVEN WITH both of those -- there will be many mornings, nights and evenings where you are STILL "short of power"..

You NEED a solid reliable baseline before you start building out these supplements. UNLESS the the central command and control in Bejing screwed up and made solar panels cheaper than shag carpet for the year..
Ivanpah Generation Is On Track

As with any plant representing new and innovative technology, there will be an initial shake-out and ramp-up period when the plant is placed into operation. As such, initial performance will be less than full design; however, over time, plant performance will increase towards designed full-rated annual performance (referred to as mature-year performance). This increase is caused by the realization of the operator’s learning curve, procedural optimization, and fine-tuning of equipment and systems for increased plant performance. For the Ivanpah project, BrightSource Energy, Inc. (BSE) has proposed that this ramp-up process may last up to four years.”

Once the four-year ramp-up is complete, Ivanpah is expected to be generating 940,000 MWh annually.


Don't know if these will be economically competative with wind and photovoltaics, but most of the bloviating done by our 'Conservatives' is just that. We are learning a lot from this installation.
Ivanpah Generation Is On Track

As with any plant representing new and innovative technology, there will be an initial shake-out and ramp-up period when the plant is placed into operation. As such, initial performance will be less than full design; however, over time, plant performance will increase towards designed full-rated annual performance (referred to as mature-year performance). This increase is caused by the realization of the operator’s learning curve, procedural optimization, and fine-tuning of equipment and systems for increased plant performance. For the Ivanpah project, BrightSource Energy, Inc. (BSE) has proposed that this ramp-up process may last up to four years.”

Once the four-year ramp-up is complete, Ivanpah is expected to be generating 940,000 MWh annually.


Don't know if these will be economically competative with wind and photovoltaics, but most of the bloviating done by our 'Conservatives' is just that. We are learning a lot from this installation.

Don't know what that means Rocks -- since Ivanpah is dual energy. Is that TOTAL or just the solar thermal side? And why just Spring/Summer? Show me the FULL 2 years and let me judge for myself. And split the generation figures out for Nat Gas and Solar.

I was kinda excited about Concentrated Solar as an experiment. But I'm not thrilled with the lack of enviro siting reviews and impact studies that were not fully done. Big double standard. And NOW the secrecy about the ACTUAL numbers at the plants is disappointing.

Guess they don't want to queer up that Moroccan deal.. Big solar has stockholders to please..
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You wade into that contract for IvanPah you find that all of the performance goals are redacted and considered "proprietary".. Including the yearly production schedule for the first 4 years. So we'll never know most likely.
'Overpopulation' is and has always been a myth. China changed the law because there was no other choice. Regardless, it is likely too late to avoid the demographic consequences.
Spent a day in a city near a coal town in Shanxi back in '94 and was covered in a black film from head to toe just from walking around the downtown.
I can remember the late '50's and '60's in this nation. Turds floating down rivers, and some even catching on fire. The air in the major cities was bad, not as bad as China's is today, but bad enough to cause health problems. Yes, we have come a long ways, with 'Conservatives' mewling and puking that we were over regulating to whole way.

Today, we have the oppertunity to establish a whole new paradigm. To create energy that we need with virtually no pollution. Grid scale electrical storage and the renewables, wind, solar, and geothermal are the tickets to an even better future. And, of course, the 'Conservatives' are fighting it all the way. Just as they fought the clean air and water standards.

What you see in China today is what the 'Conservatives' desire for the US.

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