Can't we do better than Biden or Trump.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
I agree with John Stossel on this. We should be able to do better than Trump or Biden.

I'm expecting to get a lot of hate from both sides for this thread. Let the hate begin.
I agree with John Stossel on this. We should be able to do better than Trump or Biden.

I'm expecting to get a lot of hate from both sides for this thread. Let the hate begin.

We probably could but seems like whoever the powers to be don't want to.
fair question. We are a nation of hundreds of millions... one would believe there are Many VERY qualified individuals

Biden isnt capapable to put the right shoe on the right foot.... trump unfortunately brings with his presidency more resistance than any other.... is that a disqualifier? i dont know.... but the question is fair enough.
The political mud slinging also prevents many quality people from ever attempting to run for a major political office, especially run for president. Thus we are left with the quality of politicians we've got.
Trump is the only one with the balls to elminate the Reich...anyone else just accepts them and tags along.
I agree with John Stossel on this. We should be able to do better than Trump or Biden.

I'm expecting to get a lot of hate from both sides for this thread. Let the hate begin.

You will get none from me, as you are correct.
I agree with John Stossel on this. We should be able to do better than Trump or Biden.

I'm expecting to get a lot of hate from both sides for this thread. Let the hate begin.

Got any suggestions?
I agree with John Stossel on this. We should be able to do better than Trump or Biden.

I'm expecting to get a lot of hate from both sides for this thread. Let the hate begin.

You're right. We need a President who speaks to the people, not talking down to them. We need a President who is pro-prosperity and pro-energy, one who would make us energy-dominant. A President who would strengthen our military while at the same time trying to bring peace to places like the Middle East.

A President whose negotiating power wouldn't get us involved in any more "forever wars", and one who wouldn't be afraid to meet with our adversaries. A President whose immigration policies protected the country, even if it meant building walls to stop the flow of illegal immigration. A President whose economic policies would hammer out trade deals that would favor the US, instead of allowing adversarial countries to run roughshod over our own industries, creating massive trade imbalances.

A President who wouldn't use his position to increase his own wealth, one who wouldn't raise our taxes, and one who wouldn't use the power of the federal government to harass his adversaries.

Well, I am still wistfully hopeful that Republicans and Democrats will both choose other candidates. That would certainly clear away much of the easy long built-up targeting by opponents of these two individual men, and allow a better and more honest discussion of complex policy questions to go forward.

I still think that Trump’s “Big Lying” demagogy must be repudiated by all major parties, and that Trump’s criminal activities trying to steal the electoral votes of whole states must be exposed and prosecuted. I couldn’t care less whether he is actually jailed if and when he is finally convicted … assuming he is convicted. I think all that is really necessary is that Trump be disgraced, repudiated and overwhelmingly defeated politically before or during the 2024 election.

Otherwise I think it will be impossible to really begin cleansing the country of the poisonous divisions he so consciously exacerbated.
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An inept government can't take away our civil liberties ... we're the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ... we should NEVER settle for the lesser of two evils ...

Vote Kali, the destroyer ...
Trump provided the best US economy of my life... he made America respectable in the world and now we are a joke of a nation... so yes we can do better than Biden... vote for Trump in 24.....

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