Canada is confiscating registered handguns.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There are handguns that the foolish Canadians know, because they were good citizens and after all.....the police just want to know where they big deal...right?

And now they are confiscating them........add Canada to the list with Britain, Germany, and Australia......register now, confiscate later.....

Why are they doing increase in gun violence.....I believe if you read my posts over the last year, I have mentioned this several times.....and of course....they already have extreme gun why would there be an increase in gun violence anyway...

A Warning From Our Neighbor to the North [Not Shown] - The Truth About Guns

The licence has to be renewed every five years, and if you have a licence, you have to report to the police if you intend to change your address. Once you have a handgun, it has to be disabled/locked at home, and may only be loaded for use at an “approved” range. Stop rolling your eyes. I am not yet at the good part.

With these…features…you might suppose that Canadians who legally own handguns are the most co-operative, law-and-order-supporting, crime-free cohort of Canadian society. You would be right. The historic participation of licensed handgun owners in violence or crime in Canada is statistically zero.

A large (for Canada) urban centre has had a recent brisk uptick in firearms crime; drive-by shootings, targeted shootings, the usual stuff that attaches to vibrantly-diverse young men marketing illegal drugs. The police have a pretty good idea who most of these guys are. At least, almost every incident with an identifiable shooter or victim includes the phrase, “…known to police…”. But the Mayor is pressed by the press to Do Something To Get Guns Off The Street.

I am an instructor for the course that people need for their firearms licence. I have just as recently become acquainted with what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are doing locally to Get Guns Off The Street.

A reasonable citizen would suppose, and a responsible senior police officer would direct Plan A; that policing attention be focussed on that small cohort of the public that they know are doing in the crimes. You know; investigate, charge, and prosecute the criminals? Gotta acknowledge though, that those are criminals, and criminals by definition resist being easily tracked down.

Hmm. How easier to go about this? How about a Plan B? Go to the listed addresses of licensed, crime-free owners of registered handguns and confiscate their property? That way police get lots of guns to take pictures to show the Mayor, and they don’t have to apply any, you know, effort, or risk.

This is not apocryphal: In the last several weeks I have had a dozen-odd licence-renewal students with similar stories; a team of police coming to the door, demanding the surrender of registered handguns. Some highlights:

-in a couple of cases, a black-clad, submachinegun-bearing ERT (“Emergency Response Team” the Canadian equivalent of “SWAT”) coming to a suburban, middle-class address in the middle of the day, demanding surrender and entry.

-most guys actually inviting the officers inside, (Canadians in general, and Canadian shooters in particular, are a polite sort, and generally pro-police. So far).

-police excuse is that, “Your firearms licence has expired”, or

-your handgun registration wasn’t renewed (it does not have to be), or,

-when owners requested a receipt, the officers reply with, “We don’t have a pen”.

-when owners ask to see a warrant, they are threatened with immediate arrest and cuffs.

-when the handguns are in police hands, they press the owner to consent to their destruction.

-because the nominal excuse is a licence renewal lapse, a high proportion of these people are some combination of retired (Yes, older people have things slip their memory), or working people who are so busy at work to pay for family and mortgage that yet another paperwork requirement slips through the calendar cracks.

Points to remember, these are ALL licensed, criminal-record-checked, crime-free, wife-approved, registered, peaceful and productive citizens. THIS is who the RCMP is going after.
As a gun owner.....know these steps...

My informed-layman’s suggestion for Canadian readers (and any advice from a Canadian lawyer is very welcome here):

-If police come to your door in this capacity, do NOT invite them in.

-Do NOT affirm any information beyond your identity and address.

-Record the encounter, with the voice recorder option on all cellphones now, or by taking notes during and immediately after the encounter. Note nametags.

-If you surrender property, do NOT sign a paper they wave in front of you, consenting to its destruction.

-DO insist on a detailed receipt for any property you (temporarily) hand over.
There are handguns that the foolish Canadians know, because they were good citizens and after all. And now they are confiscating them........add Canada to the list with Britain, Germany, and Australia

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime

8. Canada

It is an Amercing continent and the total reported cases of rape in this country are 2,516,918. These are only six percent of the total rape cases. It is reported that over one in three women had experienced a sexual assault and that only 6% of sexual assaults were reported to the police. According to Justice Institute of British Columbia, one out of every 17 women is raped, 62% of rape victims were physically injured, 9% were beaten or disfigured.

6. Germany

An estimate of 240,000 women and girls has died up till now in Germany because of this crime. Germany is on the number six in the highest rape crime with the figures of 6,507,394 in this year which is really a big figure. German Catholics have allowed the morning-after pills for the victims. The country moving forward in technology is actually moving really backward in humanity.

5. United Kingdom

Many people wish to live or even visit UK as it is one of the most developed countries. But they surely must not be aware that this country is also involved badly in the crime of rape. In January 2013, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Home Office released its first ever joint Official Statistics bulletin on sexual violence, entitled An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales. According to report: Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year. Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year. One in 5 women (aged 16 – 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.

1. United States

The super power of the world is at the first position in the race of rapes. Males are majorly the rapist holding a proportion of 99%. Out of all the victims, 91% are females while 9% are males. The U.S Bureau of Justice Statistics states that 91% of rape victims are female and 9% are male, and nearly 99% of rapists are male. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, 1 in 6 U.S. women and 1 in 33 U.S. men has experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. More than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14. Out of all, only 16% of the total cases are reported. Outdoor rape is not common in USA rather most of the rape cases takes place inside homes.
I have no respect for a country that doesn`t want daily gun battles. Obviously they hate freedom.
There are handguns that the foolish Canadians know, because they were good citizens and after all.....the police just want to know where they big deal...right?

And now they are confiscating them........add Canada to the list with Britain, Germany, and Australia......register now, confiscate later.....

Why are they doing increase in gun violence.....I believe if you read my posts over the last year, I have mentioned this several times.....and of course....they already have extreme gun why would there be an increase in gun violence anyway...

A Warning From Our Neighbor to the North [Not Shown] - The Truth About Guns

The licence has to be renewed every five years, and if you have a licence, you have to report to the police if you intend to change your address. Once you have a handgun, it has to be disabled/locked at home, and may only be loaded for use at an “approved” range. Stop rolling your eyes. I am not yet at the good part.

With these…features…you might suppose that Canadians who legally own handguns are the most co-operative, law-and-order-supporting, crime-free cohort of Canadian society. You would be right. The historic participation of licensed handgun owners in violence or crime in Canada is statistically zero.

A large (for Canada) urban centre has had a recent brisk uptick in firearms crime; drive-by shootings, targeted shootings, the usual stuff that attaches to vibrantly-diverse young men marketing illegal drugs. The police have a pretty good idea who most of these guys are. At least, almost every incident with an identifiable shooter or victim includes the phrase, “…known to police…”. But the Mayor is pressed by the press to Do Something To Get Guns Off The Street.

I am an instructor for the course that people need for their firearms licence. I have just as recently become acquainted with what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are doing locally to Get Guns Off The Street.

A reasonable citizen would suppose, and a responsible senior police officer would direct Plan A; that policing attention be focussed on that small cohort of the public that they know are doing in the crimes. You know; investigate, charge, and prosecute the criminals? Gotta acknowledge though, that those are criminals, and criminals by definition resist being easily tracked down.

Hmm. How easier to go about this? How about a Plan B? Go to the listed addresses of licensed, crime-free owners of registered handguns and confiscate their property? That way police get lots of guns to take pictures to show the Mayor, and they don’t have to apply any, you know, effort, or risk.

This is not apocryphal: In the last several weeks I have had a dozen-odd licence-renewal students with similar stories; a team of police coming to the door, demanding the surrender of registered handguns. Some highlights:

-in a couple of cases, a black-clad, submachinegun-bearing ERT (“Emergency Response Team” the Canadian equivalent of “SWAT”) coming to a suburban, middle-class address in the middle of the day, demanding surrender and entry.

-most guys actually inviting the officers inside, (Canadians in general, and Canadian shooters in particular, are a polite sort, and generally pro-police. So far).

-police excuse is that, “Your firearms licence has expired”, or

-your handgun registration wasn’t renewed (it does not have to be), or,

-when owners requested a receipt, the officers reply with, “We don’t have a pen”.

-when owners ask to see a warrant, they are threatened with immediate arrest and cuffs.

-when the handguns are in police hands, they press the owner to consent to their destruction.

-because the nominal excuse is a licence renewal lapse, a high proportion of these people are some combination of retired (Yes, older people have things slip their memory), or working people who are so busy at work to pay for family and mortgage that yet another paperwork requirement slips through the calendar cracks.

Points to remember, these are ALL licensed, criminal-record-checked, crime-free, wife-approved, registered, peaceful and productive citizens. THIS is who the RCMP is going after.

Yo, those Socialist should be in the streets, period!!!

Canada is confiscating registered handguns....

Simple! Never register any weapon! EVER!

The sad part then is, if you do use a gun to defend yourself, or your family, you'll end up in prison.

Well I won't go into details but I would suggest that if one has a weapon that could get you into trouble and you live out in the boonies go way out in the weeds and dig a couple of deep holes then cover them up so no one accidentally falls in. Don't share the location with ANYONE! Get them ALL. It's not like you will be reported or the bad guys will be missed.
I have no respect for a country that doesn`t want daily gun battles. Obviously they hate freedom.

Yeah twit.....they have extreme gun control....and their gun crime is going up in their major is that possible again?
I have no respect for a country that doesn`t want daily gun battles. Obviously they hate freedom.

Funny, because there was a time, when kids went to school with their shotguns and rifles.... on the school bus. In fact, some schools kids would literally bring guns into the class room.


You don't hear about all those "daily gun battles" in the 1950s... do you....
There are handguns that the foolish Canadians know, because they were good citizens and after all.....the police just want to know where they big deal...right?

And now they are confiscating them........add Canada to the list with Britain, Germany, and Australia......register now, confiscate later.....

Why are they doing increase in gun violence.....I believe if you read my posts over the last year, I have mentioned this several times.....and of course....they already have extreme gun why would there be an increase in gun violence anyway...

A Warning From Our Neighbor to the North [Not Shown] - The Truth About Guns

The licence has to be renewed every five years, and if you have a licence, you have to report to the police if you intend to change your address. Once you have a handgun, it has to be disabled/locked at home, and may only be loaded for use at an “approved” range. Stop rolling your eyes. I am not yet at the good part.

With these…features…you might suppose that Canadians who legally own handguns are the most co-operative, law-and-order-supporting, crime-free cohort of Canadian society. You would be right. The historic participation of licensed handgun owners in violence or crime in Canada is statistically zero.

A large (for Canada) urban centre has had a recent brisk uptick in firearms crime; drive-by shootings, targeted shootings, the usual stuff that attaches to vibrantly-diverse young men marketing illegal drugs. The police have a pretty good idea who most of these guys are. At least, almost every incident with an identifiable shooter or victim includes the phrase, “…known to police…”. But the Mayor is pressed by the press to Do Something To Get Guns Off The Street.

I am an instructor for the course that people need for their firearms licence. I have just as recently become acquainted with what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are doing locally to Get Guns Off The Street.

A reasonable citizen would suppose, and a responsible senior police officer would direct Plan A; that policing attention be focussed on that small cohort of the public that they know are doing in the crimes. You know; investigate, charge, and prosecute the criminals? Gotta acknowledge though, that those are criminals, and criminals by definition resist being easily tracked down.

Hmm. How easier to go about this? How about a Plan B? Go to the listed addresses of licensed, crime-free owners of registered handguns and confiscate their property? That way police get lots of guns to take pictures to show the Mayor, and they don’t have to apply any, you know, effort, or risk.

This is not apocryphal: In the last several weeks I have had a dozen-odd licence-renewal students with similar stories; a team of police coming to the door, demanding the surrender of registered handguns. Some highlights:

-in a couple of cases, a black-clad, submachinegun-bearing ERT (“Emergency Response Team” the Canadian equivalent of “SWAT”) coming to a suburban, middle-class address in the middle of the day, demanding surrender and entry.

-most guys actually inviting the officers inside, (Canadians in general, and Canadian shooters in particular, are a polite sort, and generally pro-police. So far).

-police excuse is that, “Your firearms licence has expired”, or

-your handgun registration wasn’t renewed (it does not have to be), or,

-when owners requested a receipt, the officers reply with, “We don’t have a pen”.

-when owners ask to see a warrant, they are threatened with immediate arrest and cuffs.

-when the handguns are in police hands, they press the owner to consent to their destruction.

-because the nominal excuse is a licence renewal lapse, a high proportion of these people are some combination of retired (Yes, older people have things slip their memory), or working people who are so busy at work to pay for family and mortgage that yet another paperwork requirement slips through the calendar cracks.

Points to remember, these are ALL licensed, criminal-record-checked, crime-free, wife-approved, registered, peaceful and productive citizens. THIS is who the RCMP is going after.

Of course they are. That is the ONLY purpose of gun registration.
There are handguns that the foolish Canadians know, because they were good citizens and after all.....the police just want to know where they big deal...right?

And now they are confiscating them........add Canada to the list with Britain, Germany, and Australia......register now, confiscate later.....

Why are they doing increase in gun violence.....I believe if you read my posts over the last year, I have mentioned this several times.....and of course....they already have extreme gun why would there be an increase in gun violence anyway...

A Warning From Our Neighbor to the North [Not Shown] - The Truth About Guns

The licence has to be renewed every five years, and if you have a licence, you have to report to the police if you intend to change your address. Once you have a handgun, it has to be disabled/locked at home, and may only be loaded for use at an “approved” range. Stop rolling your eyes. I am not yet at the good part.

With these…features…you might suppose that Canadians who legally own handguns are the most co-operative, law-and-order-supporting, crime-free cohort of Canadian society. You would be right. The historic participation of licensed handgun owners in violence or crime in Canada is statistically zero.

A large (for Canada) urban centre has had a recent brisk uptick in firearms crime; drive-by shootings, targeted shootings, the usual stuff that attaches to vibrantly-diverse young men marketing illegal drugs. The police have a pretty good idea who most of these guys are. At least, almost every incident with an identifiable shooter or victim includes the phrase, “…known to police…”. But the Mayor is pressed by the press to Do Something To Get Guns Off The Street.

I am an instructor for the course that people need for their firearms licence. I have just as recently become acquainted with what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are doing locally to Get Guns Off The Street.

A reasonable citizen would suppose, and a responsible senior police officer would direct Plan A; that policing attention be focussed on that small cohort of the public that they know are doing in the crimes. You know; investigate, charge, and prosecute the criminals? Gotta acknowledge though, that those are criminals, and criminals by definition resist being easily tracked down.

Hmm. How easier to go about this? How about a Plan B? Go to the listed addresses of licensed, crime-free owners of registered handguns and confiscate their property? That way police get lots of guns to take pictures to show the Mayor, and they don’t have to apply any, you know, effort, or risk.

This is not apocryphal: In the last several weeks I have had a dozen-odd licence-renewal students with similar stories; a team of police coming to the door, demanding the surrender of registered handguns. Some highlights:

-in a couple of cases, a black-clad, submachinegun-bearing ERT (“Emergency Response Team” the Canadian equivalent of “SWAT”) coming to a suburban, middle-class address in the middle of the day, demanding surrender and entry.

-most guys actually inviting the officers inside, (Canadians in general, and Canadian shooters in particular, are a polite sort, and generally pro-police. So far).

-police excuse is that, “Your firearms licence has expired”, or

-your handgun registration wasn’t renewed (it does not have to be), or,

-when owners requested a receipt, the officers reply with, “We don’t have a pen”.

-when owners ask to see a warrant, they are threatened with immediate arrest and cuffs.

-when the handguns are in police hands, they press the owner to consent to their destruction.

-because the nominal excuse is a licence renewal lapse, a high proportion of these people are some combination of retired (Yes, older people have things slip their memory), or working people who are so busy at work to pay for family and mortgage that yet another paperwork requirement slips through the calendar cracks.

Points to remember, these are ALL licensed, criminal-record-checked, crime-free, wife-approved, registered, peaceful and productive citizens. THIS is who the RCMP is going after.

Of course they are. That is the ONLY purpose of gun registration.

People need to look up "license" and "register" in Black's Law dictionary and how it pertains to admiralty law which is what most of you are would be an eye-opener. People need to stop making their corporate "gubermint " 2nd and third party entities as it pertains to their affairs and their God given rights to exist on this shitty planet and then stand up for those rights instead of being so friggin' subservient and submissive...they see it as weakeness and it only encourages them to raise the bar. They are only able to get away with it because of the ignorance of the people.

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