Can The Students Be Silenced?

for s
1) It wasn't the conservatives who practically trampled each other to get in front of the cameras and start screaming demands before the shooter's name was even known, and before the coroner even had a chance to zip up the body bags, Chuckles, so don't tell US about "hopping on warm bodies and politicizing".

2) There are the exact same reasons to own an AR15 as there are for any other gun. The fact that you think it looks and sounds scary means absolutely nothing.

3) Unless the 2nd Amendment suddenly developed an "emanation from the penumbras" in the last five minutes and now reads, "keep and bear arms, except for AR15s", it does, in fact, give us the right to own one.

4) If your negotiating position is "You can only offer options the NRA doesn't like", then you might as well go home and come back to the table when you're serious.

5) The fact that stupid, pointless shit never dies and continues to shamble around like a particularly brain-damaged zombie doesn't obligate anyone to take it seriously.

"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
For some reason progressives think that firearms can kill without an operator/control operator possibly. It must be the public schools they went to… It must be a politically correct thing I cannot understand… LOL

for some reason NRA shills think they aren't subject to reasonable regulation.


For some reason, leftist twits think anything that enters their empty skulls is automatically "reasonable".
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself
Your ATTITUDE AND NEGATIVITY make it quite obvious you are a narrow minded bigot and trying to degrade Witchit but it won't work,she is in her Prime,you sound in Decline and well past your use by date.....Her logo of "PINK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY" is brilliant and shows her vitality and motivation.....Good on You Witchit and a little advice,never let the Bastards get you down and keep the Bastards honest...YOU ARE THE WINNER ALWAYS and never forget it,,,steven
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Why would they do anything? The constitution limits the authority they have to act with reserving that power to the states and the people.

The issue isn't the federal government isn’t doing enough (though had the government followed protocol this last shooting wouldn’t have happened). The issue is the states and the people haven’t done enough.

Rather than exercise your right to self defense, you are giving bureaucrats power to infringe on that right. Instead of being parents and teaching your children how to defend themselves and what to do in these situations, you are trying to take away their right to defend themselves and putting them in the hands of people protesting at the idea of protecting them.

We used to teach students how to fire a gun at schools. Now we teach them to be victims.

No the problem isnt Congress here

It’s you

That's a crock of crap. The Federal Government regulates everything in this country. Criminals and Felons can't buy guns (Federal law) but sick teenagers can walk in and buy an AR-15--when numerous threats were reported to law enforcement?

The Sheriff in Florida was interviewed, and he told everyone to report, report, report. When the reporter asked him, well if you would have had information on Cruz what would you have done? Sheriff--well we would have gone out and "talked" to him. Reporter--"Would you have been able to seize that AR-15"? Well no, he has a legal right to own it.

There are several things the Federal Government can do right now.

1. Ban the sale of semi-automatics in this country. They weren't legal prior to 2004. Or require a maintained liability insurance policy on each sale. Require that one owner can't buy more than 1 semi-automatic. Require that they are locked up and inaccessible to anyone but the owner. Limit clip size.
2. Ban bump stocks.
3. Mental health background checks--that Republicans took off as soon as Trump walked into office.
4. People who are on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists are on no gun lists.
5. Parents with kids and teenagers at home--required to keep all guns and ammo locked up and inaccessible to their kids at all times.
6. Gun shows--required to do back ground checks.
7. No private sales. If you want to sell your gun it goes to a licensed dealer on consignment, so they can do a background check on the new buyer.
8. When people report threatening behavior LOCAL law enforcement is notified and if reasonable cause they can seize all weapons and ammo, and that person is put on a no gun list.

These are common sense gun regulations, that could have been passed by Republicans, and they haven't done jack--over the last 9 years, and after 9 mass killings.


You keep saying common sense. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

It is not common sense to give the federal government power it’s not authorized to have.

It’s not common sense to strip rights from citizens without due process.

Nor is it common sense to even ban from the crazy when you define anyone who disagrees with you as crazy.

If your positions were common sense as you claim, you wouldn’t have to use a tragedy to force the policies through on fear, grief, and pure emotion

Have you ever had an original thought? Serious question, you simply echo the current meme as if you had some sort of epiphany.

I haven't given the POTUS the power of an Executive Privilege or the Federal Government other powers not express in Art. I, II or III.

Common sense suggests we play by the rules in effect and not pretend otherwise.

Marbury v. Madison is not listed as a power for the USSC in Art. III, yet it has been in effect for over 200 years;

EO's are not listed as a power of the President, in Art II, yet they have been used by Presidents for over 200 years;

yet, the meme that the powers in Art. I, sec 8, clause 1 don't include the common defense as anything more than an attack by a foreign power and the general Welfare is irrelevant and superseded by the 2nd A.

Have you ever actually made an argument on its merits rather than using petty insults and red herrings?

Well it's too bad they don't sell brains, because you definitely need one. The biggest threat in this country today, are people who are buying semi automatics that should never own one.

Republicans are perfectly fine with it.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


For common sense gun control VOTE for Democrats this coming November.

This is a good example of the typical REPUBLICAN response over this issue.

"One of those gun-rights defenders, FLORIDA-- GOP state Sen. Dennis Baxley, told VICE News that he opposes any restrictions on assault weapons — the kind of gun used by the Stoneman Douglas shooter, a 19-year-old former student at the school. "You can't just make policy that doesn't work," he told VICE News. "It's the mindset that's the issue," not the weapon.

When asked why Floridians should have the right to buy AR-15s, Baxley said he wanted to focus on cultural issues. "Spoons are used to eat stuff to kill yourself with obesity, but we're not picking up spoons to get rid of obesity," Baxley added.
This is the political aftermath of the Parkland school shooting

Are you paid by Iran, or North Korea to disrupt the American political system? :dunno:

So troll, explain the "School to Prison Pipeline" of Obama?

Despite a dozen assaults, including one with a deadly weapon (rifle) Cruz was never arrested. Why? Because the Obama administration strong armed schools that they would lose funding if "children of color" were suspended, expelled, or arrested.

Now if Cruz HAD been arrested, he would have been prohibited from buying a gun.

So despite your vicious and seditious lies as an agent of a hostile foreign government, it was not the NRA that caused this tragedy, but Obama and the racist left.
View attachment 181670

One of the many students who are adamantly refusing to be silent.

Another leftist student manipulated by their leftist parents into believing they are safer relying on government to protect them when government failed in this case over and over and over and they were safer because government disarmed their teachers and administrators with CC permits.

This is just a fear post of the left. Rely on government, wait to die, do nothing for yourself
Your ATTITUDE AND NEGATIVITY make it quite obvious you are a narrow minded bigot and trying to degrade Witchit but it won't work,she is in her Prime,you sound in Decline and well past your use by date.....Her logo of "PINK SHEEP OF THE FAMILY" is brilliant and shows her vitality and motivation.....Good on You Witchit and a little advice,never let the Bastards get you down and keep the Bastards honest...YOU ARE THE WINNER ALWAYS and never forget it,,,steven

It's "negativity" to want government to not prevent me from defending myself, got it. A positive person being shot at sits down and waits for government. That is so insightful.

Isn't it funny how your dander is up, and it just happens to be on behalf of the one you share political views with? What a coincidence, huh?
It seems the reader can infer you would never pass a background check, since you ignored that part of the post you quoted and proceeded to posted this off topic response.

What have you done to be so fearful of a background check?

I see, that you have a boyfriend makes you fearful you couldn't pass the background check.

Don't worry, being gay is not a factor in making such a decision. Gays and lesbians have equal rights and an equal opportunity to be licensed to own or possess a gun if they pass other restrictions.

What are you, 13?

Nope, the most I ever could press was 7 times my weight. At my age by last count was 3, and the last one was a struggle. Not bad, I did that on my 70th Birthday.

Says the Internet tough guy who wants our only self defense option when we're being shot at to sit and wait for the cops. How'd that work for the 17 people in Florida who waited for the cops and died while they sat outside waiting for the shooting to end?

Yeah, you're really tough.

Maybe the shooter has a phone and you can play multi-player games while you wait

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away, and running the other direction.....

I see, that you have a boyfriend makes you fearful you couldn't pass the background check.

Don't worry, being gay is not a factor in making such a decision. Gays and lesbians have equal rights and an equal opportunity to be licensed to own or possess a gun if they pass other restrictions.

What are you, 13?

Nope, the most I ever could press was 7 times my weight. At my age by last count was 3, and the last one was a struggle. Not bad, I did that on my 70th Birthday.

Says the Internet tough guy who wants our only self defense option when we're being shot at to sit and wait for the cops. How'd that work for the 17 people in Florida who waited for the cops and died while they sat outside waiting for the shooting to end?

Yeah, you're really tough.

Maybe the shooter has a phone and you can play multi-player games while you wait

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away, and running the other direction.....

And the answer for the left is yeah, gimme some of that. And they mean it ...

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.
Outstanding a Morass of Pro Gun Tripe and Ignorance pervading this thread...THANK YOU Oreo,steve
“Can The Students Be Silenced?”

Most conservatives would certainly like to see that happen.


What a moron.

So, turns out federal funds to Planned Parenthood are funding this shit.

Multiple progressive groups, donors, and a powerful public relations firm are supporting student-run social media efforts to combat gun violence and helping to promote a March rally, which is being planned in the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

In the immediate aftermath of the Feb. 14 high school shooting, a group of student survivors sat together in a circle at one of their parents' homes to plan a trip to meet with lawmakers in Tallahassee, Florida, BuzzFeed reported. During the students' conversation, they strategized about what media outlets they would be talk to, but today several major players and organizations are involved, including Everytown, Giffords,, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s March Los Angeles. The organizations are helping students with funding, logistics, and strategy in anticipation for the "March for Our Lives" event in Washington, D.C. next month where advocates plan to continue calls for increased gun control.}

Progressive Groups Back Parkland Students' Calls for Gun Control Following Shooting

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.

Why would they do anything? The constitution limits the authority they have to act with reserving that power to the states and the people.

The issue isn't the federal government isn’t doing enough (though had the government followed protocol this last shooting wouldn’t have happened). The issue is the states and the people haven’t done enough.

Rather than exercise your right to self defense, you are giving bureaucrats power to infringe on that right. Instead of being parents and teaching your children how to defend themselves and what to do in these situations, you are trying to take away their right to defend themselves and putting them in the hands of people protesting at the idea of protecting them.

We used to teach students how to fire a gun at schools. Now we teach them to be victims.

No the problem isnt Congress here

It’s you

That's a crock of crap. The Federal Government regulates everything in this country. Criminals and Felons can't buy guns (Federal law) but sick teenagers can walk in and buy an AR-15--when numerous threats were reported to law enforcement?

The Sheriff in Florida was interviewed, and he told everyone to report, report, report. When the reporter asked him, well if you would have had information on Cruz what would you have done? Sheriff--well we would have gone out and "talked" to him. Reporter--"Would you have been able to seize that AR-15"? Well no, he has a legal right to own it.

There are several things the Federal Government can do right now.

1. Ban the sale of semi-automatics in this country. They weren't legal prior to 2004. Or require a maintained liability insurance policy on each sale. Require that one owner can't buy more than 1 semi-automatic. Require that they are locked up and inaccessible to anyone but the owner. Limit clip size.
2. Ban bump stocks.
3. Mental health background checks--that Republicans took off as soon as Trump walked into office.
4. People who are on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists are on no gun lists.
5. Parents with kids and teenagers at home--required to keep all guns and ammo locked up and inaccessible to their kids at all times.
6. Gun shows--required to do back ground checks.
7. No private sales. If you want to sell your gun it goes to a licensed dealer on consignment, so they can do a background check on the new buyer.
8. When people report threatening behavior LOCAL law enforcement is notified and if reasonable cause they can seize all weapons and ammo, and that person is put on a no gun list.

These are common sense gun regulations, that could have been passed by Republicans, and they haven't done jack--over the last 9 years, and after 9 mass killings.


The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Yes you can do something--VOTE for Democrats this coming November. They aren't owned by the NRA.

How is this horseshit? Let me count the ways.

First of all, there are still quite a few things the federal government does not regulate, and many things it does regulate that it does not legally have the power for. Of the things that the federal government does not have the power to control, the right to keep and bear arms is one of the most vigorously defended.

Second, the mind utterly boggles at your meek, gullible willingness to believe something is true simply because Sheriff Israel said it was, not only because the sheriff has shown himself to be an incompetent ass with a vested interest in lying about virtually everything in relation to the Parkland shooting, but also because I sincerely doubt that you are ever that copacetic about believing any other law enforcement official on any subject.

Rather than being some sort of ringing "Gotcha!" moment for your gun-grabbing points, your quote involving the sheriff - The Sheriff in Florida was interviewed, and he told everyone to report, report, report. When the reporter asked him, well if you would have had information on Cruz what would you have done? Sheriff--well we would have gone out and "talked" to him. Reporter--"Would you have been able to seize that AR-15"? Well no, he has a legal right to own it - actually just emphasizes how abysmally, disastrously bad at his job Israel is. A sheriff should know the law in his jurisdiction, and if Israel DID, he would know that Florida law would have allowed him to legally confiscate Cruz's weapons, given the nature of many of the incidents for which reports were made to law enforcement. This fiasco remains NOT a fault of the laws of the state of Florida, OR the laws of the United States, but a failure of the people tasked with enforcing those laws.

As to your leftist wish list, I will have to address that in another post in a little bit. I'm out of time at the moment.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.
Outstanding a Morass of Pro Gun Tripe and Ignorance pervading this thread...THANK YOU Oreo,steve

Don't thank him, thank North Korea, he is just a troll paid by them!
“Can The Students Be Silenced?”

Most conservatives would certainly like to see that happen.

Bullshit ... Most conservatives wouldn't grant anyone the power/authority to silence them ... Especially if it were a peaceable assembly ... :thup:
It's possible you aren't talking about conservatives at all.

Why would they do anything? The constitution limits the authority they have to act with reserving that power to the states and the people.

The issue isn't the federal government isn’t doing enough (though had the government followed protocol this last shooting wouldn’t have happened). The issue is the states and the people haven’t done enough.

Rather than exercise your right to self defense, you are giving bureaucrats power to infringe on that right. Instead of being parents and teaching your children how to defend themselves and what to do in these situations, you are trying to take away their right to defend themselves and putting them in the hands of people protesting at the idea of protecting them.

We used to teach students how to fire a gun at schools. Now we teach them to be victims.

No the problem isnt Congress here

It’s you

That's a crock of crap. The Federal Government regulates everything in this country. Criminals and Felons can't buy guns (Federal law) but sick teenagers can walk in and buy an AR-15--when numerous threats were reported to law enforcement?

The Sheriff in Florida was interviewed, and he told everyone to report, report, report. When the reporter asked him, well if you would have had information on Cruz what would you have done? Sheriff--well we would have gone out and "talked" to him. Reporter--"Would you have been able to seize that AR-15"? Well no, he has a legal right to own it.

There are several things the Federal Government can do right now.

1. Ban the sale of semi-automatics in this country. They weren't legal prior to 2004. Or require a maintained liability insurance policy on each sale. Require that one owner can't buy more than 1 semi-automatic. Require that they are locked up and inaccessible to anyone but the owner. Limit clip size.
2. Ban bump stocks.
3. Mental health background checks--that Republicans took off as soon as Trump walked into office.
4. People who are on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists are on no gun lists.
5. Parents with kids and teenagers at home--required to keep all guns and ammo locked up and inaccessible to their kids at all times.
6. Gun shows--required to do back ground checks.
7. No private sales. If you want to sell your gun it goes to a licensed dealer on consignment, so they can do a background check on the new buyer.
8. When people report threatening behavior LOCAL law enforcement is notified and if reasonable cause they can seize all weapons and ammo, and that person is put on a no gun list.

These are common sense gun regulations, that could have been passed by Republicans, and they haven't done jack--over the last 9 years, and after 9 mass killings.


You keep saying common sense. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

It is not common sense to give the federal government power it’s not authorized to have.

It’s not common sense to strip rights from citizens without due process.

Nor is it common sense to even ban from the crazy when you define anyone who disagrees with you as crazy.

If your positions were common sense as you claim, you wouldn’t have to use a tragedy to force the policies through on fear, grief, and pure emotion

Have you ever had an original thought? Serious question, you simply echo the current meme as if you had some sort of epiphany.

I haven't given the POTUS the power of an Executive Privilege or the Federal Government other powers not express in Art. I, II or III.

Common sense suggests we play by the rules in effect and not pretend otherwise.

Marbury v. Madison is not listed as a power for the USSC in Art. III, yet it has been in effect for over 200 years;

EO's are not listed as a power of the President, in Art II, yet they have been used by Presidents for over 200 years;

yet, the meme that the powers in Art. I, sec 8, clause 1 don't include the common defense as anything more than an attack by a foreign power and the general Welfare is irrelevant and superseded by the 2nd A.

Have you ever actually made an argument on its merits rather than using petty insults and red herrings?

Well it's too bad they don't sell brains, because you definitely need one. The biggest threat in this country today, are people who are buying semi automatics that should never own one.

Republicans are perfectly fine with it.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


For common sense gun control VOTE for Democrats this coming November.

This is a good example of the typical REPUBLICAN response over this issue.

"One of those gun-rights defenders, FLORIDA-- GOP state Sen. Dennis Baxley, told VICE News that he opposes any restrictions on assault weapons — the kind of gun used by the Stoneman Douglas shooter, a 19-year-old former student at the school. "You can't just make policy that doesn't work," he told VICE News. "It's the mindset that's the issue," not the weapon.

When asked why Floridians should have the right to buy AR-15s, Baxley said he wanted to focus on cultural issues. "Spoons are used to eat stuff to kill yourself with obesity, but we're not picking up spoons to get rid of obesity," Baxley added.
This is the political aftermath of the Parkland school shooting

God bless you.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


No these kids can't be silenced but they've got to do more than that. They have got to vote this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you're 18 years old and not registered, register to vote now! If you're going to be 18 soon, register to vote as soon as you are. If you have friends that are 18 make sure they register and they VOTE. If you're away at college plan ahead to receive a mail-in ballot from your home state.

Someone who doesn't vote or votes for any Republican is voting for more sympathies and prayer vigils. Even though the Florida state legislature did a gun restriction on age, and as soon as you forget about it, and are not looking they'll go right back to the old gun regulations by lowering the age limit. Republicans have done this before. Do not be fooled by this.

The NRA is the Republican parties campaign cash cow and they are going to protect that cow no matter what.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.If you're looking for a reason that politicians are quick to declare that their "thoughts and prayers" are with the victims of the horrific slaughters that have become virtually routine in American life, but do nothing further to stop them, look no further.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


If you want common sense gun control in this country, you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November in the 2018 mid term election cycle.

If common sense had anything to do with democrats gun control policies, they would be able to persuade people with out using the fear and grief of people who should be mourning. Democrat policies are purely emotion based. If reason was involved they wouldn’t be pushing policies that actually did something to stop mass shootings rather than ones that wouldn’t have changed anything.

Common sense gun control is placing the gun in your own hands so you can use it to protect yourself rather than remain unarmed targets for evil men. Common sense is using the tools you have to stop evil rather than making it illegal to have those tools.

Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country.

Anything the NRA wants, the Republican party makes certain it happens.

What they did do is eliminate mental health background checks Obama initiated after Sandy Hook, as soon as Trump walked through the oval office door.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Obama asked Republicans to put people who were on no fly lists and terrorist watch lists on NO gun lists, and Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando, Florida happened where a terrorist was on an FBI watch list walked into a gun store was able to load up and he killed 49 innocent people, and Republicans still did NOTHING. They didn't even think maybe Obama was right, these people should be on no gun lists.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


Florida just passed a law that requires a 21 age limit on all gun purchases and the NRA has already launched a law suit.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued Florida over new gun restrictions that were signed into law in response to the Parkland school shooting that killed 17 people. The NRA filed the lawsuit just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed the legislation, which, in addition to funding for school safety programs, raises the age limit for buying rifles from 18 to 21 and extends a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns. It also establishes a program to arm trained teachers and campus employees.The NRA, however, is asking a federal judge to stop the new age requirement, arguing it violates the Constitution.
The NRA Is Suing Florida Over New Gun Control Laws Put In Place After The Parkland Shooting

Who is going to side with the NRA on this law suit against Florida?---REPUBLICANS are.


'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

If you want common sense gun controls in this country, you'll have to VOTE for Democrats this coming November in the midterm election cycle. If you don't vote or vote for Republicans, you're just casting a vote for more sympathies and prayer vigils.

Why would they do anything? The constitution limits the authority they have to act with reserving that power to the states and the people.

The issue isn't the federal government isn’t doing enough (though had the government followed protocol this last shooting wouldn’t have happened). The issue is the states and the people haven’t done enough.

Rather than exercise your right to self defense, you are giving bureaucrats power to infringe on that right. Instead of being parents and teaching your children how to defend themselves and what to do in these situations, you are trying to take away their right to defend themselves and putting them in the hands of people protesting at the idea of protecting them.

We used to teach students how to fire a gun at schools. Now we teach them to be victims.

No the problem isnt Congress here

It’s you

This is an absolutely brilliant and profound thought here, sort of a corollary to Ben Franklin's quote that those who give up freedom in the hope of safety get neither: the way to guarantee the most safety possible is by exercising your rights, rather than by surrendering them.

Thank you very much for casting this light on the subject.

Thank you for reading it.

Honestly I don’t know why it’s not obvious to everyone. It’s not that we aren’t regulated enough. Our problems come from expecting the gov to fulfill our responsibilities rather than doing it ourselves.

No one else can do them
The last real conservative died on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016.

Bullshit ... :thup:


Name one.

Most were tossed under the bus during the Obama Administration, they were called RINO's.

When Trump took the oath of office (seriously he did, not that it has become apparent) the rest of the conservative Republicans wanted to get some benefits, and sought jobs in his administration (or like McConnell, a job for his wife), they were the Plutocrats, and CINO's even before the election.

Ted Cruz, shit fer brains.

You are a complete moron, even as Stalinist scum go.

Ted Cruz is an ambitious demagogue, smart but obnoxious and has been known to flip and flop like a tuna tossed on the deck. We've tried a narcissist for a 14 months, they can't lead or govern effectively.

BTW, your ad hominem is a give away you have no ability to refute my post.
for s
"Arms" include the weapons of war. Today's arms, notwithstanding Scalia's excessive defense in Heller, have an ability far beyond the imagination of those who signed off on the Bill of Rights. We've seen how effective an AR15 is in killing and maiming, common sense suggests such a weapon in the hands of untrained civilians of any age, is a foolish policy.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle

I know that, and YOU know that, but SOME people can't get past the notion that it's some super-special, extraordinarily evil outlier that has somehow slipped through a loophole to prey on the unsuspecting public.
For some reason progressives think that firearms can kill without an operator/control operator possibly. It must be the public schools they went to… It must be a politically correct thing I cannot understand… LOL

for some reason NRA shills think they aren't subject to reasonable regulation.


For some reason, leftist twits think anything that enters their empty skulls is automatically "reasonable".

That’s what happens when we don’t teach people what reason is. They adopt any sophistry they like as such
The last real conservative died on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016.

Bullshit ... :thup:


Name one.

Most were tossed under the bus during the Obama Administration, they were called RINO's.

When Trump took the oath of office (seriously he did, not that it has become apparent) the rest of the conservative Republicans wanted to get some benefits, and sought jobs in his administration (or like McConnell, a job for his wife), they were the Plutocrats, and CINO's even before the election.

Ted Cruz, shit fer brains.

You are a complete moron, even as Stalinist scum go.

Ted Cruz is an ambitious demagogue, smart but obnoxious and has been known to flip and flop like a tuna tossed on the deck. We've tried a narcissist for a 14 months, they can't lead or govern effectively.

BTW, your ad hominem is a give away you have no ability to refute my post.

Strange trump is doing a surprisingly fine job governing. Not sure it’s been enough to vote for him next time yet but I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

Then again after 8 years of incompetence anything looks good
So, what solution do you have? People control? If so, how do you decide who should and who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun?

There is no singular solution to our national disgrace. It requires men and women of good will to proffer ideas and evaluate their merit. Something unheard of on this thread, and on every thread related to gun violence.

1) Put people in jail who've had their right to buy a gun revoked with due process of law

2) We already have training and background checks for people with CC permits

What more than that is required?

The question is, what more is necessary. And I've argued licensing and registration.

And then when we ban CC permit holders from CCs shooters like Florida will be stopped and shooters won't be able to buy illegal guns either? Licensing and registration will make our kids safe? How would that have solved the Florida shooting since he shouldn't have had the right to buy a gun because he was a known psycho making threats and the government you love fucked up over and over and over?

Have you run all this by your drug dealer? Your theory that if you make things illegal then people can't get them? What did your drug dealer say about that?

Doing the same thing with the same results over and over is insane - which would disallow you to ever be licensed to own or possess a gun.

That's why you and other so obsessed with their guns hide behind the 2nd A., those of us not fearful of what a background check will reveal do not object to this common sense approach at people control.,
There is most likely well over 400 million firearms in the country legally, what percentage of those are used in violent crime? A fraction of a fraction of a fraction tops?
...with all three fractions being small, resulting in a minute fraction.
The last real conservative died on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016.

Bullshit ... :thup:


Name one.

Most were tossed under the bus during the Obama Administration, they were called RINO's.

When Trump took the oath of office (seriously he did, not that it has become apparent) the rest of the conservative Republicans wanted to get some benefits, and sought jobs in his administration (or like McConnell, a job for his wife), they were the Plutocrats, and CINO's even before the election.

Ted Cruz, shit fer brains.

You are a complete moron, even as Stalinist scum go.

Ted Cruz is an ambitious demagogue, smart but obnoxious and has been known to flip and flop like a tuna tossed on the deck. We've tried a narcissist for a 14 months, they can't lead or govern effectively.

BTW, your ad hominem is a give away you have no ability to refute my post.

Strange trump is doing a surprisingly fine job governing. Not sure it’s been enough to vote for him next time yet but I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

Then again after 8 years of incompetence anything looks good
I have heard that President Trump has accomplished 64% of his goals....within ONE YEAR!

On edit: Actually, that figure came from this article. Still it is quite an accomplishment.

Heritage Foundation Says Trump Has Embraced Two-Thirds of Its Agenda
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