Can a Catholic not like his communist Pope?

Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
I tend to agree with this. I don't think the Pope is a proponent of any economic system, more like the observer who points out the flaws in any or all economic systems. Things, especially economic systems, easily get out of balance.

For me, the capitalistic economic system begins to tilt out of balance at the corporation level, where corporate businesses cover the nation/world instead of small independent businesses and partnerships. At the present time, more individuals are employees than employers. Communism has its imbalances as well.

Free speech encompasses freedom of expression. With the murders in Paris we see an expression of what Muslims think of people who poke fun at Mohammed and Islam. Freedom of expression should certainly stop well before people begin planning murders. On the other hand, must we antagonize people to the point they begin to plot murder?

I don't believe that blaming the victim is useful. The only limitations on freedom of expression that should be allowed are things like not yelling 'fire' in a theatre when there isn't one - that sort of thing. Everything else is game.

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
- George Washington
And yet many of the faithful have that very fear.

I wonder what percentage that is. Ten percent can make up many, and I would agree that is still too many. Christ commanded us to proclaim good news, not bad, fearsome news.
This is my thread and my responsibility to keep on topic. As such, I will be reporting every atheist pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the thread topic. If you want to make the case that God doesn't exist, make your own damn thread. Do it here and I'll get the mods involved.

Don't doubt me.

Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
You, like every "former Catholic" know nothing about our faith if you think I can just pack up and leave over a disagreement. I've consistently found that there is no "former Catholic" who ever was a Catholic as measured by proper catechesis. I will be Catholic until the day I die, and by the grace of God, I might live long enough to see one more pope as bold, fearless, and righteous as John Paul II. My faith takes the long view. The Church has weathered worse popes than this and survived. This too shall pass.
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You may have missed my intent. The intent is to show that freedom of expression that includes murder and mayhem is wrong. I did not read the Pope's comments on free speech, but I have delved deeply into other "news" reports about what the Pope has supposedly said and find them lacking.

Next, the intent of freedom of speech was to allow people to speak freely of government (and for that matter religious) officials without fear of repercussion. Freedom of speech has expanded to include vulgarity and pornography, both things those who fought for freedom of speech in government matters, felt the individual had enough self-control to master.

In this case it was the Islamic terrorists who carried freedom of expression much too far. While I didn't read what the Pope specifically said on this, I imagine he was speaking of something that goes beyond lampooning and is a continuous, deliberate taunt with the intent to cause uproars and riots. (Similar to yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.)

So, if the Pope was saying lampooning should not be included in free expression, then I would be with you. If the Pope was merely pointing out boundaries of free expression, then he has a point. Inciting riot and mayhem is not protected free expression.
This is my thread and my responsibility to keep on topic. As such, I will be reporting every atheist pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the thread topic. If you want to make the case that God doesn't exist, make your own damn thread. Do it here and I'll get the mods involved.

Don't doubt me.

Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
You, like every "former Catholic" know nothing about our faith if you think I can just pack up and leave over a disagreement. I've consistently found that there is no "former Catholic" who ever was a Catholic as measured by proper catechesis. I will be Catholic until the day I die, and by the grace of God, I might live long enough to see one more pope as bold, fearless, and righteous as John Paul II. My faith takes the long view. The Church has weathered worse popes than this and survived. This too shall pass.

Sure you can leave any time you choose to. I didn't say that you have to. You appear to be very upset with the current resident of the Vatican, and since you can't do anything about it, perhaps you should consider leaving the church. If not, then learn to accept/deal with it. Oh, and by the way, this 'you must not have been a real Christian if you abandoned your faith' is pretty lame. You don't know me or anything about me, so don't presume that you do.
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You may have missed my intent. The intent is to show that freedom of expression that includes murder and mayhem is wrong. I did not read the Pope's comments on free speech, but I have delved deeply into other "news" reports about what the Pope has supposedly said and find them lacking.

Next, the intent of freedom of speech was to allow people to speak freely of government (and for that matter religious) officials without fear of repercussion. Freedom of speech has expanded to include vulgarity and pornography, both things those who fought for freedom of speech in government matters, felt the individual had enough self-control to master.

In this case it was the Islamic terrorists who carried freedom of expression much too far. While I didn't read what the Pope specifically said on this, I imagine he was speaking of something that goes beyond lampooning and is a continuous, deliberate taunt with the intent to cause uproars and riots. (Similar to yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.)

So, if the Pope was saying lampooning should not be included in free expression, then I would be with you. If the Pope was merely pointing out boundaries of free expression, then he has a point. Inciting riot and mayhem is not protected free expression.
The Pope was speaking on current events, specifically the French parody publication. And even if you were right and the Holy Father were referencing inflammatory and relentless taunts, he's still wrong.

Let me ask you, do you believe the Pope can ever be wrong? Because I hear Protesants call the Catholic Church a cult all the time and defend against such a notion. But when I come across many, many Catholics who canonize every word the Pope says, I begin to wonder if they have a point.
This is my thread and my responsibility to keep on topic. As such, I will be reporting every atheist pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the thread topic. If you want to make the case that God doesn't exist, make your own damn thread. Do it here and I'll get the mods involved.

Don't doubt me.

Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
You, like every "former Catholic" know nothing about our faith if you think I can just pack up and leave over a disagreement. I've consistently found that there is no "former Catholic" who ever was a Catholic as measured by proper catechesis. I will be Catholic until the day I die, and by the grace of God, I might live long enough to see one more pope as bold, fearless, and righteous as John Paul II. My faith takes the long view. The Church has weathered worse popes than this and survived. This too shall pass.

Sure you can leave any time you choose to. I didn't say that you have to. You appear to be very upset with the current resident of the Vatican, and since you can't do anything about it, perhaps you should consider leaving the church. If not, then learn to accept/deal with it. Oh, and by the way, this 'you must not have been a real Christian if you abandoned your faith' is pretty lame. You don't know me or anything about me, so don't presume that you do.
I didn't say that at all. In fact it's clear you didn't understand anything I said. Put a pot of coffee on because your synopses are underperforming.
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You may have missed my intent. The intent is to show that freedom of expression that includes murder and mayhem is wrong. I did not read the Pope's comments on free speech, but I have delved deeply into other "news" reports about what the Pope has supposedly said and find them lacking.

Next, the intent of freedom of speech was to allow people to speak freely of government (and for that matter religious) officials without fear of repercussion. Freedom of speech has expanded to include vulgarity and pornography, both things those who fought for freedom of speech in government matters, felt the individual had enough self-control to master.

In this case it was the Islamic terrorists who carried freedom of expression much too far. While I didn't read what the Pope specifically said on this, I imagine he was speaking of something that goes beyond lampooning and is a continuous, deliberate taunt with the intent to cause uproars and riots. (Similar to yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.)

So, if the Pope was saying lampooning should not be included in free expression, then I would be with you. If the Pope was merely pointing out boundaries of free expression, then he has a point. Inciting riot and mayhem is not protected free expression.

According to the SCOTUS, it most certainly is. What's more, in some states (Kentucky is one), even armed insurection is constitutional. Not that I support that sort of thing, mind you. The fact is that this nation was founded on a revolution:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

This was our way of telling the British to go to hell and get out of the colonies because we are running things now.
This is my thread and my responsibility to keep on topic. As such, I will be reporting every atheist pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the thread topic. If you want to make the case that God doesn't exist, make your own damn thread. Do it here and I'll get the mods involved.

Don't doubt me.

Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
You, like every "former Catholic" know nothing about our faith if you think I can just pack up and leave over a disagreement. I've consistently found that there is no "former Catholic" who ever was a Catholic as measured by proper catechesis. I will be Catholic until the day I die, and by the grace of God, I might live long enough to see one more pope as bold, fearless, and righteous as John Paul II. My faith takes the long view. The Church has weathered worse popes than this and survived. This too shall pass.

Sure you can leave any time you choose to. I didn't say that you have to. You appear to be very upset with the current resident of the Vatican, and since you can't do anything about it, perhaps you should consider leaving the church. If not, then learn to accept/deal with it. Oh, and by the way, this 'you must not have been a real Christian if you abandoned your faith' is pretty lame. You don't know me or anything about me, so don't presume that you do.
I didn't say that at all. In fact it's clear you didn't understand anything I said. Put a pot of coffee on because your synopses are underperforming.

Erm, which part?
The Pope was speaking on current events, specifically the French parody publication. And even if you were right and the Holy Father were referencing inflammatory and relentless taunts, he's still wrong.

Let me ask you, do you believe the Pope can ever be wrong? Because I hear Protesants call the Catholic Church a cult all the time and defend against such a notion. But when I come across many, many Catholics who canonize every word the Pope says, I begin to wonder if they have a point.

What I believe is that the Pope has a right to his own opinions and quirks. My mother had eight children, and I did have a mild resentment when the Pope likened another mothers of eight to "breeding like rabbits." I would not have done without any of my brothers and sisters for the world. I remember my parents saving up to take us to Disneyland--quite a feat in those days for a family of modest means with six children. Then my mom became pregnant and explained the money would be needed for the baby. We were really excited that we were going to have a new baby instead. And eventually, a family of modest means with eight children did make it to Disneyland.

When the Pope announces that no Catholic may poke fun or lampoon a Muslim; when he announces all Catholics must become communist, I'll start to worry. As it is, there are/were many Catholic Saints who did not agree with each other, but loved the Church. We all follow major doctrine and dogmas, but even so there is plenty of room for diversity. We're not cookie stamps of one another.

I am sure the Pope is likely to be wrong as much as you or I are likely to be wrong. Certainly a rarity in all three cases, but known to happen! :wink:
According to the SCOTUS, it most certainly is. What's more, in some states (Kentucky is one), even armed insurection is constitutional. Not that I support that sort of thing, mind you. The fact is that this nation was founded on a revolution:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

This was our way of telling the British to go to hell and get out of the colonies because we are running things now.

There is armed insurrection and there is rioting and mayhem--mob rule, if you will. I can understand a planned, armed take-over of government facilities. That is entirely different from storming the streets to murder, maim, riot, and loot.
This Pope has gotten many things wrong....

Nobody's discussing this. It's almost as if they read the title to the thread and then responded. The Pope has not only been a tireless fiend of the very economic system that's brought more freedom and prosperity to the common man than any other, he then goes on to attack free speech, and does so with 4 Imams present.

The Imams give the whole thing a sinister veneer; like they were there to ensure and supervise the Pope as he properly surrenders to Islamic terror. This was far more outrageous than anything the Pope said about capitalism, but leave it to the dumbing down crowd to get hung up on the word communist.

Capitalism unregulated by a government that represents all the people is just as corruptable as all the other isms. When 5 ppl have 95% of the money the system is broke.

Why don't we allow monopoles?
The Pope was speaking on current events, specifically the French parody publication. And even if you were right and the Holy Father were referencing inflammatory and relentless taunts, he's still wrong.

Let me ask you, do you believe the Pope can ever be wrong? Because I hear Protesants call the Catholic Church a cult all the time and defend against such a notion. But when I come across many, many Catholics who canonize every word the Pope says, I begin to wonder if they have a point.

What I believe is that the Pope has a right to his own opinions and quirks. My mother had eight children, and I did have a mild resentment when the Pope likened another mothers of eight to "breeding like rabbits." I would not have done without any of my brothers and sisters for the world. I remember my parents saving up to take us to Disneyland--quite a feat in those days for a family of modest means with six children. Then my mom became pregnant and explained the money would be needed for the baby. We were really excited that we were going to have a new baby instead. And eventually, a family of modest means with eight children did make it to Disneyland.

When the Pope announces that no Catholic may poke fun or lampoon a Muslim; when he announces all Catholics must become communist, I'll start to worry. As it is, there are/were many Catholic Saints who did not agree with each other, but loved the Church. We all follow major doctrine and dogmas, but even so there is plenty of room for diversity. We're not cookie stamps of one another.

I am sure the Pope is likely to be wrong as much as you or I are likely to be wrong. Certainly a rarity in all three cases, but known to happen! :wink:
Our current Pope is not a wise man, though we would want and pray for him to be. Leadership is appraised by how much restraint a leader shows, how he weighs his words and anticipates their consequences. The great popes have kept many private opinions unspoken, fearing the damage they could cause coming from such a revered figure. With this Pope, anything going through his head shoots immediately out his piehole. He doesn't have the same luxuries as you and I and until he gets a rein on that brain-mouth thing, he'll continue to anger and confuse people and have to walk back his statements.
Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
I tend to agree with this. I don't think the Pope is a proponent of any economic system, more like the observer who points out the flaws in any or all economic systems. Things, especially economic systems, easily get out of balance.

For me, the capitalistic economic system begins to tilt out of balance at the corporation level, where corporate businesses cover the nation/world instead of small independent businesses and partnerships. At the present time, more individuals are employees than employers. Communism has its imbalances as well.

Free speech encompasses freedom of expression. With the murders in Paris we see an expression of what Muslims think of people who poke fun at Mohammed and Islam. Freedom of expression should certainly stop well before people begin planning murders. On the other hand, must we antagonize people to the point they begin to plot murder?
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You know how murder and being mean to people are both sins but ones worse than the other? What he is saying maybe is that the insulting French shouldn't be doing to others as they wouldn't like being treated themselves. He's not condoning the murderers but he's also not defending the offensive.

What would Jesus say about publishing a cartoon of Allah? Bet he would have advised against it. Agree?
Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
I tend to agree with this. I don't think the Pope is a proponent of any economic system, more like the observer who points out the flaws in any or all economic systems. Things, especially economic systems, easily get out of balance.

For me, the capitalistic economic system begins to tilt out of balance at the corporation level, where corporate businesses cover the nation/world instead of small independent businesses and partnerships. At the present time, more individuals are employees than employers. Communism has its imbalances as well.

Free speech encompasses freedom of expression. With the murders in Paris we see an expression of what Muslims think of people who poke fun at Mohammed and Islam. Freedom of expression should certainly stop well before people begin planning murders. On the other hand, must we antagonize people to the point they begin to plot murder?
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You know how murder and being mean to people are both sins but ones worse than the other? What he is saying maybe is that the insulting French shouldn't be doing to others as they wouldn't like being treated themselves. He's not condoning the murderers but he's also not defending the offensive.

What would Jesus say about publishing a cartoon of Allah? Bet he would have advised against it. Agree?
Jesus offended people so greatly they killed him for it. You should be quiet now. Unbelievers suck at WWJD?
The Pope was speaking on current events, specifically the French parody publication. And even if you were right and the Holy Father were referencing inflammatory and relentless taunts, he's still wrong.

Let me ask you, do you believe the Pope can ever be wrong? Because I hear Protesants call the Catholic Church a cult all the time and defend against such a notion. But when I come across many, many Catholics who canonize every word the Pope says, I begin to wonder if they have a point.

What I believe is that the Pope has a right to his own opinions and quirks. My mother had eight children, and I did have a mild resentment when the Pope likened another mothers of eight to "breeding like rabbits." I would not have done without any of my brothers and sisters for the world. I remember my parents saving up to take us to Disneyland--quite a feat in those days for a family of modest means with six children. Then my mom became pregnant and explained the money would be needed for the baby. We were really excited that we were going to have a new baby instead. And eventually, a family of modest means with eight children did make it to Disneyland.

When the Pope announces that no Catholic may poke fun or lampoon a Muslim; when he announces all Catholics must become communist, I'll start to worry. As it is, there are/were many Catholic Saints who did not agree with each other, but loved the Church. We all follow major doctrine and dogmas, but even so there is plenty of room for diversity. We're not cookie stamps of one another.

I am sure the Pope is likely to be wrong as much as you or I are likely to be wrong. Certainly a rarity in all three cases, but known to happen! :wink:
Our current Pope is not a wise man, though we would want and pray for him to be. Leadership is appraised by how much restraint a leader shows, how he weighs his words and anticipates their consequences. The great popes have kept many private opinions unspoken, fearing the damage they could cause coming from such a revered figure. With this Pope, anything going through his head shoots immediately out his piehole. He doesn't have the same luxuries as you and I and until he gets a rein on that brain-mouth thing, he'll continue to anger and confuse people and have to walk back his statements.

The Joe biden of the catholic church.

Let's face it. The Catholic church is like the GOP or dems. They have their base they know ultimately has their back and they need to win over new members or win back supporters they lost because they were way too conservative.

You guys don't care what your leaders do as long as they believe in Jesus and capitalism. He spoke out against one of the two things you worship.

Want proof? You voted for a Mormon. Mormons believe your entire religion is corrupt. God told Joseph smith. But you swallowed it because really you care most about your god capitalism. Think about that. You wouldn't vote for an atheist but you'll vote for a faith based on the premise your religion is corrupt. As long as they believe in something right? No matter how insane.
Okay, on-topic then. As a former catholic, I think it is stupid to call the current resident of the vatican a communist. He isn't following marxist doctrine. If he was, he wouldn't be the Pope. But to answer your question, the Pope isn't there for you to like. He is there to lead. If you don't like his leadership, join another church.
I tend to agree with this. I don't think the Pope is a proponent of any economic system, more like the observer who points out the flaws in any or all economic systems. Things, especially economic systems, easily get out of balance.

For me, the capitalistic economic system begins to tilt out of balance at the corporation level, where corporate businesses cover the nation/world instead of small independent businesses and partnerships. At the present time, more individuals are employees than employers. Communism has its imbalances as well.

Free speech encompasses freedom of expression. With the murders in Paris we see an expression of what Muslims think of people who poke fun at Mohammed and Islam. Freedom of expression should certainly stop well before people begin planning murders. On the other hand, must we antagonize people to the point they begin to plot murder?
Antagonize people until they plot murder? I must be a bad Catholic because I'm the only one that sees the Pope as just a man and am willing to say he's wrong. The good Catholics all seem to find a way to justify any insane rant coming out of his mouth.

Truth is truth and the Pope is either speaking the truth or he isn't. I don't go along with turning anything he says into the truth. Western civilization places a high value on the freedom of expression and when somebody commits violence because they don't like what someone says, we punish the terrorist. We don't tell people to shut up and quit making terrorists kill people.

He's just a man, Meriweather. And he's wrong.

You know how murder and being mean to people are both sins but ones worse than the other? What he is saying maybe is that the insulting French shouldn't be doing to others as they wouldn't like being treated themselves. He's not condoning the murderers but he's also not defending the offensive.

What would Jesus say about publishing a cartoon of Allah? Bet he would have advised against it. Agree?
Jesus offended people so greatly they killed him for it. You should be quiet now. Unbelievers suck at WWJD?
He was a crazy guy huh? You would have to be to say all the things he said.

You'd have to be even crazier to believe he did the things the ancients claim he did.
It's ironic the current Pope isn't popular with some of his own adherants, yet is loved by non-Catholics. :) I'm Jewish and we don't play well together at all, yet I love this Pope. And not in the comedian loves a bad President so he can make jokes about him way. :)
It's ironic the current Pope isn't popular with some of his own adherants, yet is loved by non-Catholics. :) I'm Jewish and we don't play well together at all, yet I love this Pope. And not in the comedian loves a bad President so he can make jokes about him way. :)
All leftists love this Pope and are hoping he'll change the church's teaching on homosexuality and abortion and let women into the priesthood. Then at some point we wouldn't even call it the Catholic Church anymore since it is in want of distinguishing beliefs and teachings. We could call it the Worldly Church of Brotherly Love and the Universal Human Spirit. I know you all have high hopes for Pope Francis to dismantle the Catholic faith.
It's ironic the current Pope isn't popular with some of his own adherants, yet is loved by non-Catholics. :) I'm Jewish and we don't play well together at all, yet I love this Pope. And not in the comedian loves a bad President so he can make jokes about him way. :)
All leftists love this Pope and are hoping he'll change the church's teaching on homosexuality and abortion and let women into the priesthood. Then at some point we wouldn't even call it the Catholic Church anymore since it is in want of distinguishing beliefs and teachings. We could call it the Worldly Church of Brotherly Love and the Universal Human Spirit. I know you all have high hopes for Pope Francis to dismantle the Catholic faith.

Can't change Scriptural verse. Can ignore it like many faiths do like Reform Judaism does, but once you start pick and choosing what you're abiding by and what you're declaring silly or stupid you cease being anything connected to God in that you can't say with one breath we follow God then say, BUT this was silly and stupid. :)

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