California dumps their High Speed Rail after spending BILLIONS!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
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Liberals so screwed up the project its impossible to complete it. The Trump administration has launched an audit into this FUBAR disaster. Way to go libs you morons.
We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET train. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars
Libtards want to put these idiots in charge of healthcare.

They need Rearden metal...... But then California is the type of world John Galt avoids.


We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars

And it feels like it was just yesterday that trains were the wave of the future(according to liberals)....LOL.
To be fair, it's very difficult to build a high-speed railway when the highest priority was designing a passenger car with 23 separate bathrooms in a color that wouldn't offend anyone.
This isn't true. The rail is still on the table. It won't go from San Francisco to Los Angeles. It will go from Merced to Bakersfield. No one wants to go to either Merced or Bakersfield much less from Merced to Bakersfield.
This isn't true. The rail is still on the table. It won't go from San Francisco to Los Angeles. It will go from Merced to Bakersfield. No one wants to go to either Merced or Bakersfield much less from Merced to Bakersfield.

Don't they already have one of those?

We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars

california has the fucking most corupt governor in the world and they cant seem to get him out,that is the problem:mad:
We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars
No doubt the criminal politicians made sure to give their donors plenty of cash, some of which will help fund their future campaigns and lavish life styles.

Isn’t government wonderful?
We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars

california has the fucking most corupt governor in the world and they cant seem to get him out,that is the problem:mad:

The old corrupt governor or the new corrupt governor?
We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars
Well, there goes the 'TEST CASE' for AOC's rail system that would 'replace air travel'.

And theirs was only supposed to be from LA to San Fran.

We in Florida were wise enough to dodge this massive boondoggle BULLET. Pun intended. Little wonder Florida is one of the most fiscally stable governments in the country and California is in the bottom few.

Published 2 hours ago [6:00 pm 2/12/19]
California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train, cites ballooning costs

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

California bullet train project on track to blow through billions of more dollars

california has the fucking most corupt governor in the world and they cant seem to get him out,that is the problem:mad:

He was just elected and took office in January.
Liberals so screwed up the project its impossible to complete it.
How so? Be very specific. Surely an esteemed intellectual like yourself carefully pored over the facts before reaching such a strong opinion.


The most important thing was they flashed something sparkling in front of the Progressive government that is California and the Progressives lapped it up! They lied to California citizens about the cost, when it would be completed and, virtually, everything else.

We were blessed in Florida that we had a strong contingent of people, actually headed up by a dear friend of mine, that was vocal in pointing out all the pitfalls of accepting billions of federal dollars for this massive boondoggle. Wisely Gov. Rick Scott turned down the Federal bait.
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How so? Be very specific. Surely an esteemed intellectual like yourself carefully pored over the facts before reaching such a strong opinion.


Go talk to the Governor of California dummy, he's the one shutting down the project and saying its not possible to complete it. Don't you look stupid now :auiqs.jpg:
Just a lousy train and a few billion down the drain. Nothing to match bush jr.'s WMD lies. Trillions more dollars lost not including tens of thousands of lives. Lives which republicans always pretend they give a damn about. No, what brown did with the train is a bargain in comparison.
How so? Be very specific. Surely an esteemed intellectual like yourself carefully pored over the facts before reaching such a strong opinion.


Go talk to the Governor of California dummy, he's the one shutting down the project and saying its not possible to complete it. Don't you look stupid now :auiqs.jpg:

Wouldn't be surprised at all to hear funds are being reallocated to help pay for Healthcare for all and/or tiny houses for illegals, I mean asylum seekers.

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