California Bill to Make Buying Sex with Children a Felony Instead of a Misdemeanor Dies in Committee


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
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How could this happen in a 100% super majority Democrat controlled California you ask!?

That’s the answer.

Democrats want to buy children to use for sex and not face felony charges should they be caught.

Unfortunately with this it is not so simple. There is a grey area in my opinion in this topic what should be a misdemeanor and what is a felony

For example a lot of hookers out there claim to be 18 or 21 but are actually under age. If she is very close to the cutoff age it might be easy for a John to believe her lie that she is of legal age. If it is very easy for the John to tell she is underage that is one thing, but if she is very close to 18, say like 17... it might not be so easy and she most likely will lie to the John about her age if he asks. I guess the safest bet for Johns is to go after the hookers who look 30-45 years old and stay away from the ones who look in their early 20's or younger that way they won't accidently pickup an underage girl.

Now if the girl is clearly underage and the guy can easily tell that definitely should be a felony... but if she is very close to that legal age and she lies to the John about her age... I am not so sure if that should be a felony. Just my thoughts.
It's fine, as long as you marry them first.


How could this happen in a 100% super majority Democrat controlled California you ask!?

That’s the answer.

Democrats want to buy children to use for sex and not face felony charges should they be caught.

pedo chipper.jpg

Dems will never legalize pedo...they will just reduce the charges to a $150 ticket or 20 hours of community service at the local daycare center.

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