But...I thought Republicans didn't support the racist President because he was black...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
They received word from their puppet masters that they should pass this bill. It will make it even easier for said masters to move their production overseas...

The secretive nature of this bill is disturbing. Even more so when one considers the reluctance of the President's own party to pass the bill...
Drudge is saying the GOP has just committed suicide.

Internet-media mogul Matt Drudge heavily skewered Republican leadership on Twitter Friday night, after the GOP-led Senate approved enhanced trade negotiating authority for President Barack Obama.

“Twisted DC: Electing Republicans is guarantee of MORE powers for Obama… of course none of them read ‘secret’ bill!” Drudge tweeted.

Image source: Twitter

The Drudge Report founder then set his sights on Speaker of the House John Boehner who expressed support for the trade bill after the Senate’s passage.

Calling it “the Night of the Republican Suicide,” Drudge said if the GOP loses in 2016 it can be “traced to tonight’s trade deception.”

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

The Senate voted 62-37 Friday to endorse Obama’s request for “fast track” negotiating authority. It would let him present trade agreements that Congress can ratify or reject, but not change.

Obama says fast track would improve chances for a long-negotiated trade deal with 11 other Pacific Rim nations.

Labor unions and many liberals oppose the bill. They say free-trade deals send U.S. jobs overseas.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Completely in line with the GOP long standing support of Free Trade.

But yes, it does suggest that the lib accusation of racism is complete bullshit.

As we all knew.
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.

yes....and for the democrats...their racism is put aside when the color in question is green..........
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?

No...simply because he has no experience in politics...he would be a great President though...he should run for governor, or the House or the Senate.....if he knew what he was doing he would be a sure win for the nomination...but there are actual skills needed to win office and he hasn't developed them...he could with time but his window right now is too narrow......
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?
At this point he has my vote and a lot of the people I talk to like him also. Like I said if he does we will see how racist you are.
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?

No...simply because he has no experience in politics...he would be a great President though...he should run for governor, or the House or the Senate.....if he knew what he was doing he would be a sure win for the nomination...but there are actual skills needed to win office and he hasn't developed them...he could with time but his window right now is too narrow......
Watch what happens when he is excluded from the august debate. Do you have an actual opinion on the trade deal? I find the further economic ruin of the working class more interesting than trying to figure out who's a racist since it is always a matter of perspective.
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

In an unusual twist, most Republicans supported the Democrat president’s proposal.

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?
At this point he has my vote and a lot of the people I talk to like him also. Like I said if he does we will see how racist you are.

If he had more experience in winning elections I would vote for him without hesitation.....he has more real world experience than obama ever had....

I hope Carla Fiorina makes it....she is a fighter....as is Scott Walker......actually, so is Ted Cruz....but Senators don't make good Presidents.....however Cruz is good enough he would probably be a good President....
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?

No...simply because he has no experience in politics...he would be a great President though...he should run for governor, or the House or the Senate.....if he knew what he was doing he would be a sure win for the nomination...but there are actual skills needed to win office and he hasn't developed them...he could with time but his window right now is too narrow......
Watch what happens when he is excluded from the august debate. Do you have an actual opinion on the trade deal? I find the further economic ruin of the working class more interesting than trying to figure out who's a racist since it is always a matter of perspective.

I don't think the GOP wants him excluded...and there are so many candidates in the race that the national polls will be so spread out among all the candidates he could very well win a place.....which would be great.....he is also a fighter and has already taken it to obama at the National Prayer Breakfast......
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?

No...simply because he has no experience in politics...he would be a great President though...he should run for governor, or the House or the Senate.....if he knew what he was doing he would be a sure win for the nomination...but there are actual skills needed to win office and he hasn't developed them...he could with time but his window right now is too narrow......
Watch what happens when he is excluded from the august debate. Do you have an actual opinion on the trade deal? I find the further economic ruin of the working class more interesting than trying to figure out who's a racist since it is always a matter of perspective.

I don't think the GOP wants him excluded...and there are so many candidates in the race that the national polls will be so spread out among all the candidates he could very well win a place.....which would be great.....he is also a fighter and has already taken it to obama at the National Prayer Breakfast......

I don't support the trade deal....to much power for democrats to screw things up...especially obama...and double that if hilary wins...she is already selling out the country and hasn't even been elected yet....
I have seen several instances so far of the Republicans passing legislation that was jammed up by the democrats....and voting with the racist President...here is one in particular....and I thought they just voted against everything he did because he was black....

The other time.....they passed an oversight bill for the Iran deal the President said he was going to sign....right? But why would they do that if they are only voting against him because he is black...?

BREAKING Senate Approves Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill - Breitbart

Yes....racism is the easy cry for democrats who want to smear innocent Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members.....when the democrat party is actually the racist party and their President is the biggest racist in the country....
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?
At this point he has my vote and a lot of the people I talk to like him also. Like I said if he does we will see how racist you are.

If he had more experience in winning elections I would vote for him without hesitation.....he has more real world experience than obama ever had....

I hope Carla Fiorina makes it....she is a fighter....as is Scott Walker......actually, so is Ted Cruz....but Senators don't make good Presidents.....however Cruz is good enough he would probably be a good President....
Cruz is my second choice, but Carson has common sense and would pick good advisors for the areas he isn't experienced in.
Even the worst racist will play nice if there is enough money to be had.
If Carson gets the republican nomination, we will see how racist you are.
Do actually you see this as a possibility?
At this point he has my vote and a lot of the people I talk to like him also. Like I said if he does we will see how racist you are.

If he had more experience in winning elections I would vote for him without hesitation.....he has more real world experience than obama ever had....

I hope Carla Fiorina makes it....she is a fighter....as is Scott Walker......actually, so is Ted Cruz....but Senators don't make good Presidents.....however Cruz is good enough he would probably be a good President....
Cruz is my second choice, but Carson has common sense and would pick good advisors for the areas he isn't experienced in.

I agree...it would just be getting him there....so many things need to be mastered to control a campaign, and deal with the democrat smear machine...he may not have time to learn them......
There are nutters who think it would be a good idea to nominate Carson so they could call Democrats who don't vote for him racists.

I love nutters.

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