Bush didn't just lie........

Of course it was a claim that Iraq was involved in 9.11. How fucking retarded do you have to be (rhetorical question) to not understand that establishing a connection between Iraq and 9.11 is showing Iraq was involved? :cuckoo:

Because in the administration narrative, it was an indirect link, not a direct one. They were asserting that Iraq had connections with Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda did 9/11, so there is threat that Iraq could help them do more 9/11s. You can agree or disagree that was a threat, but it wasn't blaming Iraq for the actual 9/11.

And how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand that this is more Democrats trying to blame your way out of your own behavior? Time to man up, admit you were wrong, say what you learned from that and moved on.

But I'm partisan, right? When I blame both you and Republicans? You're not partisan when you say it was all them, you are pure and innocent. No siree, it's obviously my position that's driven by politics....
More kazzing... aside from their claims that Iraq had connections with Al-Qaeda, was their attempt to connect Iraq with 9.11 by claiming a connection between Iraq and the lead 9.11 hijacker. And their lie worked beautifully for them since some 70% of those polled fell for it and believed Iraq was involved in 9.11.

They were viewed as being involved in terror. They were. 70% were not even knowledgeable enough on the middle east to have that specific view, so it was a bull shit poll. Half the country can't name the Vice President
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
LMFAO >>>>> Did you really have to ask that ? I believe the answer is fairly evident
Game, set, match.

Kaz throws in the towel.


Once again you need to declare victory. I gave you two pretty good answers, Sparky
I posted quotes from those leaders that they had no evidence Iraq was building WMD.

To counter that, you admitted you can't prove your claim that they believed Iraq was building WMD.

All the kazzing in the world will not redeem help your vapid denials of losing this argument as badly as you did. :mm:

You made a false claim and can't back it up.





you have never won a point, much less a match. you double faulted every serve, and you are too stupid to realize it.

Kaz destroyed your every argument with facts and logic. you are quite pathetic and since its Sunday I will leave it at that.

Evading, Deflecting, Distorting seems to be his stronger points
Of course it was a claim that Iraq was involved in 9.11. How fucking retarded do you have to be (rhetorical question) to not understand that establishing a connection between Iraq and 9.11 is showing Iraq was involved? :cuckoo:

Because in the administration narrative, it was an indirect link, not a direct one. They were asserting that Iraq had connections with Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda did 9/11, so there is threat that Iraq could help them do more 9/11s. You can agree or disagree that was a threat, but it wasn't blaming Iraq for the actual 9/11.

And how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand that this is more Democrats trying to blame your way out of your own behavior? Time to man up, admit you were wrong, say what you learned from that and moved on.

But I'm partisan, right? When I blame both you and Republicans? You're not partisan when you say it was all them, you are pure and innocent. No siree, it's obviously my position that's driven by politics....
More kazzing... aside from their claims that Iraq had connections with Al-Qaeda, was their attempt to connect Iraq with 9.11 by claiming a connection between Iraq and the lead 9.11 hijacker. And their lie worked beautifully for them since some 70% of those polled fell for it and believed Iraq was involved in 9.11.

They were viewed as being involved in terror. They were. 70% were not even knowledgeable enough on the middle east to have that specific view, so it was a bull shit poll. Half the country can't name the Vice President
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
They succeeded in making most Americans accept the whole "false intel" story. After all.....lots of Dems fell for the FALSE INTEL too!

Problem is.....Bush and his staff knew that the intel was false. They fucking created the intel.

Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9 11 - CBS News
and what did she need you to the two Democrats who were fighting the Patriot Act? Tom Daschle and pat leahy? he sent them anthrax. this all the while Tom DeLay was running amok and Dennis Hastert was probably molesting young boys
I haven't moved any goal post, you have. Redfish made the claim that both Clinton's made the same "aids and protects al Qaeda" comment that Bush made. I challenged and asked for a link. You posted links in response that deflect away from the challenge and failed to respond to the challenge. We have seen this lame method of deceit multiple times in this thread. You guys post threads with the hope no one will notice it is not what is being claimed. It is a bluff and when you get called on your bluff you attempt to change the subject.

Yes, I made the point you are asking for proof the Redskins won by demanding proof "in the third quarter on third and two they got the first down with a lateral pass and a three yard run for the first down with a block from the tight end when they were up 28-0" and I'm saying WTF difference does that make when the final score was 49-0?

Any critical mind heard the same thing from W, the Democrats, the UN, the Germans, the French and the Russians regarding that Hussein was building WMDs. Arguing some nit gotcha point is irrelevant to that. W was President for six months before 9/11. Clinton was President for eight .... years ... before that. That W somehow came in and conned the world is butt stupid. And if you know anything about the Senate intelligence committee and the wide access they have to intelligence, that a hoax that large could be perpetrated by either party on the other is preposterous.

Both parties were guilty. Here's how the Democrats could have actually distinguished themselves in the aftermath.

- We were wrong. The Republicans and we saw the same evidence and we told you (the country) the same thing. However, we have come to realize what was wrong was our policy. We need to stop fighting wars on behalf of other Arab nations and the Euroweenies while they undercut us and stab us in the back. We need to protect the United States of America. We have learned our lesson and challenge the Republicans to do the same.

That would be worth voting for
Great .... kaz is kazzing again. :rolleyes:

Really? The Germans were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

He said that as far as Germany was concerned, there was no evidence of any increased threat from Iraq, and that none of those supporting military action seemed to have thought through the consequences for the Middle East.

Opposition to Iraq attack harming ties US warning to Germany - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

"These are for me weighty arguments that lead me to say: Of course it is important for Germany what resolutions the United Nations adopt, but these arguments — these three — they remain my own, the ones that make me say: Hands off. Especially because, as I said before, the evidence appears to be highly dubious." ~ Gerhard Schroeder

Interview With Gerhard Schroeder

Really? The French were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

AMANPOUR: Do you believe that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction; for instance, chemical or biological weapons?

PRESIDENT CHIRAC: Well, I don’t know. I have no evidence to support that... It seems that there are no nuclear weapons - no nuclear weapons program. That is something that the inspectors seem to be sure of.

Really? The Russians were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

"Russia does not have in its possession any trustworthy data that supports the existence of nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not received any such information from our partners as yet. This fact has also been supported by the information sent by the CIA to the US Congress." ~ Vladimir Putin 10.10.2002

Putin demands proof over Iraqi weapons UK news The Guardian

When do you stop lying, liar?

The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, asserted with “high confidence” that "Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.

The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France all agreed with this judgment. Even Hans Blix—who headed the UN team of inspectors trying to determine whether Saddam had complied with the demands of the Security Council that he dispose of the WMD

Perhaps it's a tad too advanced for you little fella but the statement

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."

as well as ...

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."

Are both highly relevant , they are among many that libtards such as yourself have been trying to sweep under the carpet for the past decade - One is from Slick Willy Clinton the other from Nancy Pelosi.- but they weren't lying right ---- only Bush --- you clowns are a fking pisser little fella
Neither quote has anything to do with anything I'm saying. Time to give the kneepads back to redfish.

the point, which your are too stupid to get, is that everyone bought into the bad intel. No one lied.
Except Curveball

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war World news The Guardian
And yet, I was able to quote the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia all stating their respective intelligence agencies had no evidence Hussein was building WMD.

Which we now know to be true.

So much for your opinion. :dunno:

My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.
Canada refused to join in the invasion of Iraq because we were told there was no evidence to support Bush's assertions that he had WMDs. We did go into Afghanistan but not Iraq.
Did you see where W took a $100,000 speaking fee from a homeless shelter. Admittedly, it was ill-advised to offer that kind of a fee to anyone. But as an ex-president, you would think that Bush would speak for free at such an event. Compassionate conservative, my ASS!
I dont see you complaining about Bill Clinton's half million dollar speaking fees in Kazakhstan, you little hypocrite.
Because in the administration narrative, it was an indirect link, not a direct one. They were asserting that Iraq had connections with Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda did 9/11, so there is threat that Iraq could help them do more 9/11s. You can agree or disagree that was a threat, but it wasn't blaming Iraq for the actual 9/11.

And how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand that this is more Democrats trying to blame your way out of your own behavior? Time to man up, admit you were wrong, say what you learned from that and moved on.

But I'm partisan, right? When I blame both you and Republicans? You're not partisan when you say it was all them, you are pure and innocent. No siree, it's obviously my position that's driven by politics....
More kazzing... aside from their claims that Iraq had connections with Al-Qaeda, was their attempt to connect Iraq with 9.11 by claiming a connection between Iraq and the lead 9.11 hijacker. And their lie worked beautifully for them since some 70% of those polled fell for it and believed Iraq was involved in 9.11.

They were viewed as being involved in terror. They were. 70% were not even knowledgeable enough on the middle east to have that specific view, so it was a bull shit poll. Half the country can't name the Vice President
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:

Whatever the percent, you're in it
Yes, I made the point you are asking for proof the Redskins won by demanding proof "in the third quarter on third and two they got the first down with a lateral pass and a three yard run for the first down with a block from the tight end when they were up 28-0" and I'm saying WTF difference does that make when the final score was 49-0?

Any critical mind heard the same thing from W, the Democrats, the UN, the Germans, the French and the Russians regarding that Hussein was building WMDs. Arguing some nit gotcha point is irrelevant to that. W was President for six months before 9/11. Clinton was President for eight .... years ... before that. That W somehow came in and conned the world is butt stupid. And if you know anything about the Senate intelligence committee and the wide access they have to intelligence, that a hoax that large could be perpetrated by either party on the other is preposterous.

Both parties were guilty. Here's how the Democrats could have actually distinguished themselves in the aftermath.

- We were wrong. The Republicans and we saw the same evidence and we told you (the country) the same thing. However, we have come to realize what was wrong was our policy. We need to stop fighting wars on behalf of other Arab nations and the Euroweenies while they undercut us and stab us in the back. We need to protect the United States of America. We have learned our lesson and challenge the Republicans to do the same.

That would be worth voting for
Great .... kaz is kazzing again. :rolleyes:

Really? The Germans were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

He said that as far as Germany was concerned, there was no evidence of any increased threat from Iraq, and that none of those supporting military action seemed to have thought through the consequences for the Middle East.

Opposition to Iraq attack harming ties US warning to Germany - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

"These are for me weighty arguments that lead me to say: Of course it is important for Germany what resolutions the United Nations adopt, but these arguments — these three — they remain my own, the ones that make me say: Hands off. Especially because, as I said before, the evidence appears to be highly dubious." ~ Gerhard Schroeder

Interview With Gerhard Schroeder

Really? The French were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

AMANPOUR: Do you believe that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction; for instance, chemical or biological weapons?

PRESIDENT CHIRAC: Well, I don’t know. I have no evidence to support that... It seems that there are no nuclear weapons - no nuclear weapons program. That is something that the inspectors seem to be sure of.

Really? The Russians were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

"Russia does not have in its possession any trustworthy data that supports the existence of nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not received any such information from our partners as yet. This fact has also been supported by the information sent by the CIA to the US Congress." ~ Vladimir Putin 10.10.2002

Putin demands proof over Iraqi weapons UK news The Guardian

When do you stop lying, liar?

The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, asserted with “high confidence” that "Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.

The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France all agreed with this judgment. Even Hans Blix—who headed the UN team of inspectors trying to determine whether Saddam had complied with the demands of the Security Council that he dispose of the WMD

Neither quote has anything to do with anything I'm saying. Time to give the kneepads back to redfish.

the point, which your are too stupid to get, is that everyone bought into the bad intel. No one lied.
Except Curveball

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war World news The Guardian
And yet, I was able to quote the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia all stating their respective intelligence agencies had no evidence Hussein was building WMD.

Which we now know to be true.

So much for your opinion. :dunno:

My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W
Great .... kaz is kazzing again. :rolleyes:

Really? The Germans were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

He said that as far as Germany was concerned, there was no evidence of any increased threat from Iraq, and that none of those supporting military action seemed to have thought through the consequences for the Middle East.

Opposition to Iraq attack harming ties US warning to Germany - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

"These are for me weighty arguments that lead me to say: Of course it is important for Germany what resolutions the United Nations adopt, but these arguments — these three — they remain my own, the ones that make me say: Hands off. Especially because, as I said before, the evidence appears to be highly dubious." ~ Gerhard Schroeder

Interview With Gerhard Schroeder

Really? The French were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

AMANPOUR: Do you believe that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction; for instance, chemical or biological weapons?

PRESIDENT CHIRAC: Well, I don’t know. I have no evidence to support that... It seems that there are no nuclear weapons - no nuclear weapons program. That is something that the inspectors seem to be sure of.

Really? The Russians were saying Hussein was building WMD? Actually, no, they weren't...

"Russia does not have in its possession any trustworthy data that supports the existence of nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not received any such information from our partners as yet. This fact has also been supported by the information sent by the CIA to the US Congress." ~ Vladimir Putin 10.10.2002

Putin demands proof over Iraqi weapons UK news The Guardian

When do you stop lying, liar?

The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, asserted with “high confidence” that "Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.

The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France all agreed with this judgment. Even Hans Blix—who headed the UN team of inspectors trying to determine whether Saddam had complied with the demands of the Security Council that he dispose of the WMD

the point, which your are too stupid to get, is that everyone bought into the bad intel. No one lied.
Except Curveball

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war World news The Guardian
And yet, I was able to quote the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia all stating their respective intelligence agencies had no evidence Hussein was building WMD.

Which we now know to be true.

So much for your opinion. :dunno:

My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.
The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, asserted with “high confidence” that "Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.

The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France all agreed with this judgment. Even Hans Blix—who headed the UN team of inspectors trying to determine whether Saddam had complied with the demands of the Security Council that he dispose of the WMD

Except Curveball

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war World news The Guardian
And yet, I was able to quote the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia all stating their respective intelligence agencies had no evidence Hussein was building WMD.

Which we now know to be true.

So much for your opinion. :dunno:

My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President
And yet, I was able to quote the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia all stating their respective intelligence agencies had no evidence Hussein was building WMD.

Which we now know to be true.

So much for your opinion. :dunno:

My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President

The Democrats in the House voted against it. That is an inarguable fact.
My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President

The Democrats in the House voted against it. That is an inarguable fact.

No, "the democrats" in the House didn't, some of them didn't
Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President

The Democrats in the House voted against it. That is an inarguable fact.

No, "the democrats" in the House didn't, some of them didn't
The majority voted against. 126 voted against or no and 82 voted for or yes.
Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President

The Democrats in the House voted against it. That is an inarguable fact.

No, "the democrats" in the House didn't, some of them didn't

You said the Democrats got us into the war. No, they didn't. The Democrats in the House voted down the resolution,

which means it was dead as far as the Democrats were concerned.
Because in the administration narrative, it was an indirect link, not a direct one. They were asserting that Iraq had connections with Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda did 9/11, so there is threat that Iraq could help them do more 9/11s. You can agree or disagree that was a threat, but it wasn't blaming Iraq for the actual 9/11.

And how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand that this is more Democrats trying to blame your way out of your own behavior? Time to man up, admit you were wrong, say what you learned from that and moved on.

But I'm partisan, right? When I blame both you and Republicans? You're not partisan when you say it was all them, you are pure and innocent. No siree, it's obviously my position that's driven by politics....
More kazzing... aside from their claims that Iraq had connections with Al-Qaeda, was their attempt to connect Iraq with 9.11 by claiming a connection between Iraq and the lead 9.11 hijacker. And their lie worked beautifully for them since some 70% of those polled fell for it and believed Iraq was involved in 9.11.

They were viewed as being involved in terror. They were. 70% were not even knowledgeable enough on the middle east to have that specific view, so it was a bull shit poll. Half the country can't name the Vice President
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Keep bringing this up, dimocrap scum. Thank you.

As time has moved on and people have become well-read on the topic, the more you lie (which is all you scumbags do) the more the Public can see what worthless lying scumbags you are.

Wonder why Bush is now more popular than the faggot you have in the white house right now? Even after YEARS of the disgusting filth in the LSM lying about him and at the same time shamelessly sucking obama's dick in public?

This is it.

Please keep on telling provable lies, dimocrap scum.

The RNC thanks you.

Bush is even more popular than the walking advertisement for FDS, too.

suck on it, scum
Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W

They didn't. They voted against it.

Rewriting history again. The leadership, majority of senate and big minority in the house voted for it. You hold them accountable zero for that. In fact, you've voted for one of them for President, one for Vice President and you plan to vote next year for another for President

The Democrats in the House voted against it. That is an inarguable fact.

No, "the democrats" in the House didn't, some of them didn't

You said the Democrats got us into the war. No, they didn't. The Democrats in the House voted down the resolution,

which means it was dead as far as the Democrats were concerned.
Idiot. The House passed the measure with Democrats voting for it.

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