Black Crime, Unavoidable Reality

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Black crime, nonblack victims - Crunchy Con

I remembered for a long time what it was like to be a grown man, humiliated on the street by a group of little boys, because it was not unreasonable to assume one of them was carrying a gun. You learned very quickly living in Washington to be on your guard against young black males encountered on the street who weren't dressed like working folks or office professionals. Racist? Maybe -- but so what? It was more important that you avoid being mugged, which was happening a lot in DC in those days. When I was in a Korean deli on the Hill one day, and saw a (professionally dressed) young black guy going off profanely, and in an openly racist manner, against the immigrant Korean shop owner for some offense, real or imagined, I was livid, mostly because I knew it never occurred to that black guy to think about the fear white people in the city had to live with every day from young black males who were more downscale than he.
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I saw that a half-dozen times living in NYC. Asians were very vulnerable to blacks. Blacks LOVED to pick on Asians because they were quiet and demure and would not fight back. I saw a black lady screaming at an Asian man on the subway, "Mistah Chinese man mothafucka" etc. Real lovely.
I saw that a half-dozen times living in NYC. Asians were very vulnerable to blacks. Blacks LOVED to pick on Asians because they were quiet and demure and would not fight back. I saw a black lady screaming at an Asian man on the subway, "Mistah Chinese man mothafucka" etc. Real lovely.

Tell the truth. Asians -- Koreans in particular -- move into poor black neighborhoods and set up shop selling them crap for their money. A Korean shop owner shot and killed a black teen in the early 90s in San Diego because the black was yelling at him for ripping him off and threw a rock at his store.
Now THERE's a reason to shoot a mutherfucker if there ever was one, right? But it's okay with you I'm sure. Just some little nee-grow kid.
Tell the truth. Asians -- Koreans in particular -- move into poor black neighborhoods and set up shop selling them crap for their money. A Korean shop owner shot and killed a black teen in the early 90s in San Diego because the black was yelling at him for ripping him off and threw a rock at his store.
Now THERE's a reason to shoot a mutherfucker if there ever was one, right? But it's okay with you I'm sure. Just some little nee-grow kid.

You must be deluded, man. You're suggesting the poor blacks are "victims" of the Asians because they're "forced" to buy their things? Why don't the blacks open their own stores? Could it be that they're too stupid? Who's stopping them? The Klan?

And an Asian storekeeper doesn't have the right to protect himself or his store? Do you know what blacks do in Asian stores? They steal everything! And then yell at the owner!

And have you ever wondered why, given that both are minorities, Asians actually do BETTER than whites in school, while blacks continue to flunk out? How does the "racism" explanation cover THIS one? Some Asians came here with nothing but the rags on their backs, while blacks had been getting welfare for decades, and the Asians rocketed to the top, while the blacks stay stuck to the bottom. Couldn't have anything to do with black behavior, could it?
Hey Ravi.. I bet if you subbed "Black" for "pali" and "Crime" for "Terrorism" you'd hop right on board!

As would Edetic, Jillian, G(oyim hater)Hook, and the rest of you worthless bastards!

Now go call Joyce a racist while you are too stupid to see the irony of your posts.
Black crime, nonblack victims - Crunchy Con

I remembered for a long time what it was like to be a grown man, humiliated on the street by a group of little boys, because it was not unreasonable to assume one of them was carrying a gun. You learned very quickly living in Washington to be on your guard against young black males encountered on the street who weren't dressed like working folks or office professionals. Racist? Maybe -- but so what? It was more important that you avoid being mugged, which was happening a lot in DC in those days. When I was in a Korean deli on the Hill one day, and saw a (professionally dressed) young black guy going off profanely, and in an openly racist manner, against the immigrant Korean shop owner for some offense, real or imagined, I was livid, mostly because I knew it never occurred to that black guy to think about the fear white people in the city had to live with every day from young black males who were more downscale than he.

I've seen rednecks in poor white neighborhoods act just as badly. I am white, and I was just as afraid. And I live with black people in a better neighborhood, and given the same opportunities, they are no different than us. This is more reason to elect someone other than a rich white old dude. And another reason to have an all Democratic government for a couple years. They'll be able to do things the GOP has refused to do. Screw giving private schools any federal dollars!!! Give our tax dollars to the poorest schools so those kids have a chance.

It was so funny the other day my Mexican buddy made a comparison between Katrina and what's happening in Iowa. He was suggesting that whites act better than blacks in a crisis. So I found all sorts of Mexican riot pictures on Google images and sent them to everyone as a response to his racist suggestions. I haven't heard back from him sense.

Look at you. You got it good and you are bitter. Can you imagine you growing up like that kid in the store? You'd be one mean mother fucker too.
You must be deluded, man. You're suggesting the poor blacks are "victims" of the Asians because they're "forced" to buy their things? Why don't the blacks open their own stores? Could it be that they're too stupid? Who's stopping them? The Klan?

And an Asian storekeeper doesn't have the right to protect himself or his store? Do you know what blacks do in Asian stores? They steal everything! And then yell at the owner!

And have you ever wondered why, given that both are minorities, Asians actually do BETTER than whites in school, while blacks continue to flunk out? How does the "racism" explanation cover THIS one? Some Asians came here with nothing but the rags on their backs, while blacks had been getting welfare for decades, and the Asians rocketed to the top, while the blacks stay stuck to the bottom. Couldn't have anything to do with black behavior, could it?

Just like foreigners with money are buying up America all over and it's a problem, while we can't afford to buy shit, foreigners do that in urban areas because property and rent are really cheap. To them anyways.

Arabs as well as asians are the majority of foreigners that do this from what I see. I know my arab friends don't get bothered because they treat the customers with respect. Of course they have thick glass bullet proof windows, but that's another conversation.

Anyways, you would be no different if you were brought up the way these people are brought up. YOu'd be angry too. There is no opportunity in those neighborhoods and the schools run more like prisons than educational institutes.

If you suggest that black people or black kids are less than whites or dumber than whites or naturally less civilized from birth, then fuck you are an ignorant racist bigot and not worth explaining anything to.


I'm looking at YOU, Edetic!
It was so funny the other day my Mexican buddy made a comparison between Katrina and what's happening in Iowa. He was suggesting that whites act better than blacks in a crisis. So I found all sorts of Mexican riot pictures on Google images and sent them to everyone as a response to his racist suggestions. I haven't heard back from him sense.
What does pictures of MEXICANS rioting refute about your friend's observation? It reads like you are trying to keep him from stating observations by demeaning him through a denegrating and derogatory generalization.

GunnyL said:
Tell the truth. Asians -- Koreans in particular -- move into poor black neighborhoods and set up shop selling them crap for their money. A Korean shop owner shot and killed a black teen in the early 90s in San Diego because the black was yelling at him for ripping him off and threw a rock at his store.
Now THERE's a reason to shoot a mutherfucker if there ever was one, right? But it's okay with you I'm sure. Just some little nee-grow kid.
Rocks are deadly weapons...
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I've seen rednecks in poor white neighborhoods act just as badly. I am white, and I was just as afraid. And I live with black people in a better neighborhood, and given the same opportunities, they are no different than us. This is more reason to elect someone other than a rich white old dude. And another reason to have an all Democratic government for a couple years. They'll be able to do things the GOP has refused to do. Screw giving private schools any federal dollars!!! Give our tax dollars to the poorest schools so those kids have a chance.

It was so funny the other day my Mexican buddy made a comparison between Katrina and what's happening in Iowa. He was suggesting that whites act better than blacks in a crisis. So I found all sorts of Mexican riot pictures on Google images and sent them to everyone as a response to his racist suggestions. I haven't heard back from him sense.

Look at you. You got it good and you are bitter. Can you imagine you growing up like that kid in the store? You'd be one mean mother fucker too.

I must agree with your Mexican buddy.

Anyway, the whole "it's their environment" argument begs the question: WHO MADE that environment? Because again, unless it's evil whitey, the fingers come right back around to BLACK PEOPLE. There aren't any "bad neighborhoods," only bad people, who concentrate in neighborhoods.
I must agree with your Mexican buddy.
Anyway, the whole "it's their environment" argument begs the question: WHO MADE that environment? Because again, unless it's evil whitey, the fingers come right back around to BLACK PEOPLE. There aren't any "bad neighborhoods," only bad people, who concentrate in neighborhoods.

oh I beg to differ. did you ever take any psychology classes? learn about mob mentality? anybody can get sucked in. I lived in a good and bad neighborhood. the wrong friends, bad parents, no guidance, and the same person can turn out differently. if you don't know why black inner cities are the way they are, no jobs, years of racism, bad schools, I doubt i'll be able to explain it.

and my mexican friend, I proved to him that mexicans are no different.

if you can show me a society where whites have been discriminated against for hundreds of years, you'd also see the same problems.

I also saw michigan state university student go wild and riot.

maybe you should take some classes, or meet some black people and learn human nature. they are no different.
oh I beg to differ. did you ever take any psychology classes? learn about mob mentality? anybody can get sucked in. I lived in a good and bad neighborhood. the wrong friends, bad parents, no guidance, and the same person can turn out differently. if you don't know why black inner cities are the way they are, no jobs, years of racism, bad schools, I doubt i'll be able to explain it.

and my mexican friend, I proved to him that mexicans are no different.

if you can show me a society where whites have been discriminated against for hundreds of years, you'd also see the same problems.

I also saw michigan state university student go wild and riot.

maybe you should take some classes, or meet some black people and learn human nature. they are no different.

Why, then, is black Africa just as bad-off as black America? Blacks in Africa were NEVER slaves. But their standard of living is even LOWER than black Americans.
Why, then, is black Africa just as bad-off as black America? Blacks in Africa were NEVER slaves. But their standard of living is even LOWER than black Americans.

Are you serious? Ever heard of something called the IMPERIAL age? The whole of Africa was enslaved by Europe. Imperialism underdeveloped Africa for the benefit of Europe's growth. You'd be surprised what a hundred years of foreign oppression can do to a country. Not to mention the various theories of how slavery severely distorted Africa's development by actually UNDERPOPULATING it. They might not have underwent industrial slavery like African Americans, but it wasn't a pretty picture.
Are you serious? Ever heard of something called the IMPERIAL age? The whole of Africa was enslaved by Europe. Imperialism underdeveloped Africa for the benefit of Europe's growth. You'd be surprised what a hundred years of foreign oppression can do to a country. Not to mention the various theories of how slavery severely distorted Africa's development by actually UNDERPOPULATING it. They might not have underwent industrial slavery like African Americans, but it wasn't a pretty picture.

"Underdeveloped" Africa? Like it was developed to begin with, but evil Belgians took down their skyscrapers and disassembled their Macs? I see!

Africa "underpopulated" by slavery? My friend, Africa is the most fertile place on Earth. A lack of population is not the problem in Africa.

And if colonialism is the sole explanation for African problems, why are't India, Asia and the rest of the formerly-colonized parts of the world like Africa?

Africa is a shithole because the black human beings living there are unevolved subspecies with an average IQ of about 70 -- borderline RETARDED. No amount of blaming white people will change that.
I'm calling buffalo chips on the underdeveloped card too. Africa's population has soared. The main problem now is they haven't the culture to use the technologies that have been left by Imperialism. When we came in they were just above the Stone Age, and then you expect them to transform into a modern state over a few decades?

That there isn't a Rwandan Genocide every two years is a miracle. The culture of a stable state level society has to be bred through generations of labor, dedication, and natural selection. Look at how long it took Germanic Europe to equal Rome! Nearly one thousand years!
Hey Ravi.. I bet if you subbed "Black" for "pali" and "Crime" for "Terrorism" you'd hop right on board!

As would Edetic, Jillian, G(oyim hater)Hook, and the rest of you worthless bastards!

Now go call Joyce a racist while you are too stupid to see the irony of your posts.

I am more than capable of speaking for myself on every topic on this board, thank you very much, Shogun.

I may be "worthless" in your rather clouded vision, but I am the world's expert on what I think and reserve the absolute right to speak for myself.

And BTW, I'd appreciate it if you'd be kind enough to leave references about my mother and father out of your raging posts, too.

Thank you in advance for speaking to me, or about me (and mine) , with the same respect I have thus far, given you.
Shog, I missed your post before (I forgot that you like to follow me around and flame me). What point were you trying to make, exactly?

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