A non-racist question


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
Many blacks in this country have anger toward whites due to the fact that many of them had ancestors that were slave owners. It does not matter that nobody alive today has even a memory of a slave owner. It is also a known fact that most blacks were sold into slavery by people of Africa. Some were captured and sold by warring tribes. It is hard to imagine a hand full of slave traders could manhandle and control such a large number of people without help from Africans. I have asked what do black Americans think of these individuals that would sell their own people into slavery?

Obama is an African American who has no ancestors that were slaves yet in fact on his mother's side of the family they owned slaves. On his father's side it is very posible that they sold blacks into slavery. If this is true will it change how Black Americans feel about the African American Obama? This is a valid question and is not racist. I would like to hear from some of the Black Americans on an answer. Hopefully you will take the question as it is intended.
As a proud black man can, I can assure you of the following. Details like timing of exodus from Africa are irrelevant. It's the blood that counts. This explains why American blacks vote 90 percent plus for Obama. And why black Africans qualify for affirmative action in America.
As a proud black man can, I can assure you of the following. Details like timing of exodus from Africa are irrelevant. It's the blood that counts. This explains why American blacks vote 90 percent plus for Obama. And why black Africans qualify for affirmative action in America.

Voting for Obama because he is black is as racist as voting for McCain because he is white.
If Daddy Obama came from Kenya, any slave his family would have sold would have went to Muslims, Hindus, or Chinamen. Most American Blacks had their origins in Western Africa.

I doubt most Black Americans care about the Enslaving Black Tribes. More than likely some enslavers became slaves themselves. Between their Race Mongers and Culture, most probably aren't aware of the existence or the severity.

If the Media started reporting the truth about Daddy Obama, that he is a dreg of society, nothing would change about Barrack's popularity.

If I were a Black Man though, I would be mildly dispassionate in my disgust for the ancient betrayal but I would be more disgusted at the current crop of self appointed leaders (Black Race Mongers), saviors (Leftist), and the Culture (Media especially). I would side more with Jeremiah Wright and Malcolm X, eat near Vegetarian, practice my Marksmanship, and vote Republican. I would be Seventh Day Adventist or Atheist and would home school my children until I could dual enroll them into a Community College. I would heavily encourage my sons to try for Officer in the Military. I would keep my daughters locked up as tight as Fort Knox and have Grandma after them everywhere they went.
I don't get this. Almost every time the topic of slavery comes up, someone posts something along the lines of, "yeah, but AFRICANS were selling slaves," like that's supposed to somehow lessen the slave owner's culpability. Is this some free market belief among Republicans, and if so, do they excuse those that buy sex slaves in today's world because someone is selling them?
I don't get this. Almost every time the topic of slavery comes up, someone posts something along the lines of, "yeah, but AFRICANS were selling slaves," like that's supposed to somehow lessen the slave owner's culpability. Is this some free market belief among Republicans, and if so, do they excuse those that buy sex slaves in today's world because someone is selling them?

Um, Ravi, I think it's a hypocrisy criticism, not a free-market defense. Blacks demand that whites of today pay them for slavery. Assuming they deserve money, why not charge the descendants of the black Africans who helped with the slave trade, as well? Goes the question.
Because they can't. I don't agree with reparations, and I do know that our laws don't allow us to sue other countries to make up for past injustices. Because if they did, everyone would be able to sue us.

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