Biden cruising to the finish line


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it,

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on all of that
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
the horror
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
Delusional thinking comes from being locked in the house for too long.

Get outside and shut off the MSLSD.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.

He said as much.
But you can make observations and come to a pretty accurate conclusion.
I'm no Dr. but it's plain to me he has dementia after watching my Mother go through it.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
Dems do not elect the president
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

It’s why I find it painful to watch him. My grandmother wasted away with Alzheimer’s and it looked just like Biden except not such a rapid decline. She lingered for years. And the first we noticed seemed to be those startled looks and rambling speech that trailed off as she forgot Why she started.

She never groped little girls though.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.
Far better than the daffy old lying coot, we have now, that knows nothing of government and seems to disdain or half of Americans in general and willing to sacrifice all the older American for his economic goals. So, yea, pretty sure most American will prefer Joe over donald.
That's a great plan! Just have Babbling Joe sitting at home with his wife helping him through the interviews and speeches and he should just walk straight into the White House. :auiqs.jpg:

I agree that Biden would be best served by staying at home until the election. But he should really be wearing a mask and gloves during his Skype interviews, to show everyone else the way its done.

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