Biden cruising to the finish line

Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
can we just not pass go and send him directly to STFU?
I wonder if Old Joe has balls enough to debate Trump?
His handlers will definitely not let him do that.

Hell, with his vascular dementia quickly getting worse the way it is, might even die from a stroke before then. Then the Democrats will try to say Creepy Joe Robinette died from COVID-19 and it's all Trump's fault.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
The really cool thing for Biden is that the Covid 19 virus has allowed him to hide in his basement bunker out of sight from the American people so they don't see what a colossal moron he is at this stage of his life. I predict that the Biden Camp will do everything it can to LIMIT the number of debates between Biden and Trump to as few as they can and that they will want the venues to be as biased towards Joe as they can get! The last thing they need is for someone to ask him a hard question!
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

yup, he's' cruising all right...

Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Joe Biden is accused not rape, not groping. Both bad. But let's get the terms straight.
Biden has yet to give a freaking speech. I used to cringe when Bush made a speech because he was so uncomfortable but Biden is in a whole nuther arena. He clearly can't keep a thought together and even has a problem reading the teleprompter. Even democrats who are afflicted with TDS must realize that Biden has major problems.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.

You are one of the jerks who continues to attack Biden as you have done to ever Democratic individual who was at one point leading in the race for the nomination. Why anyone would continue to support trump, a man-child who puts himself before anyone or anything, who lies incessantly and has brought chaos to the White House; megalomaniac who is putting citizens in harms way by contradicting the medical community, cutting off funds to WHO and blaming everyone from President Obama and HRC to the leaders in other countries, state governors and anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Joe Biden is a good man with years of experience, well liked by D's and R's, he has proved he can work across the aisle, treat other human beings with respect and repair the damage trump has to our allies.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.

You are one of the jerks who continues to attack Biden as you have done to ever Democratic individual who was at one point leading in the race for the nomination. Why anyone would continue to support trump, a man-child who puts himself before anyone or anything, who lies incessantly and has brought chaos to the White House; megalomaniac who is putting citizens in harms way by contradicting the medical community, cutting off funds to WHO and blaming everyone from President Obama and HRC to the leaders in other countries, state governors and anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Joe Biden is a good man with years of experience, well liked by D's and R's, he has proved he can work across the aisle, treat other human beings with respect and repair the damage trump has to our allies.


He's a dope who after forty years on the public dole had produced nothing of value to the Republic.
If by "cruising" you mean tumbling downhill in a state of confusion and drooling until he is propped up with a bib and Depends.................yes, I would say he is cruising to his finish line.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.

You are one of the jerks who continues to attack Biden as you have done to ever Democratic individual who was at one point leading in the race for the nomination. Why anyone would continue to support trump, a man-child who puts himself before anyone or anything, who lies incessantly and has brought chaos to the White House; megalomaniac who is putting citizens in harms way by contradicting the medical community, cutting off funds to WHO and blaming everyone from President Obama and HRC to the leaders in other countries, state governors and anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Joe Biden is a good man with years of experience, well liked by D's and R's, he has proved he can work across the aisle, treat other human beings with respect and repair the damage trump has to our allies.

Sleepy Joe is a long time corrupt politician, who demonstrates that the scum rises to the top. But my point wasn't how crooked he is, but how clueless and incompetent he is. The man is a regular at the neurosurgeon's office
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.
Far better than the daffy old lying coot, we have now, that knows nothing of government and seems to disdain or half of Americans in general and willing to sacrifice all the older American for his economic goals. So, yea, pretty sure most American will prefer Joe over donald.
Well, I don’t see it your way but now you know what it’s like when someone who claims to want to represent us calls us a basket of deplorables. I would have voted for Lucifer himself over Hillary. Trump was a sigh of relief.

I also agree there is something going on with Biden. I think his family should sit him down and have a talk with him; maybe the DNC has something up their sleeve though. Regardless, the democrats have revealed their true selves this past few years. I will not vote for anyone with a D by their name.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.

Do you have an evidence Speaker Pelosi said what you claim? Here is some evidence the parade was supported by public health and the mayor:

You will notice there is no mention of the speaker, or any thing which suggests she warned city government to cancel the parade. I'm used to the BIG LIES by those on the far right - a coterie of the despicable defending the arriviste in the White House.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.

You are one of the jerks who continues to attack Biden as you have done to ever Democratic individual who was at one point leading in the race for the nomination. Why anyone would continue to support trump, a man-child who puts himself before anyone or anything, who lies incessantly and has brought chaos to the White House; megalomaniac who is putting citizens in harms way by contradicting the medical community, cutting off funds to WHO and blaming everyone from President Obama and HRC to the leaders in other countries, state governors and anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Joe Biden is a good man with years of experience, well liked by D's and R's, he has proved he can work across the aisle, treat other human beings with respect and repair the damage trump has to our allies.

Sleepy Joe is a long time corrupt politician, who demonstrates that the scum rises to the top. But my point wasn't how crooked he is, but how clueless and incompetent he is. The man is a regular at the neurosurgeon's office

This is another damn liar by a despicable dishonest jerk. BIG LIES are all this biddable fool has to offer.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.

You are one of the jerks who continues to attack Biden as you have done to ever Democratic individual who was at one point leading in the race for the nomination. Why anyone would continue to support trump, a man-child who puts himself before anyone or anything, who lies incessantly and has brought chaos to the White House; megalomaniac who is putting citizens in harms way by contradicting the medical community, cutting off funds to WHO and blaming everyone from President Obama and HRC to the leaders in other countries, state governors and anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Joe Biden is a good man with years of experience, well liked by D's and R's, he has proved he can work across the aisle, treat other human beings with respect and repair the damage trump has to our allies.

Sleepy Joe is a long time corrupt politician, who demonstrates that the scum rises to the top. But my point wasn't how crooked he is, but how clueless and incompetent he is. The man is a regular at the neurosurgeon's office

This is another damn liar by a despicable dishonest jerk. BIG LIES are all this biddable fool has to offer.

Its a matter of public record that Mr. Biden has had at the minimum 2 brain surgeries.

Maybe that's why Sleepy Joe is such a sleepy guy?
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

I love reading your feelings of angst!!!
They bring me joy!! Thank you for brightening my day.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

I love reading your feelings of angst!!!
They bring me joy!! Thank you for brightening my day.
rw deplorables r like the low hanging fruit, so easy to mess with...
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

I love reading your feelings of angst!!!
They bring me joy!! Thank you for brightening my day.
rw deplorables r like the low hanging fruit, so easy to mess with...

Thanks again.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

Biden is the pussygrabber, right?

Joe Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade files criminal complaint
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