Biden cruising to the finish line

After four years of constant crisis, drama, temper tantrums and lies......Biden will run on stable leadership and a return to normalcy.

How can voters reject that?

Actually, Sleepy Joe has proclaimed an aggressive policy platform which includes reparations for slavery, the new green deal, the risky Bite Me Care medical scheme, open borders and free health care to Illegals, end to deporting anyone, and huge new taxes.

Not just "a return to normalcy" or stability at all, but a turn to the hard left.
If Biden wins, then he will be the first US president leading the nation from a senior rehab facility.

The National Lockdown plays well for Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe. He doesn't want to leave his basement before Election Day and this gives him the excuse
The National Lockdown plays well for Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe. He doesn't want to leave his basement before Election Day and this gives him the excuse

Then he might be begging God to impede the country opening business, workplaces and schools back again, because he knows everything will go back to normal but him. Lol
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
One might even say biden is sleepwalking to the finish line
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
One might even say biden is sleepwalking to the finish line

He can't even stand let alone walk. The democrat party is carrying him over the finish line while he sleeps. They set him up to be sacrificed to the great God-Emperor.

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