Berkley Allowing Antifa To Target and Assault Conservative Students


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​
They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​
This is happening in the state of Californication. Should you expect anything less?
Fascists will always be fascists, little punks are destined to remain little punks. One puzzling aspect is that Antifa thugs are actually following the script of fascism and are too dam naive,and uneducated to know the difference. Yet maybe they do? which accounts for covering their faces so mommy and daddy wont recognize them.
As a Californian who used to go to Berzerkely I must say free speech is alive as those who express conservative views would not hesitate to arrest and torture those who disagreed with them if they were in power. So it is for the good of the many that the rights of the few are deprived.
As a Californian who used to go to Berzerkely I must say free speech is alive as those who express conservative views would not hesitate to arrest and torture those who disagreed with them if they were in power. So it is for the good of the many that the rights of the few are deprived.
Yep you definitely went to Berkley with that type of attitude.
They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​

America Under Siege: Antifa [VIDEO]

America Under Siege: Antifa [VIDEO]
Submitted by Trevor on September 25, 2017 – 5:37 pm EST25 Comments
wouldn’t let us launch this documentary at Berkeley, but you can see it right here for free, courtesy of the Capital Research Center.

As you may know, social media is not kind to conservatives. It would help us greatly if you could “upvote” the film on YouTube and also “upvote” comments that you like on the film. If you feel the movie is worthy, please also leave a comment.

Feedback much appreciated.

They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​

God, just another minority looking for special rights.

If you can't blend into the culture of America you need to go back to where you came from.
As a Californian who used to go to Berzerkely I must say free speech is alive as those who express conservative views would not hesitate to arrest and torture those who disagreed with them if they were in power. So it is for the good of the many that the rights of the few are deprived.
show me where they have done that. this "well you'd do it if you had a chance" is just pure bullshit. it's wrong and it's wrong for either side to be doing it. let people speak their minds and support that.
The Left has no moral, no values, no faith in anything good, only destroying, murdering and forcing folks into his socialist utopia. Surely the time come when conservatives will be killed on any place and lying MS presstitutes admire it. Leftism is from evil and has already cost humanity more as 200m lives. Look the symbols of lefts, either death or satanism.
Whose this guy? hmmm


Yellow Red Sparks (@yellowredsparks) | Twitter
They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​

God, just another minority looking for special rights.

If you can't blend into the culture of America you need to go back to where you came from.
I was born and raised here and have been for 68 years. I would suggest you adapt.
The Left has no moral, no values, no faith in anything good, only destroying, murdering and forcing folks into his socialist utopia. Surely the time come when conservatives will be killed on any place and lying MS presstitutes admire it. Leftism is from evil and has already cost humanity more as 200m lives. Look the symbols of lefts, either death or satanism.
God squaders always use the same lame speal. Christianity has cost way more lives than 200mil.
They say that they cannot do more, bullshit.

They can direct their campus officers to unmask these thugs. They can kick these pieces of filth out of their schools. They could fire professors who encourage violence on campus.

The Marxist left is showing it cannot tolerate independent thought and dissent.

Antifa stalking UC Berkeley’s conservative students, group says

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) spokesperson Spencer Brown told Fox News that YAF staff and BCR members were “followed by Antifa thugs" while they were hanging posters on campus.

YAF and Berkeley went back and forth in their efforts to have conservative speakers on campus, given the security concerns after violent protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulis’ scheduled speech in February.

"In the months leading up to YAF’s campus lecture with Ben Shapiro [on Sept. 14], Berkeley’s administration chose to allow Antifa agitators to shut down several other conservative events [including planned YAF lectures with David Horowitz and Ann Coulter] without holding the thugs responsible for destroying property,” Brown said.

"The YAF spokesman is either confused, ill-informed or intentionally mangling the facts," Mogulof said. "Mr. Horowitz had an event scheduled on campus last spring, security arrangements had been made and everything was good to go."

Mogulof said Pieter Sittler, BCR vice president at the time of the event, stated that the Horowitz talk was canceled due to "low expected turnout" and not because of Antifa....

While the administration said they are doing all they can to protect and defend free speech, the Berkeley College Republicans targeted by Antifa don’t feel the same way.

“The university’s response has been pathetic at best,” said student Matt Ronnau, a BCR member.

“Time and time again the university has bent over backward to protect the feelings of supposed adults, while providing no actual physical safety to the conservative minority on campus," he added. "It is unfortunate that the city of such a great college has been overrun by a lawless, anti-American, domestic terrorist organization.”

“It is a sad day when exercising our constitutional right to free speech … means we have to face months of stalking, harassment and even violence,” said Troy Worden, a conservative student at UC Berkeley.

“I have to look behind my shoulder whenever I am on campus and especially when I am engaged in political activism,” Worden told Fox News.

“The No. 1 public university in the world and the so-called ‘birthplace of the free speech movement’ is anything but. It is the place where America’s conservative youth are daily under threat of violence, lacking the support of the university administration, police, or city. The Free Speech Movement is dead, and the left has killed it.”​
It'll toughen 'em up

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