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How weird….white kids were taught to use cursive for decades….
It's a waste of time. All this talk of "useless subjects" but you want to devote class time to cursive? Try handing in a hand written paper in college and see what happens. Try using a hand written document for a business meeting and see what happens.
Young people always follow the crowd no matter how 'smart' they are. Also, their brains aren't fully developed until they are in their mid-twenties, and even then they don't have enough knowledge or experience to make the best decisions. Even then they have to be guided to the problems that others have convinced them are important, when they usually aren't.

People are unable to make simple, logical decisions, never mind those that might require 'critical thinking' skills.

True enough...........but the seed is planted to question and explore other possibilities
Perhaps you misunderstand the question. I am not in a position to fire anyone or change the educational structure of the entire state. I'm talking about what I do in my class.
Teach them well... not how to conform but how to succeed in life... teach them how our system was set up to limit government power not grow it like we are doing today... I can't think of anything more important for them to learn than that...
This is not being taught in classrooms today and nothing else they learn is more important....
ALL kids were taught cursive. It was a waste of time for ALL kids. Not everything is about skin color, asshole.
I tried to write a postcard in cursive a few days ago and could not believe how hard it was.... I guess its use it or lose it... lol
How weird….white kids were taught to use cursive for decades…then our schools are over-run by dark kids and it’s suddenly it’s useless….probably racist huh?
Boy fishing for conspiracy theories is just a hobby for you people isn’t it
I honestly just get annoyed if I have to try and decipher somebody’s cursive these days.

We’re one generation from it being 100% a thing of the past
I am a coach in our high school... I talk to teachers and students everyday.... And this year I also agreed to teach an auto mechanics course in summer school....

And this has provided you proof that how to succeed isn't taught? The role of government is not taught? The topics might not come up in auto mechanics (although it should). Not sure what you're coaching that you don't mention succeeding. You need to go ask these teachers you mention again.
Instead of trying to skew the teaching toward one POV or the other, why not just teach the facts and let the students debate the issues?

Teach them that the original intention of the Founding Fathers was a federation of states with a restrained federal government and we evolved into a highly centralized nation. There’s advantages and disadvantages to each. Let the kids debate.

That’s what a good teacher would do.
And this has provided you proof that how to succeed isn't taught? The role of government is not taught? The topics might not come up in auto mechanics (although it should). Not sure what you're coaching that you don't mention succeeding. You need to go ask these teachers you mention again.
I coach the golf team... and Yes I debate these kids.... and I speak up when they show they have been misled by other teachers.... and I always provide the truth in book form.... I back up my opinions and they appreciate it...
I teach them to not just swallow what they are taught without the proper substantiation....
My first year as coach I never talked to the kids about anything but golf related subjects... but what I see graduating these days made me realize I needed to speak up when I see blatant propaganda being shoved down their throats...
Instead of trying to skew the teaching toward one POV or the other, why not just teach the facts and let the students debate the issues?

Teach them that the original intention of the Founding Fathers was a federation of states with a restrained federal government and we evolved into a highly centralized nation. There’s advantages and disadvantages to each. Let the kids debate.

That’s what a good teacher would do.
That’s what most history teachers do already.
I coach the golf team... and Yes I debate these kids.... and I speak up when they show they have been misled by other teachers.... and I always provide the truth in book form.... I back up my opinions and they appreciate it...
I teach them to not just swallow what they are taught without the proper substantiation....
My first year as coach I never talked to the kids about anything but golf related subjects... but what I see graduating these days made me realize I needed to speak up when I see blatant propaganda being shoved down their throats...
And how do you see this in the context of golf?
And how do you see this in the context of golf?
Its not always about golf... I stopped limiting my subjects for conversation with them... If one of them says something I know is false I point it out and offer the proof... they appreciate it... just frank talk is what they want... One of the things I'm discovering is that most of them are wise to the fact that many teachers are more concerned with today's politics than the course they are teaching and they resent that but stay silent... I instruct them to stand up for what they believe and that its okay to disagree... this is high school.... the are the golfer not the caddie...
True enough...........but the seed is planted to question and explore other possibilities
Teachers usually guide their students to one conclusion only, often deceiving them into thinking that they did it on their own. Coming to a unique conclusion is forbidden territory for most and they avoid it like the plague.
Teachers usually guide their students to one conclusion only, often deceiving them into thinking that they did it on their own. Coming to a unique conclusion is forbidden territory for most and they avoid it like the plague.
That is 100% untrue.
Teachers usually guide their students to one conclusion only, often deceiving them into thinking that they did it on their own. Coming to a unique conclusion is forbidden territory for most and they avoid it like the plague.
Where are you getting all this from? Do you work in education?

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