Baptist Hospital?

Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, and residential buildings in the past killing untold numbers of innocents. This is nothing new for them. It is new for Americans who haven’t educated themselves on the heinous nature of the Israeli government.
Why can't you ever tell the truth? Israel attacks MILITARY TARGETS!

It now appears that Hamas did this to themselves!
Half the population of Gaza is under 18. Hamas won parliamentary seats in a 2006 election and then violently seized power from the Palestinian Authority in 2007.

Most of the population of Gaza was either not born yet or too young to vote .

Things are not as you have been told
Oh no! Yet they’re still there. Maybe half of Gaza should get rid of them. Or are they waiting for the Jews to do it for them?
Where did you pull that "March 2021" date from liar?
Right outta his ass.

It was 2006 and only for representatives to the PA Parliament. Hamas violently took over Gaza in 2007
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Right outta his ass.

It was 2006 and only for representatives to the PA Parliament. Hama violently took over Gaza in 2007
There’s a shocking result! That’s how every left wing dictatorship starts. There’s always that last vote that ends up with no more votes. Germany did it, so did China, and Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. And we’re supposed to care now? Why?
Whatever. The murdering slime in Gaza are accusing Israel of bombing a Hospital inside Gaza. Possible but more like, Hamas hit it themselves or tried to launch missiles from on top of the roof or extremely close to the building. And when one misfired, it set off the munitions stored by them inside the Hospital.

It is possible that the IDF did bomb it but it is not possible that they did it on on purpose.

In any case, the head of some group just backed out of a meeting with Biden. Nobody wants to talk to him.

Funny how our entire LSM ran the story that Israel bombed that hospital as the "Absolute "Truth" as soon as they got the word from -- Somebody.

I read it was run by the Episcopals, not the Baptists. Anyway, I am inclined to believe it was an Israeli missile just because of the size of the death toll. I am also inclined to believe we need to stay out of this and let both sides reach their tipping points on their own.

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